Recorded by James Garry

Ideal weather and conditions in June 1981 added to the easy transcription of all stones above ground and only three stones showed signs of flaking. There are two hundred and sixty three (263) inscriptions with two hundred and thirty eight (238) different Surnames, the most common being Harpur, Courtnay, Cairnes, Smith and Reilly.
Occupations recorded include five Rectors, one priest, eleven Army and Airforce, Sea Captains, Merchants, a Member of Parliament, a Sheriff, a Mayor of Drogheda and a Port Surveyor. The “Trades” includes a Cabinet-maker, Nailor, Hosier, Painter, Weaver and there is one member of the Legal Profession.
Deputy Barrack Master of Millmount was John Bagnal, and William Fluker was Caretaker of the Drogheda Rowing Club. (see J.O.D.S. No.2. 1978). Also interred is Samuel Bouie who was Marine Draughtsman and who in 1765 prepared the plans and maps of the retaining walls of the River Boyne from the Quays to the river mouth at Mornington. (see C.L.A.J. XIX. 1. 1977. p. 63.) The earliest stones are Duff 1610 and Ledwith 1624.
The writer was helped in the task by the two fourteen year olds —Louise Keenan from Dromore, Co. Down, and Declan Bradley from Mountfield, Co. Tyrone.
SOURCES for further reading on St Marys:-
John D’Alton, The History of Drogheda. 1844. Vol. 1. p.40-49.
Anne Hughes, History of Drogheda. 1892. p. 153-164.
Geo.H. Bassett, Louth County. Guide & Directory. 1886. p.91.
August 1983.
ARMY– CAPTAIN. 15th Reg. (Graves)
CAPTAIN. (O’Dalaig)
CAPTAIN. Rifle Brigade. (Smith)
LT.COL. (Ievers)
MAJOR. 2nd Batt. 6th Reg. (Annsley)
MAJOR. (Kelly)
MAJOR. 27th Reg. Foot. (Phipps)
M.B.E. (McKeever)
PRIVATE 21st Fus. (Whitfield)
ROYAL IRISH Fus. (Gyles)
R.F.A. (Leland)
Q.MASTER. 18th Hussars. (Collins)
CARETAKER. Drogheda Rowing Club. (Fluker)
CURATE (Havey)
HOSIER. (Barrett)
L.L.B. (McKeever)
MARINER. (Geo.Barton.)
MAYOR. (Carty)
MERCHANT. (Cathcart)
MERCHANT (Robt Skelly)
MERCHANT (Wallton)
M.P. (Metcalfe)
NAILOR. (Buningham)
PAINTER. (Mathers)
RECTOR.St Marys & Colpe. (Archer)
RECTOR. St Marys. (Brunskill)
RECTOR. Balliclog. (Smith)
RECTOR. (Hall)
SHERIFF. (Ledwith)
WEAVER. (Goodden)
Aberystwitch. Dublin Road.
Annesbrook. Duleek Gate.
Ayrshire. Duleek St.
Dyer St.
Balliclog, Co. Tyrone. Fair St.
Ballycarn, Kings County. Foundry House.
Bea Beg. Gas Works.
Bea More.Laurel Lodge. Georges St.
Belfast. John St.
Bellewstown House. Laurence St.
Bettystown House. Mary St.
Betaghstown. Marsh Road.
Beymore. Mount St Oliver.
Bridge House, Bettystown Nuns Walk.
Bryansford, Co. Down. Old Hill.
Bryanstown Cottage. Old Turnpike.
Peter St.
Cavan. Mt. Prospect. Plattin Road.
Cairo.Egypt. St James.
Cardiff. St Marys Cotts.
Clonmacnois. St Peters Churchyard.
Collon. Stockwell Lane.
Colp. Sunnyside.
Weir Hope.
Doelinchen. Holland. West St.
Drewstown. Kells. Dunany.
Dromara. Dundrum. Dublin.
Drogheda. Dunmoe Lodge.
Beamore Road. Falmouth.
Boyne House. Farningham. Kent.
Boyne Villa. Fort Snelling. Minneapolis. U.S.A.
Bredin St
Brewery Lane Galway.
Bullring. Gaulstown. Co.Meath.
Clintons Lane. Killineer House.
Coolagh St. Kilnahushogue. Co.Tyrone.
Crooked St. Kirkdale. Liverpool.
Listoke. Saville Lodge. Co.Tyrone.
Liverpool. Slane.
Monkstown Pk.Dublin. Stameen.
Mornington. St.Annes On Sea.
Mornington. The Glen. St Andrews.Scotland.
St.Georges. Dublin.
Naptown. Co.Dublin
Newcastle. Co. Down Taranto. Italy.
ALLEN – Erected by Anna Maria Allen, Bryanstown Cottage, in memory of her sister Emily Johnson who died 18 Sept 1922. Also Emily Jane Downey daughter of Anna Maria 12 Dec.1909.
ALLEN – See Harris.
ALLISSON – Erected by Maria Rebecca Allisson Dunmoe Lodge, Navan, to her husband Harold Kenneth born 22 Jan 1870, died 16 April 1947. The above Maria Rebecca died 5 Oct 1958. “The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want”.
ALLISSON – See Harvey
AMROY – See Barton.
ANNEN – Johanna youngest daughter Samuel and Anna Maria Annen who died at Drogheda 4 Sept 1902 age 11 years. The above Samuel Annen died 6 Dec 1921. His wife Anna Maria 22 April 1935. His son Samuel 15 Feb 1947. William died in Canada 27 May 1961. Elizabeth Lydia Annen died 2 Jan 1971. Peace Perfect Peace. They are without fault before the Throne of God.
ANNESLEY –William Grove Annesley. Brevet Major 2nd Battn – 6th Reg. who died at Drogheda 6th April 1873 age 48 years. Erected by his brother officers.
ANSELL – George Ansell, of Upper Deal. in Kent, departed this life 7 Nov. 1839 age 54 years. He lived beloved and died regretted.
ARCHER – Herbert John Archer who died 12th March 1929 eldest son of Arthur Westland and Georgina Archer. Also their infant son William and their son Claude who died 28th Aug 1933. An example of Helpfulness, Courage and Patience. Also Georgina died 16th March 1938 a most affectionate wife and devoted mother. Also Arthur Westland who joined his loved ones 21st March 1940. “At home in heaven, God is love”.
ARCHER – The Rev. John Archer, B.A.R.D. for 34 years the much loved rector of St. Marys and Colpe Drogheda died 15th March 1905. He was fervent in spirit serving the Lord. Rom. 12. Holding fast the faithful word. Titus 1. 9. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin. 1 John, 1.7. Also his infant children. Mary Adelide, and Raymond Hervey de Montmoreney and Martha Constance his much beloved eldest daughter born 28 June 1862. And his wife Marianne who fell asleep 29 March 1925 age 89. “Thrust in the Lord and do good”.
ARMSTRONG – John Armstrong who died at Drogheda 9 Jan 1911 and Isabelle his wife 22 Feb 1917. Their daughter Mary 28 Oct 1944. Thy will be done.
ARMSTRONG – Erected by Richard Armstrong in memory of his wife Catherine Armstrong 23 Nov 1780 age 58 years.
BAGNALL – Erected by John Bagnall, Peter Street to his wife Kate 16 Jan 1896, also Hugh Waters Drogheda, 24 April 1900 aged 82 years.
BAGNALL – John Bagnall late of the Town of Drogheda. Deputy Barrack Master and also 4 of his children. His fondness as a husband, and Paternal care as a father demands this just tribute of his afflicted widow Ann Bagnall. He died the 2nd of June 1797 age 34 years.
