St. Kinneth’s Graveyard
Ballivor, Co. Meath. Recorded by Noel French April 2012

Cooke To the memory of Jean Alexandra Cooke, beloved wife of James Henderson Cooke, Ballyclare, Longwood, Co. Meath died July 24th 1939 aged 28 years. And of the above James Henderson Cooke died November 2nd 1978 aged 78 years. Thy will be done.
Cox In loving memory of our dear father Joseph Cox died 13 February 1894. Also of our dear mother Sarah died 8 June 1904. There remaineth there for a rest to the people of God. Heb. IV. 9.
Jackson In loving memory of our dear daughter Evelyn Jackson died 22nd Aug 1937 aged 13 years. And in loving memory of our dear father and mother Thomas Jackson died 17th March 1955 aged 65 years. And Susan Jackson died 14th May 1976 aged 84 years. Forever with the Lord. Also their daughter Susan died 30-5-01 aged 78. Abide with me.
Johnston In loving memory of mother Eliza Johnston 1853-1897.
Lewis In loving memory of Charles T. Lewis who died 23rd February 1939? aged 76 years. And of his wife Ada Frances Lewis who died … 1945? Aged …years.
Lewis In loving memory of George Lewis, Stoneyford, died 25th May 1990, aged 75 years. The Lord is my Shepherd.
Lewis In loving memory of Harriett R. Lewis late of Moyfeigher, died 22 July 1949.
Lewis In loving memory of Robert Lewis, Kilmurray, Trim, died 25th November 2001, aged 76 years. Forever with the Lord.
Lewis In loving memory of Thomas Lewis, Moyfeigher, died 14th October 1942. His wife, Daisy Harriet, died 25th July 1975. Their daughter, Mary Anne, died 7th April 1976. Also their grandson, David H. died 10 Dec. 1957. Brief life is here our portion.
McCabe In loving memory of William McCabe, Kilmer, who died 24 Dec 1912 aged 73 years. Erected by his wife & children. Also in memory of our dear mother Ellen died 2 Nov 1921 aged 81 years. Also aunt Bessie Jackson died 4th July 1931. And sister Elizabeth Wiseman died 29th June 1937. Aslo brother Richard McCabe died 21st Jan 1940. And brother John J. died July 22nd 1948 age 88 years. Peace perfect peace.
Mackintosh In loving memory of Alexander Mackintosh died January 12th 1911 and his wife Mary A. Mackintosh died Jany 19th 1935. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Matt. V. 8.
Peirce In memory of William H. Peirce died July 1933. His wife Anne died Dec. 1900. Their children: John died Nov. 1958. Thomas died April 1966. Emily died July 1967. And Kathleen died Aug. 1978.
Preston Decimus William, eldest and dearly beloved child of Rev. J.E. & Elizabeth Preston died January 18 1879 aged 5 years. He shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom. ISA 40. 11. Also their beloved child Wm. Brooke died October 17th 1882 age 2 years. Till he come.
Shaw In memory of George Shaw of Robinstown, Ballivor who died 19th August 1908 aged 75 years. Also his wife Jane Shaw who died aged 40 years & of their son George who died 14th July 1902 aged 24 years. Erected in loving memory of the above by their daughter Mary Anne Shaw. Also in loving memory of Mary Anne Shaw daughter of the above died 8 April 1915 aged 32 years.
Taylor Thomas H. Taylor, Parkstown House, Ballivor died 25th April 1935 aged 57. Blessed are the pure in heart for they sahll see God. Louisa Mary Taylor died 3rd Janaury 1968. Charlotte R. Godkin died 27th December 1983 aged 93.
Thompson – In loving memory of E.A. Frances Thompson, sister of the Revd. Charles E. Thompson, died 21st September 1955