Old Athlumney Graveyard Committee
Vincent Mulvany 2002

Further information on some of the entries below together with a Cemetery map corresponding with the given numbers is contained in the original document available in the County Library in Navan.
1) MULLEN – In memory of Peets Mullen & Kit Mullen R.I.P.
2) LEE – Pat. Lee. Navan
3) SHERLOCK – Sherlock (Banjo) Decorated wrought iron cross behind old stone
mark near base of Holly Tree, South West Corner of graveyard.
4) BRADY – I H S. Sacred to the memory of Joseph Brady, Bridge St. Who died 28 Oct. 1966. His wife Mary Died 5. April 1974. And their son Thomas Joseph aged 6 months. R.I.P.
5) BRADY – Separate Headstone and Kerbs Brady Family.
6) MET – Erected by Margret Met in memory of her beloved Husband John Met who died May – 1880 aged 72 R.I.P.
7) LUMLEY – In Memory of William. A. G. Lumley the beloved child of William Henry and Kate Lumley. Born NovR14TH 1878. Died NovR 29th 1878.
8) WOLFE, CREIGHTON – Erected by Patk Wolfe. In memory of his Beloved Father John Wolfe, who died in the year 1843 aged 45 years. Peter Creighton died 27. Aug 1933. Kate Creighton died 18. June 1957 R.I.P. Pettigrue Navan
Inscription’s added on July 2003 Elisabeth Smith, died 12th May 1941, aged 56 yrs. Daughter of Margaret Smith who died 17th Aug. 1946, aged 59 years. And her husband Thomas Smith died 2nd Feb 1949, aged 71 yrs.
9) ……… – Decorated wrought iron Cross.
10) ……… – Decorated wrought iron Cross.
11 ROBINSON – Erected by Mrs. Maria Robinson in memory of her beloved Husband Mr. John Robinson. Who died 14th Decr. 1870. aged 42 years. Of your charity pray for the repose of his soul.
12) LAUGHRAN – Erected in memory of Ellen Laughran died 17th Feb. 1946. Mary Coogan Died 16th April 1969. Aged 16½ Yrs. Patrick Laughran died 24th March 1976
13) CLARKE – IHS Erected in memory of Kate Clarke. Who died 14th Feb. 1919 aged 43 years. Also her husband Thomas Clarke, died. 11th. June 1941 aged 76 years. And his brother James who died 5th Jan. 1941 Their son Joseph Clarke who died 3rd Nov. 1976 aged 72 Yrs. R.I.P. See No. 53.
14) ………. – ——— Also his Daugh—- Maggie who died the 26th April 1880 aged 10 years Also his father died Decr 22th 1889 aged 60 years. R.I.P.
Top half of headstone broken and missing leaving only the lower half with its inscription.
15) ……. – Large double plot, surrounded by concrete kerbing with iron cross.
16) DONEGAN – IHS —at this stone lies Intered the remains of James Donegan late of Navan who departed this life the 18th Febry 1796 aged 84 years.
17) PENTLAND – Here lieth the body of Thomas Pentland who departed this life May the 11th. 1772 aged 56 years also two of his sons lord have mercy on their souls. This Stone was erectd by Stephen Pentland in memory of his mothr Christian Pentland alias Rice who departed this life June the 21st. 1780 aged 50 years. See No 18 “PENTONY”
18) PENTONY – Erected by Thomas Pentony Commons Navan. In memory of his father Patrick. And his Unkle Stephen Pentony. Also his brother Charles who died 10th Oct 1983. Also his brother John died 28th March 1939 R.I.P. See No 17 “PENTLAND” and See No – 74
19) CASEY – Glory In Excelsis Deo IHS. Erected by Geoarge and James Casey In memory of their Father William Casey who departed this life July 1849 aged 62 years. Also his son John Casey who departed this life the first day Dece 1847 aged 30 years.
20) MANNON – Erected by Thomas Mannon in memory of his father James Mannon who died in Sept 10 1778 aged 96 yrs. Also his Mother Judith Connoly who died March 1st. 1750 aged 50 yrs. Also his Son Thomas Mannon died Febry 1785. Aged 21 years.
The above James Mannon who died in Sept 1778 aged 96 years is the oldest recorded age in Old Athlumney Graveyard.
The second is John Rice of Same age 96 years who died Dec1899, outside, east end wall of the church No 174
21) BRENNAN – —– ory of ———– n, —— 1961 Aged 70 years. —————
Their Son Michael died 1st July 1993. Eileen Brennan died 13th April 2000 aged 70 years. RIP See No 22
22) KANE – ACH DIEN The Leinster 114 Private P.Kane Leinster Regiment 3rd March 1919
This headstone is now part of the Brennan family Grave. See No- 21- 74
23) MOYLES – In Memory of Maggie Moyles. R.I.P. See Nos 29, 169
24) KENNAN – Here – – – of –D Kennan – -ha – -r-ed May – – – – d – yrs also of ye 1769 aged 60 years Also his so- –Kennan who departed this life ye 1767 aged 37 yrs
The bulk of this large headstone’s inscription is eroded and un- decipherable.
25) Square piece of stone marking the head of a grave.
26) KAVANAGH – Erected by Bridget Kavanagh of Navan in memory of her husband Patrick Kavanagh Died Feby 14th 1889 aged 50 years. R.I.P
27) HAMEL – Here lieth the body of Patrick Hamel who departed this life May the 4th 1764 aged 66 years alfo his wife Ch-iftian Hamel who depr May the 2nd 1775 aged 60 yrs
See No-17, Spelling of CHRISTIAN Alfo and Ch-iftian May be Phonetical spelling.