BALL – Sarah relict of George Hall of Ballsgrove County of the Town of Drogheda Esq. died 10 Jan. 1800 age 87.
BALL – Isabella Jane wife of George Hall of Ballsgrove esq. who died 6 May 1875 age 34 years. The above George Ball died 26th May 1885 age 76 years.
BARKLIE – Nancy Barklie who passed across 18 Jan 1939.
BARRETT – Best Barret of Drogheda, Hosier who departed this life 23rd day of Feb. 1799 age 20 years.
BARTON – Mr George Barton of Liverpool. Mariner who was lost upon this coast on board the ship “EYGER” of Liverpool, Mr. John Amroy, Commander. 17th Feb.1766 age 20 years.
BERRILL – See Clarke.
BIEIN – Erected by Laurence Biein where lies the remains of his child Mary who died July 1786.
BIGGER – See Farly.
BITTLES – Edith Evelyn Bittles died 30th Oct 1971 age 63 years. Her husband George 3rd Nov. 1975. “Safe in the arms of Jesus”.
BOUIE – Mr. Samuel Bouie 7 March 1774 age 40 years. Ingenious, Learned, Modest, Just and Kind. Each Virtue graced his sweet unsullied mind. Such was the husband loved thoug’, lamented at his end.
BOL E – R.A. (Bobby) Bole called home 8th March 1943 age 14 years. His father Andrew Bole 8th Feb 1946. His mother Maude Bole 5th June, 1965. “He shall gather the lambs with his arms”.
BOWLES – James Chambers Bowles. 1st Nov 1947.
BOWLES – See Megan.
BRABAZON – James Brabazon Esq. of Mornington. Born 7 April 1810 Died suddenly 11th July A.D. 1873. “Boast not thy self of to-morrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth”.
BRISCOE – Emily, youngest daughter of the Rev. J.R. Briscoe died 30 June 1863 age 4 years. “Suffer little children to come unto me”.
BROMHEAD – Erected by Thomas and Margaret Bromhead to their daughter Edith Elizabeth 24 Oct 1896 age 21 years. The above Thomas 26 May 1913 and Margaret 15 March 1921. Their daughter Emily wife of David Stevenson of Belfast 15 July 1934 and the above David 27 March 1946
BRUNSKILL – Kathleen wife of Rev. T.R. Brunskill M.A. Rector of this parish 14 Sept 1918. Also Mary Kathleen (May) elder daughter 27 April 1933. The Venerable Thomas R. Brunskill, M.A. Archdeacon of Meath for 31 years. Rector of this Parish 6 Sept 1936.
Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to thy Cross I cling
BUNINGHAM – Erected by James Buningham, Nailor, of Naas wherein lieth 2 of his children.
BYRNE – Erected A.D. 1822 by Mary Byrne in memory of her husband Patrick Byrne who died 3rd Dec. 1821 age 45 years. Also her daughter Catherine Clarke died 14th Oct 1887. Also John Kane who died 3rd Aug. 1899 and his children Denis and Bridget who died young.
BYRNE – See Forde.
CAIRNES – Sarah Alice. born 28 Jan. 1862 died 2 May 1864. James Robert Arthur, born 2 Nov. 1865 died 13 Feb. 1867. Frederick Herbert born 13 Nov. 1867 died 26 April 1886 child of Thomas Plunket and Sophia Cairnes of Stameen, Co. Meath. Also Maryanna “Annie” born 10 Dec 1863 died 13 Jan 1889. Absent from the body. Present with the Lord. 2 Cor. V.VIII.
CAIRNES – Kathleen F. Cairnes. Stameen, Drogheda. 7 Nov 1950. Joined by her devoted husband Tom. A.E. Cairnes 5 Nov 1960.
CAIRNES – James Christopher youngest son of Thomas & Katherine Cairnes Stameen 30 Sept 1942. age 10 years.
CAIRNES – William Plunket-Cairnes, Stameen, Drogheda, 18 Dec. 1925. His wife Alice Jane, 1 Jan 1953.
CAIRNES – Thomas Plunket Cairnes of Stameen, Co. Meath, and Monkstown Park, Co. Dublin, 24 April 1894 age 63 years. After he had served his own generation by the Will of God, fell on Sleep, Acts.XIII.36. Sophia widow of the late Thomas Plunkett Cairnes died 8 Feb. 1902 age 70 years. She went about doing good.
CAIRNES – Alan Thomas Cairnes of the Glen. Born 18 March 1860. Died 5 Oct 1902 and his wife Julia who died at Cairo 3 May 1901 and their child Eileen. Born 22 Sept 1885. Died 17 Feb. 1888.
CAIRNES – William Cairnes of Stameen, Co. Meath. 2nd son of John Elliot Cairnes of Kilnahushogue Co. Tyrone. Born at Saville Lodge, Co. Tyrone 28 June 1787. Died at Stameen 29 Dec. 1865 age 78. His wife Mary Anne. Born 7 April 1789. Died 23 Dec. 1865. age 76.
CAIRNES – See Tuthill.
CAIRNES – See Hallowell.
CALLAN – Thomas Callan. (Rest of the inscription cannot be read)
CARPENTER – Thomas Carpenter. Sunnyside died 25 Feb. 1918.
CARPENTER – Emily, wife of John Carpenter of Sunnyside, Drogheda, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth McKeever of Collon 1 Oct. 1895 age 22 years. Violet Elizabeth infant daughter of John and Emily Carpenter 8 April 1895 age 11 months. The above John died 31 Oct 1915 and his son Thomas John 22 Feb. 1936. “Thy will be done”.
CARRAHER – Erected 1831 by Mary Carraher in memory of her father Christopher Carraher and her mother Catherine Carraher of old Turnpike Drogheda and 3 of her brothers and nephew who died young.
CARTY – There is no inscription to be seen on this railed-in monument save the surname which is in large letters on the east curb stone. It is the family plot of Thomas Carty, the first Mayor of Drogheda under the Municipal Reform Act 1842 – 1843. See Hughes “History of Drogheda” Pages 262 – 266 for description of the election.
CASEMENT – Catherine Casement widow of Charles Nicholson of Farningham Kent. died 1st Feb 1960.
CATHCART – Robert Cathcart, Merchant Drogheda died 10 Nov 1873. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Alexander Richard his beloved child, born 2 May, died 27 Dec 1862. Suffer little children to come unto Me. His second son John 1 June 1884 age 17 also Mary Anne his wife 25 Sept. 1887.
CAVE – Jane, wife of William Cave of Marsh Drogheda 12 Oct 1869. Age 49 years.
CHASE – Erected by Joshua Chase in memory of his children Herbert 23 Nov. 1899 age 6. Violet Anne 28 Feb 1913 age 15. Harriet Maud. 24 Dec. 1915 age 20 and his wife Mary Anne 31 Jan. 1937. Their son Thomas Herbert 19th June 1937. Interred in Kirkdale Liverpool. The above Joshua died 3 Jan. 1957. Thy will be done.
CINNELL – Charles Cinnell. 1782.
CLANCEY – Frances, wife of Robert H. Clancey Mary St. Drogheda died 22nd Sept. 1884, 49 years of age. Also two of his children Robert and Alicia who died young. The above Robert Clancey 27th Feb. 1889 age 73 years. Their son Richard 12th April 1913 Their daughter Sister Emma Clancey. R.R.C. who served in Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. during the Great War 1914 -1918 at Falmouth (England) and Taranto (Italy) called to higher service 14 Sept. 1930. “When I am weak the Lord is strong. The Lord is a rich provider”
CLARKE – Erected by the Gaels of Louth in memory of John (Cluadie) Clarke Old Hill who died 15 July 1925 age 38 years. His sister Elizabeth Berrill, Old Hill, died 25 April 1957.
