Like many of the graveyards in Co. Meath, the burial ground surrounding the Protestant church in Kells contains numerous fine memorials. The following inscriptions are a selection from these, and are of particular interest because the Church of Ireland registers of Kells date from 1773 and the Catholic registers from 1791, thus providing sources wherein further information may be sought. Ten other inscriptions from this cemetery have already been printed in Vol. 4 (page 457, et seq.) of the MEMORIALS OF THE DEAD.
West end of Graveyard.
PARSONS – Erected by Doctor Wm Parsons to the Memory of his Father the late Mr John Parsons of Kells merchant who departed this life 8th June 1848 aged 38 years Also his brother John who died young And his grandmother Anne Fitzpatrick who departed this life in the year 1856 aged 72 years.
REILLY – IHS Here lyeth ye body of Edmond Reilly who departed ys life April ye 10 1766 aged 84 years Also his wife Mary Reilly decd September ye 27 1772 Aged 66 years This stone was erected by Philip and James their sons Anno Domini.
KEATING – Here lyeth the body of Christopher Keating and Mary Dagon his wife who departed this life April the18 anno domini 1716.
MC CABE – IHS Erected A.D. 1830 by Bernard McCabe of Kells in memory of his mother Mary McCabe who died 1788 aged 35 years Also his Daughter Mary McCabe died May 1832 aged 4 years and 6 months.
CLARKE – Erected in Memory of James Clarke. [N.F.P.]
CALDWELL – Erected by John Caldwell in Memory of his loving wife Anne Caldwell alias Brady who depd this life Sept 22nd 1844 aged 40yr Also her Father John Brady depd June 13th 1820 aged 56 years
FARRELLY – IHS Erected by Thomas Farrelly of Ballintubber in this parish in memory of his Mother Margaret who depd this life 24 July 1807 aged 56 years and his Father Hugh who died 15 Jany 1825 aged 72 years Also as a special tribute to the memory of his dearly beloved wife Judith Farrelly alias Allen who departed this life 16 March 1855 aged 64 years.
NELSON – In Loving Memory of George Nelson of Kells who died December 3rd ..03 aged 79 years.
HUGHES – Erected by John Hughes in memory of his beloved Mother Bridget Hughes who departed this life 17th April 1857 aged 75 years And also his beloved Father Bernard Hughes who departed this life 1st February 1862 aged 84 years.
CHARLES – Here lyeth the body of Mary Charles alias Pendan wife to Richard Charles who departed this life July the 5th 1770 aged 27.
REYNOLDS – Erected by William Reynolds in Memory of his Father George Reynolds who died 16 July 1849 Aged 70 years. Also his Mother Margaret died 20 Sep ..77 aged 70 years. William Reynolds died 19 September 1898 aged 78 years.
MULLEN – This monument was Erected by George Mullen of Kells in Memory of his son William who departed this life July 1845 aged 29 years Also in memory of his son Robert who died April 7th 1848 aged 23years Also in memory of his son George who died March 10th 1882 aged 48 years.
CONNELL – IHS Erected by Patrick Connell of Cannon Kells in Memory of his beloved ..ther Peter Connell who died 16th June 1857 aged 75 years. His brother ..ichael who died 2nd November 1847 aged 26years. His Brother Thomas …o died 25 November 1856 aged 27 years and his Brother Peter who died 26 November 1857 aged 25 years. Here also lie the remains of the above Patrick Connell who died 10 July 1874 aged 57 years. Also to the memory of Mary …fe of the above named Peter Connell who died on 26th day of February ..78 aged 90 years.
WALES – To the Memory of Simon Wales Land Sergeant in the Bedfordshire Regiment of Militia who dep. this life the 21st Feb.1799 in the38 year of his life. This stone is Erected by his Comrades in testimony of their High esteem.
TOBIN – Erected by John Tobin of U.S. America in Memory of his Father George Tobin who departed this life 25 May 1856 aged 60 years.
McGURK – In Loving Memory of Patrick McGurk died May 11th 1867 aged 70 years … Rose McGurk his wife died May 29 1876 aged 59 years.
DOWLING – Affectionate remembrance of John Dowling who departed this life February 18 1876 aged 24 years.
OWENS – IHS This Monument was erected by Edward Owens to the Memory of his Father James Owens who departed this life February Anno 1831 aged 71 years.
HANNON – This stone was Erected by Thomas Hannon in Memory of his Mother Catherine Hannon who departed this life in the 69 year of her age 1789.
RYAN – Mrs Mary Ryan in memory of her beloved husband Mr Peter Ryan late of Modlin Street, Kell who departed this life on the 28 June A.D. 1849 aged 56 years leaving a bereaved family to lament the loss of the best and fondest of protectors and society to regret the early demise of an obliging friend and eminently useful member. May he rest in Peace. Amen. Also the above Mary Ryan who departed this life the 6th March 1875. Kate Ryan died 3 May 1883. Joseph Ryan died 4 March1898. George Ryan died 23 March 1909. Teresa Ryan died 12 September 1941. Mrs Mary Ryan died 25 September 1942. Baby Peter W.E.Ryan died 20 June 1943. Mrs Elizabeth Ryan, Syddenrath Kells, died 22 December 1945.