28) MOORE – My Jesus Mercy. In Loving memory of Bernard Moore ‘11 St Fenians Terrace Navan’ died Sept. 23RD. 1948 aged 66 Years. Erected By his friends in Navan and District R.I.P. Moore J. Dennett Ardbracken.
In Loving Memory Of Joseph Moore Harristown, Navan died 15th Dec. 1943. And his Wife Bridget died 27th March 1976. R.I.P. Erected by Their Loving Family.
The Headstone Erected To Bernard Moore By His Friends In Navan And District Branch Of The Fine Gael Party. See Nos 61,64.
29) MOYLES – In Loving Memory Of Mrs. Mary Moyles Liscartin died 18th Jan 1984 aged 54 Yrs. Her Daughter Mrs. Tady McGrane died 29th Jan 1977. Daughters Dillis and Nancy R.I.P. In Loving Memory of Jinny Donovan Died 20th July 2001 Eldest Daughter Of Mary Moyles R.I.P. See Nos 23, 169
30) REILLY – In Loving Memory Matthew Reilly and Family R.I.P. Decorated wrought iron cross with crucifix at centre and cut stone base.
31) MC CLUSKY – IHS Erected By Thomas Mc Clusky in memory Of his beloved Mother Ellen McClusky died. 29th. May 1899 aged 82 Years also my Father Hugh McClusky died June 21st. 1904 Aged 69 Years R.I.P. L.F. Harrison 19 Gt Brunswick St.
32) MURRAY – In Loving Memory of Mary Murray and their son Richard Murry.
33) CAHILL – Sacred Heart Of Jesus have mercy on the soul of Mrs Mary Cahill died 11th. Aug 1960 age 69 Yrs. Michael Cahill died 26th. Oct 1961 aged 73 years. Also their son Michael died 4th. Jan 1978 aged 61 Years. R.I.P See No 56
34) CRONIN – In loving memory of John Cronin 20 Connolly Ave. Died 5th July 1985 R.I.P. Erected By Ann.
35) – Half rounded piece of cut stone used to mark grave.
36) – Large piece of concrete with a broken iron cross.
37) COADY – Erected By Julia Coady In memory of her husband Thomas Coady died 7th April 1900, aged 76. Also her two children who died young. Also Julia Coady died 2nd June 1911. Thomas Corry Drogheda died 16th June 1916. His wife Margaret died 21 May 1947. Their son John died 27th May 1954. Their daughter Gertrude died 2nd March 1978. Ag Criost An Siol, Ag Criost An Fogmar: 1 N-Loclainn De Go Dcugcar Sinn.
Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on the soul of Thomas Corry Drogheda who died 11th. April 1937. And his sister Josephine Corry who died 1st. May 1937. R.I.P.
Statue to the Blessed Virgin, enclosed in a round niche near the South-West side of St James Church. Erected in memory of the Corry Family 1957.
38) KIERNAN – Erected By Bridget Kiernan Navan, In Loving Memory of her father Andrew Kiernan. died 1910. Also his wife Catherine. and his mother Mary. Also his children Patrick Andrew and Mary. R.I.P.
39) GERRARD – Erected By William Gerrard Navan in memory of his brother John Gerrard who died 24th. Feb. 1897. Also his mother Catherine Gerrard who died 6th. Aug. 1897. Also his son Thomas Gerrard who died 21st. Apr. 1898. R.I.P.
40) KEEFE – Large concrete cross Keefe (Medals & Mhoda) St Patricks Terrace, Michael – Electors List 1936-37 See No 41.
41) KEEFE – Large Concrete Cross Keefe (Medals & Mhoda) St Patricks Terrace Navan, Michael – Electors List 1936-37See No 40.
42) BRENNAN – Large wooden cross with “Brennan” written on it. See Nos -21-22.
43) CAHILL – ..ed Feb. Also Patrick Cahill died June 1874. Also Denis died June 18th 1883 Jane Cahill died June 24th 1883 Elizabeth Cahill died Aug 18th 1885 Thos Cahill died Octr 14th 1886 Catherine died Novr 1st 1887. Also Margaret Feby 22nd 1888. The top of this headstone is broken and missing.
44) MC GUINNESS – IHS Erected by John McGuinness in memory of his mother Bridget Mc Guinness who departed this life 12th April 1826 aged 46 years. Also his father Thos Mc Guinness who depd this life 16th May 1829 aged 65 yrs also his brothers & sisters.
45) COMISKEY – In loving memory of Catherine Comisky died 23 June 1936, her husband Edward died 13. Jan. 1949. Their son John (Jack) died 30 April 1976. R.I.P.
46) MC EVOY – IHS. Erected By Lawrence Mc Evoy of Navan in memory of his beloved wife Alice McEvoy alias Doyle and their two infant children. She departed this life the 4th day of August 1801 aged 38 years. Grant her Lord eternal rest and let perpetual light shine unto her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
47) CARPENTER – I.H.S Erected by James Carpenter of Navan in memory of his father James Carpenter who died on the 25th of Novr 1857 aged 68 years. Also the above James Carpenter died May 12th 1887 aged 56 years. Also Margaret Carpenter wife of the above James who died January 17th 1888 aged 40 Years. Requiescant In Pace.
48) FITZSIMONS – Mary Fitzsimons R.I.P. 29 June 1917
49) MAGUIRE – In loving memory of Kathleen Maguire (Nee Connor) 177 Kilcarn Court, Navan died 18th April 2001 aged 76 years. Nicky Connor died 19th August 2002 Rest in Peace. See No – 54
50) CAHILL – Cahill kerbed in plot with stone cross.
51) MASTERSON – In loving memory of Mrs Mary Masterson 58 Emmet Tce died 24th April 1958. Also her daughter Mary and great grandson John R.I.P. Erected by her grandson. See No 170
52) MC GINN – In loving memory of Elizabeth McGinn and her husband Thomas McGinn and their grandson David Martin McGinn R.I.P.