CLARKE – Tom Clarke 20 St. Marys Cottages who died 26th April 1975 age 75 years. Also his parents James and Mary Ann.
CLARKE – See Byrne.
CLIFFART – See Fairtlough.
COOPER – To the memory of the Cooper family who are buried here since 1743. Erected by the last survivors Sophia G. Smith and Clamina H. Cooper July 1899. Clamina H. Cooper died 2nd April 1907. And Sophia Georgina Smyth 1st March 1919. In the midst of life we are in death until the day break and the shadows flee away.
CLUSKEY – Erected by Patrick Cluskey in memory of his wife Mary 11 Aug. 1898.
COADE – Charles Coade 25 May 1920 his wife Mary 2 June 1907. Their daughter Kathleen Blanche White 23 April 1962 age 83 years.
COLLINS – Erected by John Collins late Quarter Master of the 18th Hussars. Richard James Collins his son died 1 July 1804 age 5 years. Mr. Adam Langmuir 28 Jan 1828 age 52. Mrs. Maryann Langmuir his wife 3 Dec 1836 age 36 years. John Langmuir their son 18 April 1837 age 13 years. Mrs Margaret Collins 15 Feb 1855 age 75. The above John Collins 10 April 1855 age 84 years.
CONLON – Mary Conlon wife to Peter Conlon who died July 20th 1770.
CORMACK – Elizabeth Cormack 11th March 1933 and her sister Margaret 19 March 1941. “And the dead in Christ shall rise first”.
CORMACK – Erected by Alexander & Jane Cormack in memory of their children Daniel 24 Feb 1865. Alexander 20 April 1865. Catherine 19 Nov. 1860 and is interred in St. Peters Churchyard, Drogheda. The above Alexander 12th June 1873 and his daughter Annie 5th March 1875. His daughter Jane 23 Dec 1887 age 28 years. And the above Jane 15 July 1915 age 87. Also George last surviving son of the above. 10 April 1922.
CORMACK – Hugh Cormack, Dyer St. 7 May 1896 age 42 years. His son Alexander Donaldson 26 Feb. 1924 age 30 years. Anna Bella wife of Hugh 10 Nov. 1949.
COULTER – Joseph Coulter 7 April 1810 age 98. Anne his wife who died in 1776 in her 46th year. Also eleven of their children and grand-children, in grateful remembrance of whom their son George Coutler of St. James. Drogheda hath caused this stone to be inscribed.
COURTNAY – Erected by Patrick Courtnay of West St. to his wife Judith who died 25th Oct 1837 age 32. His daughter Mary 9 years and 3 of his infant children. His father James Courtnay late of Peter St. 74 years of age. His mother Bridget aged 60. Anne Courtnay daughter of Judith, died age – yrs. Renewed by her son Barthw. Courtnay JunrBull Ring in 1865. The above Patrick Courtnay died 10th July 1875 age 75. His brother James Courtnay. July 1877 age 78. and the wife of Charless Courtnay West St. 20 April 1885 age 38 and Charless Courtnay 10 Oct 1890 age 43 and their son Charless 1888 age 12 years.
COURTNEY – Children of Charles W. Courtney, Jane Faulkner 13 Oct 1918. Patrick 12th March 1923. Robert 23 June 1930. Mary Vincent 12 June 1936. Margaret 29 Jan 1937. Charles Faulkner, Bettystown, 10 July 1928 age 31. His son Charles 25 March 1935 age 8 years.
CRAWFORD – Erected by James Crawford. Marsh. in memory of his mother Elizabeth Crawford died 25 July 1900 and the above James 4 May 1929.
CRAWLEY – This stone was erected by Laurence Crawley to his father and mother, also his daughter Catherine who died the 9 of April 1774 age 28 years. Also two of her children. Also the wife of the above Laurence Crawley 13 of Feb 1779 age 60 years.
CREASER – Charles E. Creaser, Townrath, Drogheda. 27 July 1954 and his wife May 3 Oct 1970.
CUNNINGHAM – Michael Cunningham of Drogheda erected this stone 14 Dec. 1766. Michael Cunningham died 24 July 1767 age 38. Anne Cunningham wife of Thomas Cunningham of Baymore is also interred here.
CUNNINGHAM – Bartholomew Cunningham. Beamore. died 20 Oct 1877 also three of his children who died young. And his son John 16 Aug 1887 age 24 years.
CUSACK – Here lyeth the body of Revd. Docr James Cusack, Parish Priest of St. Marys Drogheda 1744. Pray for him. The Revd Docr James Cusack departed this life in March 1759 aged about 90 years.
C- – DIFF – Luke C–diff who departed this life 10 Jan 1734 age 6 years.
DEANE – William Robert Deane died 28 March 1942. His wife Maude Muriel 31 Jan. 1946. “The Lord is my Shephard”.
DEANE – William Deane who died 6 June 1912 age 82. His wife Dinah who died 25 Oct 1917 age 70. Daughter Edith Florence 9 April 1953 “My presence shall go down with thee and I shall give thee rest”. Ex. 34. 14.
DELAHOYD – Castimir Delahoyd of this town died 3 April 1815 ? His wife Rose 21 Jan 1830. Their son Patrick Francis died 10 Sept. 1850.
De MONTMORENCY – See Archer.
DEVINE – Erected by Patrick Devine, Duleek Street for his wife Mary 12 Jan 1865 and two of his children who died young.
DEVIN – I.H.S. Her lies ye body of Mary Devin 1769.
DOBSON – Elizabeth wife of William F. A. Dobson who entered into rest 12th May 1950 age 68 years. The above William, born 4th Nov. 1879 died 8th Nov. 1964. “Peace perfect Peace. Forever with the Lord.”
DONNELLY – Andrew Donnelly, Duleek Street. died 23 Feb 1917 age 73. His wife Maria, 8 Aug 1927 age 69. Their son Patrick 21 Jan. 1927 age 41 and his infant children – Francis and Kathleen and their son Michael J. 15 Oct 1932 age 41. And William 1 March 1944.
DOWDALL – Mary Dowdall died 18 Nov 1822 age 33 and her son who died in his 4th year.
DOWNEY – See Allen.
DREW – Pauie Drew of Drogheda and his Posterity 1778.
DUFF – —————-the Blessed Virgine Maria – lieth the bodies of –ihen Duff – Marion Harriet his wife who died 24 of November 1610 on whose soules the Lord take mercy.
DUNNE – Owen Dunne of Ballycarn, Kings County who died 24 June 1834 age 62 years. Also his daughter Catherine 15 Sept 1848 age 32 years.
EAKINS – Erected by Thomas Eakins in memory of his son Samuel Eakins 1869.
ECCLESTON – This stone was erected by John Eccleston of Drogheda. Here lieth his father Abraham who died 6th of March 1753 age 55 years. Bridget wife of the above died 9 June 1770 age 50 years. Also two of their children.
ELLIOTT – Erected 1807 by William Elliott of Drogheda. Cabinetmaker in memory of two of his sons who died young. Also John and Sarah and his son Francis Augustus Elliott.
ELLIS – Harold Ellis died 23 Jan. 1975 and his wife Winifred 26 Nov 1975.