BURKE – IHS Erected by Ellen and Bridget Burke of New York in memory of their fond father Henry Burke of Kells who died 28 June 1875 Aged 84 years.
O’FERRALL – Lord have Mercy on the soul of James O’Ferrall Esq who died 3 July 1899. Also on the soul of his wife Mrs Maria O’Ferrall who died 22 March 1890. And also on the soul of Jane Doherty who died 6 January 1876 R.I.P.
SWAINE – In affectionate remembrance of William Swaine who departed this life 22 July 1869 aged 74 years. Also Mrs. Fanny Myers, Kells, died 26 January 1897 aged 57 years.
TORMY – IHS This Stone was Erected by Ann Tormy alias Gegan in memory of her husband John Tormy who Dep. this life December ye 29 1772 aged 43 years. Also in Memory of (remainder of stone buried).
CORCORAN – Erected by Nicholas Corcoran in memory of his beloved Father William who died Oct 14th 1850 aged 56 years Also his beloved Mother Mary died March 7th 1873 aged 79 years And his brother John died in London June 2nd 1875 aged 48 years.
SMYTH – IHS This Monument was erected by Ja: Smyth of Kells in Memory of his wife Serah Smyth alias O’Neil who dept this life ye 27 of Jany 1779 aged 27 years. Also here lieth the body of Jams Smyth husband to the above Serah who depd this life Febuy the 28 1792 aged 47years.
SWIFT – IHS Erected by Sam Swift in Memy to his Fathr Heny Swift and his Mother Mary Depd this life Sepr ye 5th 1775 aged 56 years and his Father Depd this life March ye 4th 1782 aged 65 years and one of their children Owen Swift died 10th February 1806 his wife Julia died 20th August 1878 his son Jams died 20th January 1888 and Peter died 27 July 1892. Mary Swift died 23 June 1926.
NAULEY – IHS Here Lyeth the Body of Mary Nauley alias Gugery who depd this life Augst ye 30th 1790 aged 65 years erected by her sons Peter and Hugh Nauley.
FISHER – Intered here lyeth the Remains of Henry Fisher late of Cartans who Departed the 19th March 1771 in the 101 year of his age. Also Elizabeth his wife died A.D. 1739 aged 43 with 2 of their sons Jno and Mauw. John died April 1760 aged 30 Mauw died August 1780 aged 37. Erected by Henry Fisher son to the above Henry and Elizabeth also his children Henrietta, Henry and Mary who died in their infancy.
NULTY – This stone was erected by Anne Nulty alias Clancy in memory of her second husband Philip Nulty of the town of Kells who departed this life 18th of April 1815 Aged 38 years.
South side of graveyard
MARKEY – IHS This stone was erected by their son Christopher Markey in Memory of his most Affectionate Parents. Here Lyeth the Body of Dennis Makey (sic) and his wife Anne Markey otherwise Reily who departed March 17 1791. Here also lyeth the Body of his Brothers Phill and Patrick Markey who Depd May the 26 1805 aged 58 years Here the body of his sister Mary and her Son (remainder of stone buried).
NUGANT – This Stone was erected by Walter Nugant August the 7 1740.
GARNETT – Mrs Sarah Garnett departed this life at an advanced age March 19th 1829.
GARNETT – In Memory of William Garnett of Donover House Moynalty Who departed this life on 25th February 1857 aged 48 years. Also in memory of his wife Julia Garnett nee Boyse who died at Llanddaff Lodge Thurles Tipperary on 25th May 1892 aged 83 years and who caused this stone to be erected.
McCORMICK – IHS This stone was erected by Silvester McCormick of Kells over the Body of his son Thos who depd this life Januy ye 2d 1779.
GRAHAM – Underneath this slab lie the remains of Oliver Graham Esquire died February 1825 aged 25 years.
FISHER – This Tomb was Erected by Robert Fisher of Kells for him and his Posterity. Here rests the remains of George Fisher son to the above Robert whose mortal Existence terminated on the 15th day of March 1812 aged 17 years. Also the remains of Maria Fisher daughter to the above Robert departed this life 23rd July 1846 aged 24 years and who is greatly lamented by all who knew her abilities Also to the Memory of Wm Fisher late (stone cracked and illegible).