53) CLARKE – Erected By Lawrence Clarke Of Navan in memory of his beloved daughter Mary Jane who died 8th March 1869. Aged 2 years & 10 months.
See No – 13. Head stone cleaned of emulsion April 2003
54) CONNOR – In loving memory of Bridged Connor Emmet Tce, Navan died 3rd May 1944. Also her husband John died 28th Dec 1961. Also their grandchildren. Also daughter in law Katleen Connor died 8th Feb 2000 aged 80 yrs. Also baby Taylor Caroline died 4th March 2002 R.I.P. See No- 49
55) DOOLEY – IHS Pat Dooley died 10 May 1847.
(56) CAHILL – In memory of James Cahill died 8th July 1936. Mrs Annie Cahill, died 24th. Feb 1948. Her husband Thomas died 3rd Sept 1950. Elizabeth Cahill died 16th. March 1964. Her daughter Margaret died 27th Sept. 1970. John Cahill. died 21st May 1983. Joseph Cahill. died 28th. Feb 1985 also Andrew (Sonny) Cahill, died 28th. Dec 1993 R.I.P.
(Open Book Shape) In loving memory of John Cahill Died 21st May 1983 aged 74 years. R.I.P. In loving memory of Mrs Bridget Ratty 18 Parnell Park, died 21st April 1959. R.I.P. See No 33
57) BOYLAN – In loving memory of Andrew Boylan died. March 1908. Andrew J. Boylan died July 1912. Joseph Boylan killed In France Oct. 1917. Ellen Fitzsimons. died March 1923. Anne Boylan Died March 1933. Richard Boylan died Dec. 1965. Mrs Kathleen Boylan died July 1970. John Boylan died Oct. 1988 R.I.P. Christy Boylan died 30th May 1989.
58) Kerbed in gravel with small concrete cross.
59) MOCKLER – In loving memory of Thomas Mockler died 18th Jan. 1908. Also his wife Kate died 27th Oct. 1940. And their daughters Kathlean died 13th Jan.1961. Margaret died 21st May 1984.R.I.P.
60) FLANAGAN – In loving memory of Patrick Flanagan Academy St. died 24th April 1911. His wife Mary died 22nd Dec. 1943. Their son Hugh died 22nd Dec 1945 and their daughter Catherine died 21st June 1950. Also granddaughter Kathleen Margaret Fitzsimons and Christopher Flanagan James Flanagan Killed in action 1st July 1916 Battle of the Somme. R.I.P.
(61) MOORE – Kate Moore died 1939 kerbed in plot with two wrought iron crosses. See Nos 28-64
(62) MAGEE – In memory of Edward Magee died 12th Oct 1928. His wife Elizabeth died 4th Nov. 1903. Their son Philip died 7th Nov 1932. Also Mary Magee died 10th May 1948 and Hugh Magee died 27th May 1955. R.I.P.
63) BRADY – In memory of William Brady died 29th June 1975. R.I.P.
64) MOORE – In loving memory of Anna Moore, 15 Parnell Park, Navan , died 16th June 1985 aged 76 years. Her husband Thomas ( Tommy) died 17th Oct.. 1990 aged 82 years. Also Thomas Moore snr. died March 1932. And her son Matthew died March 1962. Forever in our hearts. R.I.P. MOORE. See Nos 28-61
65) COONEY – In loving memory of Thomas Cooney died May 1897, Mary Cooney died April 10th. 1967. Margaret Cooney died March 2nd 1972. R.I.P.
66) FINNEY – In loving memory of John Finney, 26 Connolly Ave, Navan died Sept. 1942 aged 44 yrs. His wife Mary Finney died 7th July 1967 aged 69 yrs. Also their beloved son John died 11 Aug, 2001, aged 67 yrs. Rest in Peace. Finney.
67) FARRELY – Large plot with kerbs, wrought iron cross.
68) PERCIVALL – Here lieth interred Mary Percivall alias Pomfry born in Lanark City, Scotland, died ye 16th ; of July 1752 aged 60 years. Lived in Amity 33 years with her husband Thomas Percivall Born in Longford Town Ireland , who laid this token of her true merit. He died the 3rd day of May 1763 aged 71 years. 33 yrs. Surveyor of Excise. Rests in The Merits of Christ .
69) FITZGERALD – I H S. This stone was erected by James Fitzgerald in memory of his wife Mary Fitzgerald who departed this life Septr: the 8th 1783 aged 44 years. Also his son William Fitzgerald.
70) CORMICK – I.H.S. Here lieth the body of Thos Cormick who departed this life in the year 1727 aged 50 years . And his wife Elin Hughs who departed this life in the year 1776 and in the 65th year of her age. This stone and buriel place belongeth to Hugh Cormick And his family. See No 71-72 Table Tomb, Mc Cormick
This Headstone is the Oldest Existing Inscription – that of THOMAS CORMICK 1727 in Old Athlumney graveyard
71) MC CORMICK – Large headstone, Inscription completely Erased.
It is more than likely that this headstone belonged to the McCormick Family from Simonstown as the Headstone on one side, and table tomb on the other (No – 70 72) are.
72) McCORMICK – Here lieth the remains of ——– Mc Cormick of Simonstown dep this life — — 1800 aged 63 yrs Also the body of the REVD ——- McCormick aged 45 yrs The body of Thomas McCormick Aged 5— The body of Georg McCormick aged 31 yRS Here —— body of Nichs Mc Cormick —— aged -0 years. And here also lieth the Mortal Remains The —–Patrick McCormick of Simonstown who departed this life on the -0 of —- —- aged — —. Erected by Patrick MC Cormick May their souls Rest in Peace Amen. See Nos- 70- 71)
Associated for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead, Ireland, 1910 Vol,VIII No. 2. Lord Walter Fitzgerald.