EMERSON – Hugh Emerson died 22 Jan 1884 age 80 years. Isabella Caroline his wife Nov 1895 age 72. Frances Caroline McCracken 22 May 1899 age 33. Her husband William McCracken died 27 June 1898 age 35 and is interred in Moville Cemetery, Newtownards.
ENNIS – See McConville.
FAHY – See Taylor.
FAIRTLOUGH – Erected by Richard Fairtlough where lies his mother Ann Cliffart. 1771.
FARLY – Jns Farly of Drogheda erected this in memory of his sister Catherine 9 March 1771. Also James Bigger who died 6 May 1849. age 27.
FAULKNER – See Courtney.
FITZELL – Elizabeth Fitzell who died 3 Aug 1922 age 32.
FITZSIMONS – Patrick Fitzsimons who died at Coolagh St. 8 Jan. 1897. His wife Mary 23 May 1899.
FLINN – See Pentony.
FLUKER – To the memory of Willm Fluker of Drogheda. died 26 May 1846 age 65 yrs and his wife Mary died 27 June 1847 age 55 years. Also his son George and his grandson William.
FLUKER – William Fluker died 28th March 1908 age 80 years. Erected by his friends of the Drogheda Rowing Club whose faithful servant he was for over 50 years.
FORDE – Elizabeth Forde erected this stone. James Forde 11 Aug 1770 age 42 Nicholas Byrne, 26 March 1782 age 48 years.
GARDNER – Erected by James G. Gardner in memory of his mother Mary Anne Gardiner 18th Feb. 1908. I am the Resurrection.
GERRARD – Erected by Catherine Gerrard for her father John Gerrard 2 Sept 1849. and Catherine Gerrard died 25 April 1915 age 76 years.
GERRARD – Erected by Patrick Gerrard, Stockwell Lane to his wife Alice who died 23 Jan 1905 age 56. His daughter Julia 18 Nov 1897 age 10. The above Patrick Gerrard died 21 Aug 1905 and their daughter Katie died 18 Aug 1910.
GLOVER – Jane wife of John Glover Sept. 1793 age 48 years. The above John Glover died June 1817 age 72. Hugh Glover son of the above John died May 1820 age 48 years. Also four children belonging to Hugh Glover who died young.
GOGARY – Sacred to the memory of Mrs.Judith Gogarty the beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Gogarty of Colp- – who died 20th February 1835 aged 59 years. Also of the above Thomas Gogarty who died Aug. 8th 1843. And their daughter Margaret Gogarty who died 29th Nov. 1850. Also their grandchildren. Lizzie, Patrick and Edward Gogarty and Mary Gogarty who died 8th July 1911. And of Margaret Gogarty, her sister who died 17th Jan. 1926.
GOLDING – Walter Golding of Cardiff South Wales died 20th Sept 1919 age 43. Jesus lover of Soul, let me to thy bosum fly.
GOODDEN – Erected by Thomas Goodden of Drogheda. Weaver. wherein lieth eleven of his children. 1782.
GORMAN – Mrs. Annie Gorman 19 Feb. 1827 age 25 years.
GRAVES – Captain Charles Graves of the 15th Regiment of Foot died at Drogheda Ireland Tues. 25th Jan 1855 age 58.
GREENE – John Greene, Gaulstown, Co. Meath. 1st March 1903 age 65. His wife Eliza Anne Greene 13 May 1907 age 74 years. Henry William youngest son of the above 23 Nov 1933 age 62 years. His wife Amy 23 Aug 1944 age 72. Also their son John 11 Feb 1946 age 46 years. Absent from the body to be present with the Lord.
GREEN – Cecil John Green. Born 2nd Jan. 1895. Died 9th April 1899. He shall gather the lambs with his arms.
GREY – See North.
GROGAN – John Grogan died 10 March 1892. His wife Ellen 9 April 1890. Erected by their daughter Teresa.
GYLES – Robert Ross Gyles, Royal Irish Fusiliers died 19 Dec 1965 in his 81st year. His daughter Violet Isabella 28th Jan 1936 age 7 months. His daughter Pansy Born 9 Oct 1931 Died 25 June 1973. Our times are in thy hand, we’ll always trust in Thee, and after death at Thy right hand, we shall forever be.
HALL – Alexander Hall, B.A. Minister for 48 years of the Drogheda Presbyterian Church called home 25 Dec 1938 age 84 years. His wife Frances Louisa 9th May 1952. “I thank my God upon every Remembrance of you”.
HALLIDAY – Eric Douglas died 3rd Oct 1964. David age 8 months. Florence Margaret died 12th Sept. 1955. John Henry 12th Dec 1967. “At Rest”.
HALLOWELL – Anna wife of Rev. John William Hallowell. College of Erasmus Smith Galway and second daughter of William Cairnes Esq. who after a long and painful illness which she bore with Christian resignation died 1st April 1856 in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection to everlasting life age 38 years. This monument was erected by her sorrowing parents. Ye now therefore have sorrow and I will see you again and your hearts shall rejoice and your Joy no man taketh away from you A.D. 1857. Also Frances Cairnes sister of the above died 10th July 1902 age 81 years.
HARBRON – William Harbron died 1st Aug 1923 age 73. Daughter Mary L. Harbron. 14 Jan. 1924 age 44 years. Mary L. Harbron his wife 25 June 1924 age 75 who is interred in St. George’s Burial Ground Dublin.
HARLIN – Erected A.D. 1835 by Catherine Harlin in memory of her mother who died 18 April 1819. Her father who died in 1824. Her brother Patrick 25 July 1832 and her sister Mary 1st Aug. 1832.
HARPUR – Sacred to the memory of Joseph Harpur and his family who are interred in this tomb. Thomas Harpur son of the above died January 1820 age 28 years and his mother Margaret 4th August 1821 age 46 years. His father Joseph Harpur died September 1833 age 75 years. Also eleven of their children, and Joseph and Margaret Harpur who died young. This spot has been enclosed by the only survivor of his family and last of his race. Also Mrs. Louisa Harpur of Killineer House Drogheda who died 2nd August 1883 age 72 years. Also George Harpur of Killineer and the above Joseph Harpur who died 6th Jan 1888 age 91 years.
HARRIS – Agnes Harris, Chord Road, died 11 May 1919 age 72. Her husband John Harris 15 Aug. 1935 age 85. Son Herbert Moore Harris 31 Dec 1940 age 56. His wife Sophia 27 June 1958 age 71. Their daughter Edith Winifred wife of Bertram E.Allen 6 Oct 1968 age 92. Forever with the Lord.
HARVEY – Norman William Brabazon Gifford Harvey, M. A. (Oxen) Curate of Dundrum, Co. Dublin. born 5 April 1903 died 19 nov 1929. Saintly, generous, Kind, Wise beyond his years. He was greatly beloved by all who knew him. Grant O Lord that his life may unfold itself in thy sight. And find a sweet employment in the spacious fields of Paradise. Also Norman’s mother, Eveline Norcott. Born 2 Feb 1875 died 2 Jan. 1948 wife of William Coates Harvey, M.A.L.L.D. Dean of Clonmacnois and Rector of Slane, Paynestown and Stackallan who died 4th March, 1854. Harold Archibald Allisson, Drumelton House, Cootehill son of Lady Diana and Capt. Allisson. Grandson of the 14th Earl of Eglinton and Winton. Born 26th Oct 1906 died 28 Dec. 1968.
