Dr. Beryl F.E. Moore and Mr. Michael Kenny
Old Kilbride graveyard which is in Dunboyne Barony has a good stone wall around it and a good iron gate. The measurements are east side 98 ft. north 229 ft. west 108 ft. and south side 174 ft. there was a circular path around it but of latter years coffins are not carried around it. Cogan tells us it was used in his day. The walls of the old ruined church are completely shrouded in ivy inside and outside as Cogan tells us they were in his day. The walls are about 10 ft. high but no carved stones of doors or windows have survived. Cogan’s measurements of the church ruins are: nave 55 ft 3 ins, chancel 23 ft in length and the choir arch is 8 ft 7 ins to the vortex by 5 ft 2 ins at the base. He tells us that ‘ this choir arch is one of the most ornamental and beautiful of its kind in all the existing ruins in the Diocese of Meath but nothing what ever of this magnificent choir arch is to be seen today. It must have been stolen by some vandal since Cogan’s day (not quite 110 years ago). There are 5 gaps in the walls where presumably there were windows and doors. Under the east window we get a good iron gate which leads into the Butler burial plot which has a good iron railing all around it. This Butler plot fills the chancel except for a narrow strip on the south side and in this strip Mr. Kenny and his friend Mr. Gerard Hughes found a recumbent slab, an upright headstone and several pieces of another broken headstone lying one on top of the other and buried almost 2 feet under the ground. It seems probable that they were removed from their original positions when the iron railing was erected around the Butler plot. There are some 10 Hagioscopes. These are described as ‘oblique openings in the walls of a church to afford a view of the altar and officiating priest and to hear the service particularly if one is outside’. The word comes from 2 German words called Hagios – Holy and Skopein – to look; therefore Hagioscopes – a Holy look. In this country they are more often called ‘A squint’. 2 of these Kilbride squints in the east wall (one on each side of the east window) are placed higher than a man standing outside, therefore they could only be used if the person had something to stand on. The dedication of this old church is St. Brigid.
Five headstones were dug up:
Five headstones referring to the trade of the deceased:
Headstones in chancel of ruined church
1) BUTLER … A high iron railing surrounds the Butler plot which almost completely fills the chancel, except for a narrow strip on the south side. The only way of entering this enclosure is by a good iron gate below where the east window used to be situated. An upright polished marble headstone with a peaked top is set against the north wall of the chancel and on it we get the Butler crest and Coat of Arms on a shield; crest … a demifalcon over an Ostrich feather plume on a crown (5 ostrich feathers). Coat of Arms on the shield … 3 shells on the right side and 3 chalices, 3 shells and a lion rampant on the left side. Underneath is a scroll with the motto – Timor Domini Fons Vitae which is ‘The fear of the Lord is a fountain of Life’. The inscription below is “Sacred to the memory of Thomas Butler Esq., J P of Priesttown House Co. Meath who departed this life 19th February 1900 in his 77th year and Isabella Butler his sister who departed this life 24th November 1904 in her 75th year. Also James T. Butler of Priesttown House Major House Major Royal Meath Regiment who departed this life May 17th 1928 in his 68th year. Also his wife Geraldine B.M. Butler who departed this life 8th January 1966 in her 94th year”. There is a large flag lying on the grave with ‘Butler’ on it.
2) McDANIEL … In a slightly sunken semicircle we get a Dexter arm grasping a cross which is crossletted. This is a recumbent slab. “Here lieth the body of Geo McDaniel of the City of Dublin Mercht who departed this life July ye 21. 1780 in the 32 year of his age. He lived beloved and died lamented. His afflicted wife Ann McDaniel has erected this stone in testimony of the filial love and affection shee bears to the kindest of husbands and best of men”. F is used for S and she is spelt with two EE’s. This is one of the headstones dug up by Mr. Kenny and his friend.
3) FLEMING … Long narrow upright stone found by Messrs. Kenny & Hughes over a foot underground and on top of No. 2. The inscription was fortunately uppermost. It is broken into two pieces and a small piece with some of the inscription is missing. It has a rounded top with a cross and IHS in a full sunburst. “This stone and burial place belongeth to Mr. Mich. Fleming and his posterity. Here lyeth the body of Mr. Fleming son to the Sd Mich. Fleming who departed this life the 14th day of March 1735 aged 17 years”.
4) CARPENTER…There are three small pieces of stone lying on the ground and only a few words of the inscription can be read on them. These pieces were also found by Messrs. Kenny & Hughes. There is a fragment of a sunburst. “This ston-…. Place belongeth …Carpenter …”
Headstones on east side of graveyard reading from right to left.
Row 1
5) KEARNS …Black marble peaked stone inside a large curb with chippings on the grave. Cross on top. “In loving Memory of Patrick Kearns died 18th April 1967. His wife Mary died 6th March1975 “. At bottom ‘R I P. Erected by his loving wife & family: Kearns’. And also Farrell & Sons.
Row 2
6) BEHAN … White marble slab with solid cross at top. Head of Blessed Virgin in centre and ‘Jesus Mercy Mary Help’ around head. Fancy plastic railing around grave. “In loving memory of our darling son Anthony John Behan died 7th Feb. 1966 aged 6 years”. At bottom Farrell & Son.