“The following inscription is now faint; it is cut on a table tomb, also on the south side”:-
Mc Cormick – Here lieth the Remains of Iames Mc Cormick of Simonsftown, depd this life on the 17 (?) of Nov2 1800 aged 63. Also the Body of the Revd Edward Mc Cormick aged 45 yrs; the Body of Thomas Mc Comick aged 54 yrs; the Body of George Mc Cormick aged 31 yrs. here alfo lieth the Body of Nich Mc Cormick, their father , aged 80 years And here also lieth the Mortal remains of the late Mr Patrick Mc Cormick of Simonstown who departed this life on the 20th of June aged 50 (?) years. May their Souls rest in peace Amen
This “inscription is now faint “ comment’s Lord Walter Fitzgerald in 1910, and has eroded more over the years as this recent recording made in March 2001 shows The second last line, “Erected by Patrick Mc Cormick” has either been omitted or added on since 1910.
No-73 BRADY – Charles Eugene Brady youngest son of James Brady and Jane his wife, who departed this life on the 22 of February 1855 in the 21 year of his age.
Also James Charles Brady Barrister at law his eldest brother born 7th September 1797 at Carrickmacross in the County of Monaghan died on the 5th October 1831 also James Brady their father who departed this life on the 18th September 1838 in the 73rd year of his age. Also their sister in law Anne Brady who departed this life on the 21st of January 1837 in the 29th year of her age. Also their mother Jane Brady who departed this life on the 18th of October 1846 in the 70th year of her age. Also their brother Edward Brady who departed this life on the 25th of September 1848 in the 43rd year of his age. Requiscant in Pace Amen See No-63
74) BRENNAN- IHS. Erected by Thos Brennan of Rathnally in memory of his son Thos Brennan who depd this life June the 11th 1832 aged 22 yrs. Also Chas Brennans wife Mary Brenn alias Pentony who depd this life March the 17th 1838 aged 21 years. Also in memory of the above Thos Brennan and his wife Bridget Brennan who died in 1856 aged 84 years. Also his son Charles Brennan who died on the 10th of October 1875 aged 71 years. See No-18
75) CHEVERS, GOFF – This large unlettered slab known as the Chevers-Goff, lies inside the Church ruins and is the oldest recorded inscription (1692) in the graveyard made by Issac Butler on his “ Journey to Lough Derg”, about 1740. Not a single word of it can be seen now. See copy R.S.A.I Part I Vol II April 1892.
76) LAWLOR – Erected by Michael Lawlor in memory of his beloved wife Jane Lawlor, who died Ist May 1882, aged 52 years. Also his sons Richard Lawlor, who died 13th April 1881, aged 19 years. And William Lawlor, who died 7th Septr 1884, aged 24 years. Also the above Michael Lawlor,died 10th Oct. 1907 aged 78 years. R.I.P.
77) FARRELL- In memory of Bridget Farrell, Emmett Tec. Also Walter Farrell. R.I.P.
78) KIERNAN, CREGAN – Erected by John Kiernan of Navan in memory of his beloved mother Anne Kiernan who died in 1842 aged 72 years. And his sister Bridget Kiernan who died in July 1862 aged 54 years. Also his brother James who died 22nd of Decr 186? aged 56 years.
Patrick Cregan died June 6th. 1920 aged 51. Hughie Cregan died 16th. June 1926 aged 16. Michael Cregan died Sept 11th. 1952. Bridget Cregan died Mar 19th. 1942. Mrs Margaret Cregan died Aug 8th 1950 Requescant in Peace Amen.
In loving memory of Margaret Cregan 16 Emmet Tce, Navan died 23rd Feb 1985 aged 90 years. Her brother Joseph died 13th Aug 1986 aged 67 years. Also James Cregan died 23rd Dec.1992 aged 95 yrs .R.I.P.
79) DONEGAN – In memory of John Donegan17th MarH 1848 dept this life at the aqge of 48 years. Also his wife Anne Donegan who died 17th February 1878 age 62 years. Also his son John Donegan who died 7th April 1902 aged 60 years. Also his daughter Anne Donegan who died 8th Oct 1906 aged 62 years. May their Souls rest in Peace.
80) DOWNY – Here lieth the body of Judith Downy decea,d May 14. 1767 See No-81
81) DOWNEY – Here lieth the remains of Wm Downey’s Parents. Friends. May they and all the Souls of the faithful Depd Rest in peace Amen. Here also are intered the remains of William Downey who Depd this life on the 20th March 1849 aged 64 years. And also his wife Catherine Downey who Depd this life on the 15th of March 1870 aged 74 years. R.I.P. See No-80)
82) DOWD – To the memory of our dear relative Mrs Catherine Dowd who died 16th Decr 1796 aged 72 years. This Stone is Erected By WM –Morjorett Granger.
Requiescant in Pace. This headstone has been re-erected after been broken by a large crack.
83) This large headstone has no legible inscription top half has been re-erected due to large crack in stone.