HAYS – Capt. John Hays who died 28th May 1762 age 50 years and of his children. Also Catherine wife of the above Captain Hays who died 17 Nov.___________________ (This stone is sunken so much that the bottom is not readable)
HAYES – Captain Henry Hayes of Drogheda. “An honest tar”, whom no consideration could induce to flatter or deceive. He died sincerely regretted the 24th of April 1799 age 51 years. R.I.P. Lifes troubled Voyage now with thee is o’er Thy happy soul hath every danger passed And reached the harbor of repose at last.
HEARN – Erected by Susan and Emma Hearn in memory of their father Henry Hearn who died 14 May 1887 age 57 years. Their brother William died 2 Nov. 1886 age 30 years. Their grandmother Sophia who died 15 Oct 1853 age 56 years. Their mother Alice Hearn died 1 March 1900 age 60. William Telford, husband of the above Emma who died 25 Sept 1918 and the above Susan who died 4 Dec 1934. “Thy will be done”.
HENLY – Stephen Henly passed home 18th Dec 1938. “There is no death”
HEWITT – George Hewitt 18 Legavoureen Park. 8 Sept. 1978. “Abide with me”.
HEWSON – Massy Hewson, Boyne House, 28 Feb. 1949.
HICKEY – Erected A.D. 1802 by James Hickey in memory of his son Patrick Hickey who died 5th Feb 1799 age 38 years. Also 5 more of his children who died young.
HILLIS – James Hillis, husband of Jessie Hillis 2 Dec 1924 age 49.
HOLGAN – This stone was erected by Bartholomew Holgan of Drogheda in the year of Our Lord 1780. In memory of his father Mathew and his mother wherein lieth five of their children. R.I.P. The above Bartholomew Holgan 28 Aug 1780 age 67 years.
HOSIE – See Woodbine.
HORISH – James Horish and four of his children 1780.
HUGHES – On the 12 Sept 1842 in the 24th year of her age and in the Faith and Hope of a Christian died Rebecca Hughes the wife of James Moffatt. William Hughes Moffatt A.B.T.C.D. Their son who died 5 Nov 1865 age 27 years. Their daughter Elizabeth who died in infancy. Also the above James Moffet who died in perfect peace on 1 Sept 1891 age 86 years.
HUMPHRYSON – Elizabeth Humphyson wife of William died 14 Jan 1746 age 46 also two of his children also ye body of William Humphyson the younger died 5 Jan 1747 age 19 years.
HUNTER – David Hunter died 23 May 1935. His wife Sarah 28 Dec. 1943.
IEVERS – Lieutenant Colonel O. G. Ievers, Special List 12 Feb 1916 age 53.
ILAND – Richard Iland who died 14th Feb. 1952 and his wife Louisa 19th May 1952. “Abide with Me”.
IRWIN – Anne Maude daughter of William James and Sarah Palmer Irwin died 10 July 1916 age 18 years. And the above William James 20 March 1921 age 72. His wife Sarah Palmer 18 Sept. 1921 age 56. Their son William P. 5 May 1944 age 54. Interred at Newcastle Co. Down. William Albert McKee died 4 Jan. 1967. “Father in thy gracious Keep. Here we leave our dear ones sleeping till he come”.
JACKSON – 1854 James and Mary Jackson.
JAMESON – Erected by Andrew Jameson in memory of his 6 children. Andrew, John, Mathew and James who died young. Also William Robert died 20 March 1866 age 12 years and Sarah Jane 17 April 1866 age 5 years. “Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of God”.
JOHNSON – Erected by James Johnson in memory of his mother Catherine Johnson who died 2nd May 1849 age 77. His father Anthony Johnson died 16th Dec. 1856 age 76 and three of his children who died young.
JONES – Thomas Jones deceased 19 March 1761 age 65 years. His wife Catherine died 16 April 1768 age 68 years. Also 2 children of Patrick Jones.
JONES – James Jones who died 3 Jan. 1760.
JONES – Ludlow Mainwaring Jones who died at Betaghstown, Laytown, 12 June 1940 age 91 years.
JORDAN – William Hopkins Jordan, George St. died 12 Nov. 1949 age 81. His wife Georgina died 3 Aug. 1945 age 79. Their grandson Neville infant son of George and Jane Jordan died 5 July 1942 age 3 weeks. And James Edmund 12 Jan. 1966 age 69. Their son George Henry died 15 Feb. 1978 age 72 years. “The Lord is my Shepherd”.
JOYCE – Cedric E. Joyce died 1 Aug. 1949 and his wife Catherine1 Sept. 1975.
KANE – See Byrne
KEAREN – Erected by Patrick Kearen of Drogheda where lies 3 of his children 1772.
KEEGAN – Erected by James Keegan to his son John who died 1st of May 1816 age 10 years. Mr. William Keegan brother to James Keegan died 25th of Dec. 1822 age 70 years. The above James 18 May 1838. Mrs. Judith Keegan 6 April 1859 age 65 years. Also Elizabeth Smith wife of the late Robert Smith of Naptown, Co. Dublin eldest daughter of the above James Keegan 24 Sept 1883 age 87 years.
KEELAN – Erected by Thomas Keelan of Clintons Lane in memory of his grandfather Thomas Keelan who died 11th Aug. 1842 aged 84 years, and his brother who died young. His father John who died 4 April 1908 aged 88 yrs. The above Thomas Keelan died 1st Jan. 1916 age 59 yrs. His sister Margaret died 15 Dec. 1921. His wife Elizabeth died 30 June 1957 and John Keelan died 22 Jan 1974.
KELLY – Erected 1797 by Patrick Kelly of Drogheda wherein lieth three of his children.
KELLY – Erected by Simon Kelly of Brewery Lane in memory of his son Simon who died 11th Sept 1893 age 17 years. Patrick Kelly died 26th May 1928 and his wife Alice died 5th May 1931. Their daughter Bridget McCormack died 9th Aug. 1952. Her son Peter McCormack Mount St. Oliver died 15th March 1975.
KELLY – Arthur Dillon Denis Kelly (The O’Kelly) Major the Border Regt. died 14 March 1936. His wife Henrietta youngst daughter of the late Honbl. G. Skeffington 2nd Jan. 1939.
KEMMINS – Alexander Kemmins who died 24th Feb 1855 age 84. And his wife Mary 6th July 1849. age 76 years. Also his daughter Eliza This stone was erected by his second wife Jane Kemmins.
KERR – Thomas Kerr, born 13 March 1816 a loving father, deeply mourned. Died 23 May 1882, “Rest for the Weary”.
KILPATRICK – Johnson Kilpatrick, Boyne Villa Drogheda 28 Dec 1953 age 73 his wife Sarah Jane 20 Aug 1964 age 89. Their son Victor died 20 July 1965 age 52 years. “At Rest”.
KING – Ruth darling child of Desmond and Norah King. Cherrymount died 2 Dec 1942.
LABARTE – See Smith.
LACKY – Erected Anno Domini 1820 by James Lecky of Drogheda in memory of his three sons Thomas, Pat and James who died young. Also his father-in-law Joseph Power age 72 years. The above James Lecky 20 March 1850 and his wife Bridget 6 Nov 1851.
LANGMUIR – See Collins.
LEDWICH – The date 1624 is all that can be seen on this stone, but according to Hughes History of Drogheda it belongs to Christopher Ledwich who had been one of the Sheriffs of this town. It was very elaborately sculptured with armorials but lying as it does on the ground, its characters are now hardly legible.
