Brannockstown Graveyard
Gravestone Inscriptions in alphabetical order. Noel French.
BALFE – Erected in loving memory of our dear mother, Elizabeth Balfe, Boards Mill, Trim, who died on 26th January 1933 aged 75 years. Also her beloved grandson, Willie Flood, who died the 3rd February 1916. James Flood who died on the 18th December 1965 aged 87 years. His wife, Mary May, died 26th October 1966 aged 84 years.
CONNOLLY – In loving memory of Rose and John Connolly, Boardsmill. Their great grandson baby, William Mooney. Rest in Peace.
COWLEY – In loving memory of James Cowley died 24th March 1939. His wife, Mary, died 3rd October 1978. Baby daughter, Mary, died 29th December 1929.
DALY – Here lieth the body of Mary Daly, alias Sheredan, who died 10th April 1799 aged 71 years. This monument was erected by her husband, Frances Sheredan, and their sons, Patrick, James and Frances. Memoria: St. Patrick was born the year 373 that is 1417 years since. He began to preach …….
DORAN – Erected to the memory of Patrick Doran who departed this life 17 March 1860 aged 83 years. Also his father and mother, William and Julia Doran, who died January 1808. Also Patrick Doran died 5th February 1961 aged 70 years.
DUNNE – In loving memory of Paddy Dunne, Bellewstown, died 21st January 2009 aged 93 years. And remembering the Dunne family. Rest in Peace.
FARNAN – Erected by Thomas Farnan in memory of his loving wife, Jane Farnan, died 26th March 1896 aged 31 years. Laurence Farnan died 3rd January 1946. His father, Thomas, died 25th October 1948.
FARRALL – Erected by Margaret Farrall in memory of her husband, Richard Farrall, who departed May the 26th 1801 aged 56 years. May he rest in peace. Amen.
FARRELL – Erected by Margaret Farrell in memory of her beloved father, Robert Farrell, died 30th April 1830 aged 40 years. Also her beloved mother, Mary Farrell, died 27th March 1962 aged 75 years. And her beloved brother, James Farrell, died 8th May 1874 aged 50 years.
GORMAN – This stone was erected by Patrick Gorman of the City of Dublin, Grocer, in memory of his father, Martin Gorman, late of Castletown in this county, whose remains is here interred, who departed this life the 8th January 1804 in the 50th year of his life. Here lieth the body of the above named, Patrick Gorman, who died the 19th June 1824 ….
HOEY – Erected by Michael Hoey, Brannoxtown, in memory of his parents, sister and wife. Michael Hoey died 27th September 1968.
KEARNEY – Erected by Michael Kearney of Gilbertstown in memory of his father, Bryan Kearney, who died 27th April 1860 aged 74 years and of his mother, Mary Kearney, alias Tyrrell, who departed this life 3rd May 1845 aged 56 years. His wife, Mary Kearney, alias Byrne, died 14th January 1876 aged 51 years. And of her brother, Richard and his sisters Bridget and Mary who died young.
KEEFE – Erected by Michael Keefe in pious memory of his beloved wife, Bridget Keefe, who departed this life the 2nd September 1818 aged 47 years.
MC GRATH – IHS. Erected by Bridget McGrath, Dogstown, in memory of her parents, Patrick and Rose McGrath. Also her sisters: Jane McGrath, Julia Goorey, Mary Roarke, Rose Keogh, Bridget Rochford. Also William Rochford who died 15 December 1913 aged 28 years.
MAHER – Erected by Patrick Maher, Trim, in loving memory of his wife, Elizabeth (Lillie) died 23rd February 1913 aged 32 years.
O’BRYAN – Here lieth the body of Judith O’Bryan, alias Castolo, deceased May the 3rd 1753 aged 35 years. Also the body of Daniel O’Bryan deceased April 5th 1757 aged 53 years. This stone was erected by Patrick, son of the above.
QUINN – In memory of Jim (Sam) Quinn, Doolistown, died November 23rd 1964 aged 57 years. First Chairman of Boardsmill GAA club in 1944. Erected by Boardsmill GAA in 2009 to commemorate GAA 125 years. Rest in Peace.
REILLY – IHS. Here lieth the body of Phillip Reilly, Doolistown, who departed 12?th September 1817 aged 40 years, who erected this stone in memory of his father, Bryan Reilly, who departed the 2nd of March 179?1 Aged 53 years. Also his mother alias Reilly who departed the 27th of September 1802 aged 3?6. Also his sister, Mary Reilly, who departed the 1st of January 1814 aged 43 years. Also his wife, Margaret Reilly, who departed 27th January 1816 aged 30 years.
SCHOLEY – IHS. Here lieth the body of W. Scholey who dept…. (Rest buried)
SMITH – Erected by Michael Smith, Doolistown, Co. Meath, in memory of his beloved wife, Mary Smith, who departed this life 3rd January 1876 aged 59 years. Also his mother, Mary Smith, died 15th September 1867 aged 67 years.
SMYTH – Erected by John Smyth in memory of his beloved wife, Mary Smyth, who died 6th November 1903 aged 84. John Smyth died 25th March 1910 aged 70.
STENSON – This stone was erected by David Stenson in memory of his father, John Stenson, who departed this life the 1st day of April 1788 aged 62 years. Here also lieth the bodies of his brothers and sisters ……
WALSH – Erected by James Walsh in memory of his father, Patrick Walsh, who died the 18th December 1838 aged 78. Mary Walsh died on the 13th of February 1849 aged 74 years. Thomas Walsh died 1st of October 1869 aged 73 years. Margaret Herbert and child died on the 7th April 1867 aged 34. Margaret Herbert died 27th July 1899 aged 37 years. James Herbert died 4th December 1942 aged 80 years. Rose Herbert died 4th November 1952 aged 61 years.