84) LEDWIDGE – In loving memory of Lawrence Ledwidge who died January : 1884, .Also his son James, who died young Also William Curran who died 13 March : 1894. Also his beloved wife Julia Ledwidge who died 23 Mar : 1907 Also Margaret Ledwidge died 13th July 1921
85) REDMOND – IHS. Erected by Elizabeth Redmond in loving memory of her son Andrew Redmond died 25th. Aug. 1890 aged 25 years. Also his brother John died 15th.Septh 1891 aged 29 years R.I.P
86) SMITH – Erected by John Smith of Navan in fond memory of his father James Smith who died 10th march 1903 aged 70 years. Also his mother Mary who died 15th April 1885, aged 45 years. Also hios sister Mary who died 5th Novr 1887, aged 25 years. Also Patrick Smith, who died 14th May 1896, aged 72 years. Also James Smith (Flower Hill) died March 1919. And his wife Kate died April 1919. R.I.P. George Smith Flower Hill died 5th Feb 2003
87) MC KIERNAN – Erected by Michael and Maryanne McKiernan in memory of their Ancestors 1886
In loving memory of Mary Ann Boylan. McKiernan family. William Farrelly
I.H.S. In loving memory of George and Elizabeth Mc Kiernan St Finians Tce, Navan
Mrs Boylan and Mrs Mitchell
88) MULLE?(N), MC NALLY – pray for the souls of Anne Mulle?(n)—, Father & Mother , Sisters & Brothers ,Friends & Relatives R.I.P.
MC NALLY- In loving memory Patrick McNally 1936. Thomas Murtagh 1941, Rose Ann Murtagh 1972 . Mary Woolhouse 1983, Thomas McNally Jan, 1994, Joseph (Joe) Reilly died 13th Dec 2000,
(Open Book) – A loving husband father and grandfather. Each one thought the world of you. For us you always did your best God grant your soul eternal rest. Our hearts are full of memories with pride we speak your name though life goes on without you. It will never be the same Love Sheena, Tony and Sean
89) COLLINS – Iron Cross with “Collins” name painted on.
90) LEE – IHS This tomb was erected by Mrs Margaret Lee alias McKnna in memory
of her beloved Husband and son. Here lyeth the remains of Mr John Lee Late of Navan Tanner who departed this life the 19th day of August 1786 aged 66 years. Also the remains of Mr James Lee his son who departed this life the 24th of January 1784 aged 23 years. May they rest in peace Amen. Here lieth the remains of Margaret Lee alias McKenna who departed this life the 11 of September 1801 aged 68 years.
91) LYNAGH – Christopher Lynagh died 18th January 1933 aged 65 years. Kevin Lynagh died 5th March 1931 aged 11 days. Forever in my thoughts your Loving Daughter and Sister Elizabeth R. I . P .
92) MC GRANE – In loving memory of Molly McGrane died 8th June 1934. Her husband Michael died 28th Dec. 1975. His Mother Mary McGrane died 7th May 1949. Also their daughter Peggy died 8th, Jan 2000. Rest in Peace.
93) GRAHAM – In loving memory of Catherine Graham 29 Connolly Avenue, Navan died 23rd Dec. 1957 aged 67 years. Her Husband James died 21st March 1942 aged 49 yrs. Their daughter Nellie died 4th Dec 1929 aged 17 yrs. Also his father in law Patrick Cregan died 11th Nov. 1941 aged 70 years. And his wife Ellen died 18th April 1945 aged 78 years. Also their children and grandchildren.In loving memory of Winfred Crahan Vannart. Resided in Western Australia 23rd June 1933- 26th June 1996 dearly cherished mother of Tony, Allan, Linda and Susan. Blessed are those who know the Love of this Beautiful, Selfless Lady who touched all around her with a wealth of Love, Laughter and Wisdom. What the heart once had and held it shall never lose. A Mother’s Love lives forever “Simply the Best”. Sleep Peacefully.
94) LYNCH – IHS Erected by John Lynch in memory of his Mother Ann Lynch and his Bro.TR Thomas Lynch. ——- .
95) KENNY – IHS Erected by James Kenny in memory of his beloved wife Mary who depd this life on the 30th of Nov 1867 aged 48 years. Also the above James Kenny who died 6th July 1877 aged 58 years. Requiscant In Peace.
96) MORAN – Iron Cross fixed into concrete base. James and Margaret , Elector List Navan 1936-37
97) Decorated wrought Iron Cross with inscription on piece of metal – painted over.
98) KANGLEY – Pray for The Soul of Peter Kangley who departed this life 28th February 1851. And his wife Alice, who died 13th March 1873 aged 69 years. Also their children Mary, who died 9th July 1860 and James who died young. Also their daughter Bridget. The beloved and loving wife of Henry McNally who departed this life on 17th of November 1890 aged 51 years.
99) TULLY – In Proud and loving memory of Margaret Tully died 20th November 1960. Her father Pat Duignan died 27th May 1926 aged 58 yrs. Her mother Bridget Cannon Row died 1919. Also their sons Billy died 6th May 1935 aged 37 yrs. John died 14th Oct 1943 aged 61 yrs. Patrick (Packie) died 1st Jan 1968. Also Kate beloved wife of John died 21st July 1945 aged 63 years. On whose Soul Sweet Gesus have Mercy. Erected by her Husband and Family R.I.P.
100) BRENNAN – This stone was erected by Mary Brennan of Navan in memory of her husband John Brennan who departed this life on the 10th day of February 1806 aged 47 years also Edward his son who departed this life the 16th day of March aged 14 years. May they Rest in Peace.
(Pained on piece of wood)
In Memory of Christopher Palles, Henry Palles also his wife Delia Palles also Patrick Pallis R.I.P.
101) Wrought Iron Cross marking grave.
102) DUNN – Here lieth the body of John Dunn who departd this February the 21st 1777 aged 53 years. Also his wife Elenor Dunn alias Byrne who died February the 20th 1777 aged 57 years.
103) Base of headstone.
104) BYRNE – Erected to the memory of Marcella Byrne who departed his life on the 21st of Decr 1857 aged 75 years. And of her son Patrick Byrne who depd this life on the 3rd of September 1860 aged 51 years. Also Julia the beloved wife of Lawrence Byrne who depd this life on the -5th of September 1872 A—D — –ars. Requisant in Peace.