LELAND – Robert John Leland, Mary St. Drogheda died 15 June 1921 age 69 years. His wife Amelia Eleanor died 23 Sept. 1921 age 71 and their child Maud Anna Louisa died Good Friday 1886 age 8 months. William Robert Alfred, R.F.A. killed in action 24 Aug 1917. buried in France age 28. Thomas Plunket died 12th Feb 1949 age 58 years. George Ernest Edward died 10 Oct 1952 age 69. Buried in Fort Snelling Cemetery, Minneapolis, U.S.A. Letitia Susannah Leland died 12 Aug. 1957 age 80. Albert F. Leland died 28 April 1956 age 86. Grace Emily Eleanor died 16 Oct 1963 age 79 years. Charles Henry died 25 Nov. 1958 age 69 years. Buried at St. Anne’s on Sea England. Peace Perfect Peace.
LINDSAY – Bartholomew Lindsey who departed this life 15 July 1768.
LOUGHEED – John Charles Martin Lougheed who died 14 June 1914 age 28. His mother Elizabeth 9 Aug. 1943. His father George 5 July 1954 age 86. “No my will but Thine be done”.
LUCAS – Mary Lucas 21 July 1769 age 38 years.
LYNCH – Erected by John Lynch of Duleek Gate Drogheda in memory of his wife Margaret Lynch 15th Oct 1840 age 50 years. Also the above John Lynch died 13th Feb 1852 age 67 years.
LYNCH – Simon Lynch. 16th Feb. 1780 age 63 years.
MACINTOSH – Robert Moore Macintosh died 16th Sept 1952 age 70. His wife Sarah Russell (Russie) 12th July 1976 in her 96th year. “Peace Perfect Peace”
MAGENIS – The Body of Lazarus Magenis who departed this life 14th Aug 1778 age 70 years. His son Patrick 28 July 1772 age 25.
MANNING – Hannah Mary (May) 30 June 1911 age 16 daughter of William and Esther Manning. The above William 18 July 1933 age 79 his wife Esther 13 Oct 1933 age 66 years. “Safe in the arms of Jesus”.
MARRA – Erected by Michael Marra, Drogheda in memory of his father Christopher Marra who deceased 16 June 1796 age 74. His wife Catherine 11 July 1796 age 67.
MARTIN – Michael Martin late manager Drogheda Gas Works died 21 Feb 1898 Kate Martin died 4 May 1923. Their son Francis 10 Jan 1928. Daughter Mary Josephine 21 Jan 1942. Margaret Elizabeth died 23 Feb 1969.
MATHEWS – Emily Janet Mathews of Laurel Lodge. Beamore died 1 April 1950 her brother George Hueston Mathews 25 Jan 1951
MATHEWS – This Stone the small but sad Memorial of a Husband’s affection, was placed here by Mr. Denis Mathews of Drogheda, Painter, to mark the spot where he interred the remains of his dearly beloved wife Elizabeth. She departed this life the 9th of April 1821 age 45 years.
MATHEWS – Erected 1799 by Mr. Peter Mathews of Drogheda where lies two of his children.
MATHEWS – This Stone was erected by Thomas Mathews Esq. late of Drogheda 1803.
MEGAN – Sarah Megan 25 April 1936, her son-in-law Richard Bowles 10 Aug 1965.
METCALFE – Henry Metcalfe Esq., M.P. for Drogheda who departed this life 11th day of February- – – His wife Louisa Matilda age 50 and 6 of their children who died young. This tombstone was erected by Francis W. Leland in memory of his departed friends.
MOFFET – See Hughes.
MOLINEUX – Here lies the body of Mary Molineux who Dyed ye 30th Decr 1745 age 31 years and two of their children. Also Jane Molineux wife to said Thomas Molineux who departed this life ye 13th of Janry 1763 age 47 years. Also the said Thomas Molineux died 21 Nov 1780 age 66.
MORAN – Erected by Mary Moran in memory of her husband Patrick Moran of Duleek Gate who died 27 July 1796 age 45 and his daughter Mary who died in infancy.
MORGAN – Erected by Joseph Morgan where lie 3 of his children.
MOORE – Erected by Francis Moore in memory of his father Robert Moore of Plattin died 14th of June 1775 age 50 years. And his mother Ann Moore died 16 Jan. 1795 age 78 years.
MUNRO – Erected by James Munro in memory of his son William 10 Sept. 1862 age 3 years.
MURPHY – This Burial Place belongeth to Arthur Murphy and his family wherein lieth his father and mother and one of his children.
MURRAY – Erected A.D. 1896 by James Murray. Nuns Walk in memory of his father and mother.
MC ARDLE – Erected by Patrick McArdle. John St. in memory of his son John who died 12 Feb 1904. Also the above Patrick McArdle who died 11 Jan 1909. Also Mary his wife 2 May 1925.
MC CANN – Erected by the children in memory of Alexander McCann of Beamore Road who died 10th Oct. 1860 and his wife Mary who died 8th Dec 1895.
MC CARTY – Erected by Richard McCarty in memory of 5 of his children who died young.
MC CONVILLE – Erected by Patrick and Annie McConville Platten Road in memory of their father Anthony who died 25th July 1873 and their sisters Maggie 28 March 1887 and Mary Ennis 25 June 1891 also their mother Catherine 9 May 1897, also Patrick husband of Mary Ennis 1 April 1931 and their sons James 21 March 1942 and Andrew 3 January 1943.
MC CORMACK – Harold McCormack died 11 March 1972.
MC CORMACK – Coral, younger daughter of Harold and Olive McCormack 1st Dec 1952 age 20 years. “Which we have loved long since and lost awhile”.
MC CORMACK – See Kelly.
MC CRACKEN – See Emerson.
MC CRARANCY – Erected A.D. 1816 by James McCrarancy in memory of his father Patrick McCrarancy 4 Feb 1807 age 60 years. His sister Catherine 2 March 1810 age 15 years. The above named James 1843.
MC CULLOUGH – Joshua McCullough of 2 Dublin Road Drogheda 10th June 1945. His wife Clara Graves 21st Nov 1954. He giveth his beloved sleep.
MC ENTEGART – Erected by Owen McEntegart. Dublin Road to his mother Anne 18 Feb 1900 age 76. The above Owen 10 Jan 1906 age 48. His brother Thomas 19 May 1922 age 71. His sister Mary 27 May 1945 age 81.
MC FARLANE – See Weir.
MC GOWAN – A.D. 1825. Mr. Samuel McGowan of Drogheda 28th March 1825 age 62 years. Also his daughter Elizabeth O’ Donegan 11th March 1824 age 30 years. His mother –in – Law Mrs. Elizabeth Talbor who died 3rd Dec1806 age 70 and four of his children who died young.
MC INTOSH – Robert and Ellen Eliza McIntosh of Drogheda. Wellington born 14th Sept 1883 died 31 July 1885 Margerty born 6 Dec. 1858 died 20 May 1862 Amy, daughter of Robert and Amelia McIntosh born 10 Mar. 1900 died 24 Nov. 1900. Robert Morris McIntosh born 26 Mar 186? died 13 Feb 1915 and his wife Amelia born 8 May 1859 died 22 Aug.1939. Hugh Robinson son of the above Robert McIntosh born 6 May 1884 died 20 Sept. 1961.
MC KEE – See Irwin.
MC KEEVER – Francis Germain McKeever. L.L.B. Bettystown House died 10 Nov 1926 age 53. His wife Martha Florence May 1964. Their son Thomas Francis M.B.E. 16 June 1971. “The Lord is my Shepherd”.
MC KEEVER – Norah wife of Thomas D. McKeever formerly of Bellewstown House Drogheda died 22 Aug 1950. Also the above Thomas D. 21 April 1953.