HANNON – This Tomb was erected by Mary Hannon of Kells to the Memory of her Husband Thomas Hannon who died December 2nd 1806 aged 66 years. Also his wife Mary Hannon who died 23rd August 1820 aged 86 years. Also their son Thos Hannon who died 8th August 1823 aged 48 years. Also their daughter of Cathe Dowling who died 11th June 1827 aged 54 years. Underneath are also deposited the mortal remains of Jane the beloved wife of Thomas Hannon Junr who departed this life October19th 1838 aged 28 years. Underneath also the remains of Sophia wife of Thomas Hannon who departed this life the 9th day of November 1848 aged 68 years. Also Thos great grandson to the former and grandson to the latter above named Thomas who died January the 5th 1860 aged 27 years and also to Thomas Father to the above last named Thomas Hannon who died 17 Sept 1864 aged 62 years.
ANDERSON – (Crest: a dove with an olive branch) This stone was erected by George Anderson in Memory of his Son Anthony Anderson who departed this Life March the 15 1799 aged 35 years.
O’DEMPSEY – Here lie the remains of Silvester O’Dempsey Esq. who departed this life the 31st December 1814 in the 70th year of his age. A Man of the most stead… friendship unblemished integrity … charity and universal benevolence. This frail memorial of imperishable regard is inscribed as a record to the fondest affection to his memory by his daughter Catherine O’Dempsey.
WRIGHT – This monument was erected by the Upper Kells Infantry Commanded by Captain Molloy in grateful remembrance of their Brother Soldier William Wright who fell at Tarah in the County of Meath in defence of his king and country on the 26th of May 1798 in the 56th year of his age.
BELL, MOLLOY – Sacred to the Memory of Margret Bell wife of Jams Molloy of Rathbrack who departed this life April 26 1826 in the 36 year of her age. This Monument was erected by her only child Edwd Molloy in grateful remembrance of the best of parents. Also on the left side of this stone is intered the body of James Molloy of Rathbrack Esq. who died June 25 1833 aged 68 years. Likewise beneath this stone lieth the mortal remains of Letitia Booth Bell wife of Edwd Molloy of Lenex Brook Esq. who departed this life the 10 June 1837 aged 32 years.*
KELLY – To the Memory of Jane Kelly who died 5 March 1866 aged 50 years. Martin Kelly who died 5 July 1866 aged 15 years. James Kelly who died 15 October 1868 aged 28 years and Martin Kelly who died 31 January 1876 aged 80 years. Erected by Walter Kelly son to the above named Martin and James Kelly.
TORMAY – IHS This stone was erected by John Tormay of Kells in Memory of his Father James Tormay who departed this life January the 4th 1790 aged 48 years. Here also rest the remains of his son James who departed this life the 4th January 1819 aged 38 years.
CULLAN – IHS Erected by Patk Cullan in Memory of his mother Bridgt Cullan alias Stone who died June ye 7th 1795 aged 70 yrs.
LADLEY – This Monument was erected by Anne Ladley alias Tormay in memory of her affectionate husband William Ladley who departed this life the 21 of March 1819 aged 53 years. Here also lie the remains of his son William who departed this life the 11th of April 1814 aged 18 years.
HOLDCROFT – Sacred to the Memory of George Holdcroft (stone broken)… 1810 in the sixtieth year of his age And his wife Anne daughter of the late John Kellett of Rathcin Esq. died February 18th 1815 aged 78 years.
North side of graveyard
HUBBART – Here Lyeth the Body of Mrs Ann Hubbart late of Kells who departed this life April 3rd 1835 in the 73rd year of her Age. Also the remains of Henry Colston who departed this life on the 16th day of Juine 1856 in the 58 year of his age. Also the remains of Emma Colston his wife who died on the 4th of February 1877 aged 82 years. Also the remains of John T. Hutchinson who died on the 27 of October 1849 aged 28 years.
CLARE – Underneath are intered the remains of Jane Elizabeth Clare daughter of Joshua and Maria Clare who departed this life on the 23 August 1816 aged 16 year and 10 months Also the remains of the above Joshua Clare Captain and Adjutant of the Royal Meath Militia who departed this life June 11th 1862 aged 65 years and 6 months Also his son Thomas Tatlow Clare who died December 1st 1861 aged 26years Also the above Maria Clare died February the 10th 1885 aged 81 years.
Inside the Church
SMYTH – Underneath are intered the Rev James Smyth for 27 years Archdeacon of Meath who died November 1759 aged 78 and Catherine his wife daughter of Dr. John Vesey and Bishop of Tuam who died in May 1733 aged 52. Their children have caused the monument to be erected to the memory of the best of Parents.
ROTHWELL – Inn Memory of Richard Rothwell, J.P.,D.L., of Rockfield who died August 13 1853. Also of Elizabeth his wife daughter of the Rev. Thomas Sutton Rector of Clongill who died November 24 1871.
Lastly, a stone which now cannot be found, but which is believed to have been in the west section of the graveyard, and which was transcribed by John Hyde ffolliott about forty years ago
SINGLETON – This Stone was erecd Novn ye 7 1774 by Robt and John Singleton for them and their Posty
* See The Molloy Family of Kells, by Dr.J.C. Shaw, TheIrish Genealogist, Vol. 3,No.5. 1960