A large crack across the middle of this table tomb has erased Julia Byrne’s date of death, and age.
105) MALONE – Erected to the memory of John Malone who depd this life Octr 10 AD 1812 aged 66 years. Erected by Mrs Lena Henneings. In loving memory of her father James Malone who died 22nd Sept 1895 also her mother Mary who died 8th Dec. 1914. R.I.P. Erected in loving memory of John Malone, Railway St. Navan. who died 7th. Dec 1956 aged 73 years “Our Lady of Lourdes Pray for him “ R.I.P.
106) KEAPPOCK- In memory of James Keappock his son James his brother John
107) MALONE- Plot directly in front of No-105.
108) O’CALLAGHAN – Erected by Patrick O’ Callaghan, In loving memory of his beloved wife Marion, who died 5th September 1911. See Nos 98, 146.
109) MAHON- Erected by Kathleen Mahon In loving memory of her father Patrick Mahon who died May 25th 1923. And her mother Mary Anne who died May 18th 1930. Also her sister Ann Connie Duignan who died Oct 23rd 1921. Also Patrick Mahon who died 7th Dec. 1962 aged 83 years. Also the above Kathleen (Daisy) Mahon died 24th Oct. 1974 aged 80 years. On whose souls sweet Gesus have mercy. R.I.P.
110) RICE- This stone was erected by James Rice in memory of his father John Rice who departed this life ye 1ST day of –ebrihry 1783 aged 70 yrs Also his mother Mary Rice alias Cox who departed this life the 18 day of March –02 aged – years.See Nos 114,173, 174
111) RATTY – In loving memory of John Ratty 19 Connolly Ave died 10th March 1973 Also Jane Cox died 10th May 1941 Jack Cox died 17th March 1945 Margaret Kelly died 1959. James Ratty died 11th May 1980. Teresa Fauckner died 5th March 1989. R.I.P. Erected by the Ratty Family. See Nos 150-6F.
112) KELLY – John Kelly 1875-1931. Mary Kelly 1911-1983. Michael J. Kelly 1915-1996. Sean Kelly 1924-1986. Helen Kelly 1943-2 mts. Erected by his loving wife Jane & family.
113) HAUGHY – Here lieth the body of Nicholas Haughy of Proudstown who departed ys life y e 8th day of May 1739 aged 66. Also his wife Ann Burne who depared March ye 10th 1754 AGED 60 years. Requesant in Peace. Moved to back wall, east end of St James Church.
114) RICE – Here lieth the Body of Mary Rice alias Morgan who depar. this life the 2nd of Oct:r in the ye.r of our Lord 1772 aged 60 years. See Nos -110, 173, 174.
115) TAFFE – Gloria in Excelsis Deo IHS Here lies the remains of Nicholas Taffe who depd this life the 13TH of Novr; 1820 aged 71 yrs also of Michael Clarke who depd this life the 18th of Decr 1831 aged 38 years also his wife Jane Clarke alias Taffe, who departed this life on the 30th of Decr; 1838 aged 39 years. Also of Michael Taffe Inspector of Works Boyne Navigation who depd this life on the 27th day of Decr; 1853 aged 70 years. And of Michael Denning who depd: this life on the 25th of August 1875 aged 59 years. R.I.P.
116) METGE – In 1895 Joseph H. Moore (County Engineer) in his “Notes on the History of Navan” recorded the Latin inscription, translated into English by Fr. Tom. Hanahoe reads:- This monument was erected 30 May in the year of our lord 1803 Peter Metge of Athlumney family of Meath recently Baron of the Irish Exchequer for neighbours and kinsfolk exceptionally beloved as a sign of great affection. See No 98.
117) Map mentions a Rev Thom. Magieet as buried here. No mention in any priest lists.
118) BARKER – Erected by William Barker, in memory of his father and mother Thomas Barker, died Jan 31st 1853 aged 61 years Mary Barker, died June 26th 1812, aged 47 years, Also his brother Thomas Barker who died Nov 10th 1832, aged 8 years.
119) COLDRICK – IHS Edward Coldrick of Navan in memory of his beloved wife Marcella Coldrick who dep this life on the 5th of April 1875 aged 47 years. Also two of his children who died young. Of his daughter Lizzie who died on the 1st of April 1876 aged 21 years. The above Edward Coldrick died on the 6th of August 1870 aged 52 years.
120) Hillard – IHS Here lyeth the body of Elisabeth Hillard who died the 22nd of June 1793 aged 64 yrs Erected by Michael Hillard Also the body of Michael Hillard who depd this life April the 4th 1840 aged 77 years Also his wife Anne Hillard who departed this life January the 1st 1845 aged 68 yrs Requiescant in pace. Amen.
IHS Erected by Nicholas Russell, of Navan In memory of his beloved Mary, daughter of Michael Hillard, who died 30th March 1874, aged 81 years.
121) Waters – In loving memory of John Waters. Commons Navan. Died 17th July 1934 aged 75 years R.I.P.
122) Large grave, kerbed in, wrought Iron Cross with metal p— no inscription.
123) TIMMON – In the name of God Amen – This monument was erected by Mr John Timmon of Navan to the memory of his dearly belovid wife Frances who departed this life on the 26th day of Febry AD 1822 in the 32nd year of her age As also in affectionate remembrance of his deceased parents and family. Also his 2nd son Thos; E: Timmon who died of the fever on the 3rd June 1838 in his 26th year. Also the above named Mr John Timmon who died on the 21st day of November 1861 in the 3rd month of his 73rd year. And also of his son William Thimmon Esqre who departed this life on the 9th day of January 1872 in the 55th year of his age; Ethel Timmon aged 2 months died 6-5-1913. Mrs Mgt Timmon aged 80 years died 7-1-18, Requiescant in Peace Amen.