MC KEEVER – J. H. Liscoe McKeever, Annesbrook, who died 29 Oct 1944 age 60 years. His wife Jean 15 Jan. 1969.
MC KEEVER – See Carpenter.
MC KENNA – Erected by Margaret Mc Kenna Bredin Street in memory of her son Peter died 18th April 1896 age 20 years.
MC KENNY – James Lionel son of Charles and Elizabeth McKenny 23 Jan 1900 age 4½ years. His father Charles McKenny 23 Sept. 1943 age 95. His mother Elizabeth 9 Dec 1944 age 76. His brother Noel C. 1 Dec 1972. Complete in him,
MC QUADE – Robert K. McQuade, Bryansford, Co. Down. 28 Aug 1924 age 83. The hand of God touched him and he slept. His wife Martha Emily 18 Nov 1933 age 81. His daughter Emily, wife of Hugh J. Watt 26 April 1958 and Hugh J. Watt born 1884 died 1968.
MC VEAGH – Montague Q. B.McVeagh Drewstown, Kells, Co. Meath 8 Jan 1953. He placed his hand into the Land of God and knew no fear.
NEAL – Erected by Michael Neal where lies four of his children.
NICHOLSON – See Casement.
NIXON – George Alsacer Nixon, Mornington Late of Mount Prospect, Co. Cavan who died 14th Dec 1968. Also his wife Mary Dorothea Roviere died 29th Feb. 1976. “With Christ which is better”.
NORTH.- Erected by Thomas North of Drogheda to the memory of his wife Margaret 29 Dec 1818 age 41 years. “She possessed in presentment dearest, all the essential qualification of a good and affectionate wife, a tender and indulgent mother and a most sincere and generous friend. She was liberal to the poor and kind to all”. Proverbs 31st Chapt. and 29th verse. Also four of their children. viz Eliza Sophia age 3 ½ years. George Edmond age 2 years and 1 month. Emily Marydith age 5 years and 10 months. The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away. The above Thomas North 1st June 1850 age 64. Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace. PSALMS 37th verse 37. Catherine Joanna age 9 years and 11 months. Emily Marydith age 7 years and 7 months. Harriett Mary age 2 years and 5 months, children of Patrick Joseph Grey and Harriette his wife daughter of the aforesaid Thomas and Margaret North. They shall be mine saith the Lord.
NUGENT – Patrick Nugent who departed this life 26th of Feb. 1741 age 47 years.
O’DALLAIG – I ndil cuimhe Captaen B. O’Dalaig, an cead chat Briogaidh Atha Cliath. Armpoblacta na hEireann, a dunmharbuigeadh 26 ad de Lugnasa 1922. Erected by his comrades of the I.R.A.
O’DONEGAN – See McGowan.
ORMISTON – William George husband of Alice J. Ormiston called home 26 March 1965. Thy faith hath made thee whole. Mark X v 52.
ORR – Charles E. R. Orr died 11th Feb. 1966 age 20 years.
OUGHTON – Derek R. J. Oughton 12th Jan 1973 age 25 years following an accident. “Make them to be numbered with Thy saints in Glory everylasting”.
OWENS – William Owens son of Thomas and Anne Owens of Aberystwitch who was drowned in Drogheda 18th Sept. 1848 aged 18 years.
PARR – Thomas Parr died 21 Nov 1929. Age 72 years. His wife Anna Emmeline 4 May 1931 age 67. His brother William 29 May 1936, 70 years.
PARR – Jan wife of William Parr 2nd March 1872 age 39. Arthur Edward youngest son 18 Nov. 1879 age 11 years. John the Eldest son of William Parr and the husband of Eveline G. Parr 19 July 1907 age 53. William Parr died 18th Feb 1912 in his 91st year.
PENTERY – Thomas Pentery who died 6th January 1744 age 35 years.
PENTONY – Erected by Mrs. Mary Pentony in memory of her grand-daughter Catherine Flinn. 1 Jan.1818 age 14 years. Also Mrs. Mary Pentony 7 Feb 1822 age 64 years.
PHIPPS – Jane, daughter of Mr. Phipps. Late Major of the 27th Reg. of Foot. The mighty God was pleased to take her as the real Parents to another and better world. 10 April 1822 age 9 years and 2 months.
PORTER – Eliza Frances wife of George Porter Beabeg Drogheda 20 July 1902 age 72. The above George 23 Nov 1910 age 75. Selina Henrietta Porter 4th daughter of above 11 Sept 1916 age 43. Cecil Mark 4th son 9 Oct 1917 age 38. Mary Olivia 2nd daughter 14 Jan 1943 age 73. Charles Vicars. Son 12 May 1943 age 68. Emmie Gertrude, sixth daughter 5 April 1950 age 71 Helen Elizabeth last surviving daughter 16 Feb 1958.
Peace Perfect Peace.
POWER – See Lacky.
QUIN – William George Quin, St. James, 7 Feb 1940 age 52.
REILLY – Erected by Owen Reilly in memory of his daughter Elinor. Died 10th March 1798 age 18 years. The above Owen Reilly died 20th Oct. 1801 age 67 years.
REILLY – 1847. James Reilly of Duleek Gate. In memory of his wife Mary who died 21st Sept. 1844 age 41 years. Also 3 of his children who died young. And his daughter Mary Anne Reilly who died 20th July 1848 age 20 years. Also the above James Reilly who died 29th Aug. 1856 age 70 years.
REILLY – Mary, the beloved wife of Edward Reilly of Beamore Road who died 16th Feb. 1874 age 39 years. And of three of their children who died young. The above named Edward Reilly died 18th July 1891 age 61 years.
REILY – Erected A.D. 1812 by Edward Reilly of Duleek gate, for him and his Posterity. Here lieth the Body of the above Edward —- ——– (Another sunken stone)
REILY – Patrick Reily son of Darby Reily died 26 Aug 1773 age 16 years.
ROBINSON – Robinson family late of Laurence Street, Drogheda.
ROCH – Mrs Catherine Roch. She died 28th March 1816 age 71 and of Mr. Mugt. Wall who died 12 Sept 1790 age 38 years.
RUNDLE – Eliza wife of Edmund Rundle died 2 Feb. 1904 age 61 years. Their sons William James interred at Dunany 8 April 1876 age 5 and Edmund 23 April 1908 age 35.
RUTTLE – Marianne wife of Albert Edward Ruttle 36 West St. Drogheda 25 Aug 1955 and the above Albert Edward 22 April 1959. Peace, Perfect Peace.
SAVILLE – Doris and Mary Hilda, children of Henry Walton and Eleanor Saville Drogheda, accidently drowned 25 July 1913 aged 8 years and 9 months and 7 years and 8 months respectively. “They shall be mine saith the Lord of Hosts “.
SHERRY – Erected by James Sherry in memory of his wife Anne who died 31 Jan 1878 age 50 years.
SKELLY – Family Burial Place of Mr. Luke Skelly, formerly of Ayrshire, Scotland ——- Died in the year 1841 on the 7th March. Mr. Luke Skelly, Senr. age 73. On the 15th of Feb. 1823 Janet age 16 years On the 3rd of Aug. 1840. George age 21 years On the 15th of June 1839. William age 21 months. On the 18th of Aug. 1830 in his 35th year sincerely regretted Mr. Robert Skelly, Merchant of this Town, father of the children hereafter mentioned –On the 2nd of Oct 1838 Jessie Emily age 21 years. On the 7th of May 1839 John Euster aged 10 years. On the 19th of Aug. 1840 Robert age 15 years. On the 1ST OF Jan. 1848 James age 10.