7) MC GOVERN … White marble ringed cross with IHS at centre. Curb and chippings. “In loving memory of Mary McGovern died 31st January 1955 and Laurence McGovern died 30th November 1970. At bottom ‘R I P Erected by her loving husband and family’. Harrison Ltd Dublin.
8) DUNNE … Black marble slab with cross on left side . Curb around grave and chippings “In loving memory of Michael Dunne Ballymacarney died 1st Jan. 1976. His parents Patrick Dunne died 19th May 1948. Anne Dunne died 24th Oct. 1951.” R I P and Farrell & Son at bottom.
9) RAFFERTY… a very small thin marble slab set in a base. “In loving memory of Christina the beloved wife of Laurence Rafferty who died July 27th 1931 aged 50 yrs”. At bottom R I P.
Row 3
10) SULLIVAN … Slab with solid cross at top. Blessed Virgin and child in centre. “In loving memory of my dear sons Frank Sullivan who died 14 Aug. 1945. Also Christopher Sullivan who died 19th Sept. 1960 of Cheeverstown Co. Meath. Erected by their Mother Father and family”. R I P at bottom.
11) GAYNOR … Concrete headstone with peaked top. “Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on the soul of Thomas Gaynor died 4th August 1933 R I P”. At bottom ‘Erected by his poor lonely wife’.
12) KANE … Plain concrete cross with heart and crown of thorns in centre. On base “In sad and loving memory of our dear Mother Mrs. Anne Kane who died on 26th day of December 1930 Age 86. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul” At bottom R I P
13) CARBERRY … Slab with cross at top, lamb and cross in centre: ‘Ecce Agnus Dei’ on the limbs of the cross. “Erected by Baron de Robeck in memory of Edward Carberry who died in the Bay of Castle Curragh 30th April 1892 aged 70 years. A good and faithful man R I P. Deeply regretted by his brothers and sisters”. At bottom J. Wade Berkeley St. Dublin.
14) 2 wooden ringed crosses with no inscription, both within a chain surround.
Row 4
15) KENNEDY …There are 2 white marble upright headstones within this large plot which has a white marble curb around it. No. 15 is a white marble solid cross with our Blessed Lord’s head wearing a crown of thorns in the centre. “In loving memory of our dear parents Mary Ann Kennedy died 2nd March 1940. Christopher Kennedy died 13th March 1965”.
16) KENNEDY … White marble slab with cross and flowers on an inset at the top. This stone is in the same surround as No. 15. “In loving memory of my dear husband John Kennedy Cool Quay, The Ward, who died 31st Aug. 1968”. At bottom ‘R I P on his Soul Sweet Jesus have Mercy’. N.Doggett Donore Drogheda on base.
17) BRUTON … White marble upright headstone with solid cross, flaming heart above, crown of thorns around it and 2 drops of blood on the heart. “Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on the soul of Kathleen Bruton, Newtown, The Ward, died 1st November 1953 aged 40 years”. At bottom ‘R I P Erected by her loving family’. Condon Leinster St. P.Boro. at back.
18) CAVENAGH … A very old stone with notched top, in centre a full sunburst around a cross IHS and heart. Under sunburst on left ‘In all your glory’ and on right ‘Momento Mori’. At each side of this central motif we get a bird but the one on the left is almost all broken away. “This stone was erected here by Luke Cavenagh of Milltown in the county of Meath for him and his posterity. Here lieth the body of his daughter Rose Cavenagh, who departed the 17th March 1795 aged 24 years; (then a scroll) here lieth also the body of his daughter Mary Cavenagh who departed this life the 10th of June 1801 aged 32 years”.
19) BRADY … Old stone tilting backwards. Domed top with sunburst in centre enclosing a cross IHS and heart with 2 feathered arrows. ‘Gloria etc’ around top and ‘Momento Mori’ around bottom of sunburst. “This stone was erected by Francis Brady of the city of Dublin Builder. Here lieth the remains of his father Edward Brady who departed this life March 17th 1789 aged 58 years and several of his children. Here also lieth the remains of Mary Brady wife of Francis Brady who departed this life March 26th 1797 aged 26 years. Also Bridget Brady his mother departed 19th May 1800 aged 63 years. Requiescant in Pace”.
20) FARRELL …White marble stone with cross at left and inscription at right. “In loving memory of Thomas Farrell Donaughmore died 13th Feb. 1944 aged 78 Yrs. His wife Julia died 19th Sep. 1951 aged 76 yrs”. R I P at bottom.
Row 5
21) BRASSINGTON… Recumbent slab situated outside the east wall of the church ruins on the right hand side of the iron gate giving entrance to the Chancel. Only a small piece of the lower end was visible while all the rest of this big recumbent slab was covered by a foot or more of clay and stones. We were unable to clear the top of the stone as it is embedded in innumerable ivy roots, but Mr. Kenny cleared enough to expose most of the inscription. The old-fashioned F is used for S. “… of Richard Brassington of Ballymacarney who departed this life January the 17th 1795 aged 73 years. Also the body of his brother James Brassington Esqr of the Court of Belgree who departed this life August the 1st 1781 aged 54 years”.