124) Murry – In memory of Murry family 1 & 14 St Patricks Tce Navan R.I.P. See No 125
125) Murray – In loving memory of Mary Anne Murray died 2nd Feb. 1921. Samuel Murray died 15th May 1924. Samuel Murry died 18th April 1929. Matthew Murry died 19th Dec 1941. Annie Murray died 17th June 1974. John Murray died 4th May 1975 R.I.P.
126) KEIRNAN – IHS Erected by Richard Ke____ nan in memory of his daughter Margt. Murphy alias Keirnan died April 20th 1797 aged 23 years. Also Sally Keirnan alias McDanniel wife to Patrick Keirnan of Navan who died the 4th. of Febr. 1828 aged 54 yr.
127) LALWAY – Mary A. Lalway died Mar. 17. 1902 aged 79 years. From her loving daughter Kate. This unusual headstone in the shape of a cross covered in tree bark with a winding root plant growing at base & was sculpted in America
128) FOX – Here lieth the body of Mary Fox alias Ward who departd this life Feby. the 6 1750 aged 36 years Also her husband Robt. Fox who departd July 20 1780 aged 58 years Also Ann Fox alias Rooney died Septt. 5 1792 aged 42 years Anne Fox 21.6.1922. Kate Quinn 23.10.1938. Patrick Fox 26.7.1956. Margaret Fox 7.9.1982. Nan Brennan 14.7.1988. Patrick Fox died 6th October 1996. Michael Brennan died 11th March 2002
129) MC EVOY – Erected to the memory of James McEvoy Cannistown, who died 12. Oct 1901. By his friend Major Collins. His brother John McEvoy who died 29 Dec 1902. Their mother Rose, who died 7 March 1904. And their father Matthew, who died 12. March 1862. See Nos – 130-131
130) MC EVOY – IHS This stone was erectd. by Nicholas Mc Evoy for himself and his posterity – Also in memory of Richard Mucaghon 1777. See Nos – 129-131.
Last line of inscription buried under the ground “Mucaghon 1777” (See photos)
131 MC EVOY – I H S Erected by Reverend Nicholas McEvoy in memory of his sister Mary who departed this life of February —– aged -5 years and his father William who died the – of January aged – 4 years. Of his – her who o —– of —- 1823 aged – 3 May they rest in peace Amen. See Nos – 129-130.
132) KELLY – Pray for the soul of Samuel Kelly, (Trim) who died 5th July 1941. Also his parents and relatives.
133) KEARNS – This stone was erected by James Kearns in memory of his wife Mary Kearns alias Wa___ who departed the 20th of March 1813 aged -8 years. This headstone is held together in two p___ by two pieces of iron drilled through the sto___ leaving parts of the inscription unreadable.
134) ROGERS – In loving memory of Mary Rogers died 21st July 1974 Her husband Henery died 19th Feb. 1956 Their son Patrick died 22nd June 1998 aged 80 years R.I.P.
135) CAROLAN – In loving of memory of Rose Carlan 21 Connally Ave. died 6th Feb. 1953. Also her sons Stephen died 6th March 1960 and Andrew died 18th Feb. 1984 Patrick died 7th March 1987. Michael died March 1981 John died March 1979 Their father John died March 1948 Elizabeth Carolan died 22nd April 1994 R.I.P.
136) Meseremin mei miseremini Mei saltem vos amici mei May the Lord have mercy on the soul of Patrick Boyle who died on the 18th of January 1876. And on the soul of his beloved wife Rose who died on the 3rd of April 1864. See Nos 138, 175
137) GRAHAM – In loving memory of James & Kate Graham Patrick & John Graham Richard & Jane Kerrigan Their daughter Susan Also baby Eileen Graham R.I.P.
138) Erected by Patrick Boyle in memory of his fatherr and mother Also his wife Eliza Beth Boyle alias Mullin who departed the 14 of June 1814 aged 40 yr.s See Nos 136, 175
139) Hand forged Iron Cross
140) GAYNAN – Dr. James Joseph Gaynan, C.C. of Navan. This monument was erectecd by the parishioners of Navan, in memory of the Very Rev. James Joseph Gaynan, D.D., graduate of Propaganda, missionary apostolic, prelate of Montelletta, and late assistant to the Right Rev. Dr. Plunkett, Roman Catholic Bishop of Meath. The short term of two years completed the ministry of this young divine, which he supported with remarkable dignity and grace. By his powerful eloquence and pathetic appeals he gained many a soul to Christ. His entire time was occupied in discharging the sacred duties of his calling, and in administering the Bread of Life to the hungry. He lived in the hearts of his parishioners, and died, universally lamented, the 31st of August, in the year of our Lord 1826, and the 26th year of his age. Requiescat in pace.
141) FITZPATRICK – Erected by Anne Fitzpatrick of Navan In memory of her brother Hugh Fitzpatrick who died April 20th 1891 aged 50 years The above Anne Fitzpatrick who died 8th March 1912 aged 70 years.
142) MC DONNELL, O’HANGAN, GILLICK – In memory of Hugh Mc Donnell Elizabeth Mc Donnell Sep 1962 R.I.P.
In memory of our Beloved Parents Phyllis O’Hangan died Oct 1984 Joesph O Hangan Died 7 June 1979 R.I.P.
Keith Gillick 15-9- 1991. Find the softest pillow Lord to rest his head upon, place a kiss upon his cheek and tell him who its from.
143) FORDON – Erected by Sarah Murphy of Navan in memory of her Grandfather Cornelius Fordon who depd this life the 20th of March 1820 aged 76 yrs. Also her beloved Mother Elizabeth James who depd this life the 11th of May 1834 aged 57 yrs .