SLEATOR – Erected by Nicholas Ougan Sleator of Drogheda where lies 3 of his children. 1770.
SLOAN – Annie (Nancy) died 1 Jan. 1979. “The Lord is my Shepherd”.
SMARTT – Alice Elspeth Jane daughter of John and Margaret Ann Smartt, Weir Hope died 14 March 1908 age 17 ½ years. The above James Smartt died 21 March 1923 age 75. And Margaret Ann who died 21 Nov. 1934. Their son James Wilson Smartt died 2 Feb. 1945 and his wife Sarah 17 Sept. 1967. Forever with the Lord.
SMITH – John Rodger Smith, born 4 Jan. 1890. Died 22 Jan. 1956.
SMITH – Sarah Jane Smith, Bridge House, Bettystown, died 14 July 1909 and her husband John Stitt Smith 28 Sept 1930 age 86 years.
SMITH – Captain T. W. Smith of the Rifle Bridage who died at Drogheda 3 Jan. 1845 age 36.
SMITH – The wife of Jacob Smith of Drogheda. 15th Oct 1881 age 51 years.
SMITH – Jane Isabella 2nd daughter of the late Rev. William Smith. Rector of Balliclog Co. Tyrone. 1st Dec. 1857. Eldest daughter Anne Frances died 1st Jan 1858. Blessed are the Dead who died in the Lord. Mary Labarte youngest daughter of the above William Smith and widow of Edward Labarte who died at sea 4 July 1871.
SMITH – Jane Smith who died 7th Oct 1920. For many years a faithful employee of A. Davis & Co. Ltd. Drogheda.
SMITH – Erected by John Smith, Duleek St. for his wife Elizabeth who died 11 Feb 1898 age 40 years. Their son John who was drowned 2 Oct. 1899 age 17 years.
SMITH – August 1 1888. H.R. Hathaway wife of F. St. George Smith who also died 18th Dec. 1813 age 80 years. St. George Smith 2nd son of the above, born 3rd March 1874 Died 5TH Nov 1945. Helen Constance Smith eldest daughter of Frederick St. George
Smith, Born 9 July 1864 Died 16 July 1952. Resting in the Lord.
SMITH/SMYTH – See Cooper.
SMITH – See Keegan.
STEVENSON – See Bromhead.
STRATTON – Erected by James Stratton in memory of his wife Annie Minnis Stratton who died 21 Jan 1912 age 55 also their daughter Mary Jane Stratton 3 April 1891 age 6 years. Interred in Dromara.
STRUBEN – William Struben, born at Delinchen, Holland, 6 July 1883. Died at Drogheda 16 Feb 1951 dear husband of Maria Jacoba Struben. “Rust Zacht”.
STRYPE – George Harman Strype. Drogheda. who died 14 July 1868 age 53 years. “Not lost but gone before”. His wife Elizabeth Strype 2 Sept 1871 age 62 years. “Blessed are the dead”.
STUART – John Allen Stuart. Born 22 Mar 1822. Died 10 Nov. 1905. “I am the Resurrection”.
TALBOR – See McGowan.
TAYLOR – Thomas Taylor. died 17 Dec 1889 age 62 years. Also Maggie, Martha and Willie children of the above. “God is Love”. His wife Mary Ann Taylor 4 March 1904 age 78 years. Also S. H. and F.T. Fahy grandsons of the above. Also Elizabeth daughter of the above died 18 Jan 1929. Buried at St. Andrews, Scotland.
TAYLOR – See Telfer.
TELFER – William Telfer. Foundry House who died 15 May 1930 age 60 years. His wife Margaret 30 Oct 1948 age 80 years. His son William 7 April 1934 age 36 years. And his daughter Margaret Jack Taylor 30 June 1978 age 82 years.
TELFORD – See Hearn.
THOMPSON – Erected A.D. 1821 by Abigail H. Thompson of Beymore in memory of her husband Alexander Thompson. 21st Jan 1817 age 69 years.
THOMPSON – Joseph Thompson. Born 8 July 1881 Died 25 May 1949.
TONER – Erected to the memory of John and Mary Toner.
TOTTENHAM – Matilda Tottenham. Died 8 Feb 1908. John Tottenham her husband 9 June 1925. Frances E. Tottenham eldest daughter died 8 July 1923. Harriet 2nd daughter died 2 June 1935 and John H. Eldest son 26 July 1942.
TOTTENHAM – William Tottenham 27th Sept 1875. Three children, Eliza Jane, Frederick and Josua. Also of Mary his wife 14th Dec 1877.
TOWNLEY – Faithful Townley. Died 18 June 1871 aged 60 years. His wife Elizabeth died 12 Nov 1883 age 76 years. Their son Thomas 13 Nov 1902 age 62 and two of their children Mary and William who died young.
TURNER – Mr. Thomas Turner, Surveyor of the Port of Drogheda who died in 1758. He was born at Lewes, in Sussex. Also his daughter who died in 1758 and his son in 1767.
TUTHILL – Katherine Jessie Tuthill widow of Major A.B Cairnes of Listoke Drogheda 27 Jan 1956.
WALSH – John Joseph Walsh, 22 Fair Street, Drogheda. 29 Feb. 1956.
WALL – See Roch.
Thomas Wallton of the Town of Drogheda, Merchant. His wife Charity and Peter his infant son. Erected 1820.
WATERS – See Bagnell.
WATSON – Andrew Watson who deceased August ye 30 1718 age — years.
WATSON – Kathleen, younger daughter of William and Kathleen Rowan Watson 8 Jan 1937 age 4½ yrs. William Wilson Rowan Watson died 4 Oct 1959 age 64 years.
WATT – Elsie Watt 19 June 1921. Her husband Andrew 16 Dec 1923. Their daughter Elsie Clarendon 30 Dec 1968. “Till he come”.
WATT – See McQuade.
WELLS – Leslie Hunt Wells who entered into Rest 23rd Aug 1974. age 74 yrs. “Forever with the Lord”.
WELLS – Lewis Wells died 9th May 1947 and his wife Esther 7 Jan. 1962.
WEIR – Archibald Weir died 27 Sept. 1850. Jane Emily Weir & Jessie McFarlane Weir 25 June 1877. Susanna Margaret Weir 20 Feb. 1902. Marion Susanna Weir 20 Aug 1909. Weir Hope Drogheda.
WHITFIELD – Pte. John Whitfield, 21st Fusiliers who died 18th March 1868 age 34 years. Erected by the N.C. officers and men of F. Compy. as a mark of respect for their deceased comrade.
WILLIAMSON – Erected by Rodger Williamson in memory of his wife Mary Anne who died 15 July 1832 aged 30 years.
WILLIAMSON – Erected to the memory of Mr. Onslow Williamson by his widow Eliza, who died 11th Jan. 1832 age 68 years.
WISEMAN – Thomas Wiseman of Drogheda 1770.
WOGAN – John Wogan whose remains lieth near this with his Ancestors and his wife Alice Wogan, Crooked Street. Drogheda 1799.
WOGAN – This Burial place belongeth to Patt Wogan where lyeth six of his children. 1750.
WOODBINE – Alma Meredith Woodbine, called home 18 Jan 1948 85 years. Her grandson Meredith only son of James and Alma Hosie 27 June 1949. 15 years. “Till we meet”
WRIGHT – Jane Wright 19 Dec 1740 age 44 years.
WHITE – See Coade.
WHITSON – Erected A.D. 1818 by John Whitson in memory of his son John 11 Dec. 1818.