144) DONNELLEY – I H S. Erected by John Donnelley in memory of his Brother Patrick who died Septr . the 16th. 1812 aged 44 yrs also six of the Foresaid Johns infant Children
145) MAGRATH – “Here lyeth ye body of ye Rev. Henry Magrath, Priest in ys parish, who departed ys life August ye 22, 1769, Aged 48. Requiescat in pace. This stone was erected by Laurence Griffin, of ye (erased) In memory of his said Rev. Brother-in-law.”
146 CURRY – IHS. Erected By Wm Curry to perpetuate the memory of his beloved parents his father Charles Curry died March 20th 1832 aged 47 years his Mother Mary Curry died April 17th 1835 aged 52 yrs also his brother and sister Patrick and Judeth Curry.
147) REILLY – Erected by Peter Reilly, Drogheda, In memory of his Mother Mary. who died Dec 8th 1880. His Father Edward, who died Feb 25th 1887, and his Sister Catherine, who died April 16th 1895. R.I.P. See No148
148) REILLY – Gloria in Excelsts Deo. IHS. Erected by James Reilly of Navan in memory of his Father Peter Reilly who died on the 21st; of March1834 aged 77 years. And his Mother Catherine Reilly who died on the 9th; of Decr: 1857 aged 75 years Also his aunt Judeth Bird who died on the 10TH, of DecR; 1867 aged 85 years. See No 147.
149) TIGHE – Erected by Luke Tighe of Navan In memory of his Father James Tighe
(above painted on piece of metal). Luke Tighe died February 1916 his wife Kate Tighe Died 8TH – – – – 1916 Annie Brady Died Ist – – – – 1917 – – – FROM – – – – – – – – . R.I.P.
150) – In Loving Memory of Ellen Brecknell late of 48 St Marys Park Died 29TH Sept. 1963. And her son James Died 12th Dec 1942. Also her Father James Coughran died 5TH June 1932. And her Husband James Died 20th March 1982. R.I.P. XXXXXXXX
151) RATTY – In loving memory of Rose Ratty and son Paddy erected by Ratty Family Abbeylands Cresent Navan
In loving memory of Rose Ratty Parnell Park died 9th Febuary 1945. Her son Paddy died 27th January 1980 her daughter Kathleen died 5th Febuary 1991 Rest in Peace. Ratty
New Headstone and surrounding kerbs – august 2001
152) O’ROURKE – In loving memory of Hugh O’ Rourke New Lane died 8th April 1902. His wife Rose died 24th Sept. 1923. Their Daughters & Sons, Grandaughters & Grandsons Parents, friends & Relatives. I Líontaibh dé go d-tugtar sinn
153) CAHILL – Mollie and Freddie Masterson. Large grave with concrete kerb, Wrought Iron …..
154) MC Gillick – Large kerbed in garve beside boundery wall, old mar… stone beside ivy covered headstone, new headstone with McGillick inscribed on it.
155) JONES – IHS Erected by George Jones Navan. In memory of his brother Charles, who died June 11th 1870. His mother Mary Jones. Who died Jan 23rd 1877. His sister Maryanne. Who died March 23rd 1879. His brother John. Who died Sept 24th 1885. And his brother William. Who died June 26th 1889. George Jones died May 24th 1891 aged 49 years. R.I.P.
156) BYRNE – In loving memory of Robert Byrne aged 13 Years. Who was drowned on 25th Janury 1910 Also his father Thomas who died 1910 his mother June who died 4th April 1930 daughter (?)Aary Ann R.I.P.
157) GOGGAN – Sackred to the memory of James Goggan Esqr of Belmont who departed this life on the 4th April 1838 aged 50 years. Her also are intered the remains of his mother Mrs Judeth Goggan who died at the age of 70 years. And of his daughter Susanna aged 5 years.
158) SMYTH – Large Concrete Cross. See No 159.
159) RIELLY – In loving memory of John Rielly his wife Elisabeth Rielly his brother Joseph Rielly his daughters Elisabeth Rielly & Rita Hodge 45 Emmet Tce Navan
160) DUFFY – Large kerbed in ploy with hand forged Iron Cross with decoration.
161) CLARKE – In memory of John (Sean) Clarke died 29. Sept. 2000 aged 60 And his brother Denis Noel Clarke 29-12-1938 16-1-1939 R.I.P.
162) ROURKE – Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on the soul of Mary Anne Rourke, St Finians Tce Navan died 23rd July 1931 aged 46 years. Our beloved Mother Grandmother and Great Grandmother. Ar dheis de go raib a h-anam. See No 152.
163) DUFFY – R.I.P. Bridget Annie Jonny Duffy. Wrought iron cross
164) GILSENAN – In loving memory of the Gilsenan Family Ludlow Street Navan R.I.P.
165) NUGENT – Mary Ann and Katie Nugent
166) GORMAN, MOCKLER – IHS. In loving memory of Catherine Gorman Chaple Lane, Navan died 1884. Her husband Thomas died 1895. Richard Mockler died 1894. His wife Margret died 1913. Rest In Peace Gorman Mockler new headstone- Erected January 2003
167) Large wooden cross with R.I.P at its centre.
168) CALLAGHAN – Iron Cross with Callaghan Painted on it.
169) O’TOOLE – In proud and loving memory of a cherished Wife, Mum and Nana Margaret (Betty) O’Toole died 15th October 1999. Rest in Peace. To the world she was but one but to us she was the world.
170) MASTERSON – IHS. In loving memory of Michel Masterson Jnr 36 St Finians Tce Navan died 23rd March 1932 aged 18 years. Baby Mary Ann Kane aged 3 months Always loved by your family R.I.P. Masterson.