22) GRIFFIN … Very heavy notched old stone tilting forward and nearly impossible to read. Cross and IHS at top. “This stone was Erecd by Laurence Griffin in memory of his (the 3 letters of his are small) Father Thos. Griffin who died March Ye 15th 1762 aged 78 Yrs. Also his mother Mary Griffin who died Novr Ye 13th 1761 aged 60 Yrs.”.
23) GRIFFITH… Heavy old stone tilting forward, with domed top. Full sunburst around Cross IHS and 2 feathered arrows. Gloria etc. around top. “This stone was erected by Ann Fitzgerald of No. 6 Stoneybatter in memory of her beloved husband Thomas Griffith and her son John Griffith who departed this life February 12th in the 25th year of his age 1799. Also 7 of her children”.
Headstones on south side of ruined church
Row 6
24) DUDLEY …Recumbent slab parallel to the south wall of the church and very close to it and was completely covered by more than a foot of earth till Mr. Kenny struck it with his ‘Proder’ and then spent an hour exposing it. “Here lieth the body of John Dudley late of Kilshane in the County of Dublin Esqr who died the 13th day of December 1760 aged 72 years. Also the body of his son John Dudley late of Raheny in the said county Esqr who died the 6th day of November 1777 aged 58 years. To whose memory this stone is erected by Mrs. Jane Dudley his widow”.
25) GALAGHER … Large heavy stone with domed top, cross in a circular inset, ‘Cruc Mihi Salus’ around top. “Erected by Catherine Calagher in memory of her beloved father Michael who departed this life the 7th of February 1798 aged 72 years. And of her beloved Mother Eleanor who died the 22nd Novr 1809 aged 72 years. And also five of her brothers James William Hugh Patrick Michael and her sister Mary”. At bottom ‘May they rest in peace’.
26) O’ROURKE… Small stone cross with a crown of thorns carved around it. ‘May’ at top and on base O’Rourke’. In loving memory of Mary Alice who died Jany 6th 1907 aged 13 years and 3 months”.
Row 7
27) MC ENROE … Small domed stone with Our Lord displaying the Sacred Heart in a semicircular inset. “In loving memory of our dear brother Patrick McEnroe died 25th Jan. 1932 & Parents”. At bottom ‘R I P erected by Mrs. Cowley’. At back Pittan 29 Beresford St.
28) QUINN…Concrete surround. This large plot has the next two stones in it. No. 28 has a ringed cross with a lamb on a cross in its centre. “Erected by Martin Patrick Quinn Priestown in memory of his beloved Father Patrick Quinn who died 15th Decr 1879 in the 65th year of his age, also his brother Michael who died 25th Decr 1857 aged 17 years. On whose soul sweet Jesus have mercy. Also the above Martin died 18th Feb. 1934”. Farrell & Sons Glasnevin at bottom.
29) QUINN…White marble slab with Our Lord’s head at the top and a 4-petalled flower at each side. “Pray for the soul of James Quinn Boolies died 29th July 1964 aged 72 years”. At bottom ‘R I P Erected by his loving wife and family’ and Quinn on base.
Row 8
30) HATCH… notched top, full sunburst outside a Cross and IHS. “Erected by Thomas Hatch of Phenix Street Dublin in memory of his father Charles Hatch and Mother Mary Boylan and five posterity”.
31) BALFE…Large old stone tilting backwards, with domed top, Cross IHS and heart with 2 feathered arrows in circular inset and Gloria etc around it. “This stone is erected by Elinor Balfe of Balfestown in the county of Meath in memory of her beloved husband William Balfe who departed this life the 10 of Augt 1802 aged 76 years. Also Margret Mathews of Smithfield daughter of the said William who departed this life the 19 of March 1800 aged 44 years. Also four of the said Margret’s children who died young”
32) LAMBE…Small black slate. “In memory of Bridget Lambe died 1904 aged 50 years. Also Joseph Lambe died 6th March 1922 aged 76. R I P”. On the back is an iron cross.
Row 9
33) SWEENEY …Large white marble stone with a domed top, IHS in the dome. “In loving memory of Patrick Sweeney Kilbride died 16th Jan.1912 aged 72. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on him. Also his wife Mary Sweeney who died 9th December 1929 aged 66 R I P. Their son James Sweeney died 13th Oct. 1945”.
34) MC CABE…Old stone with a notched top, much sunk in the ground and leaning forward so it is nearly impossible to read the inscription. It has a full sunburst around a Cross and IHS. “This stone was erected by James McCabe in memory of his son James who died 1st of Augt 1763 aged 29. Here lieth Ye body of Ye above James McCabe who died Augt Ye 5, 1765 aged 66. With his wife & 2 more of his children”.
35) CARPENTER… A small piece of rough uncarved stone containing only the lefthand side of the inscription. Cross and H but the I and S which were on each side are gone. ….1713 … Patrick … Carpent (The n is upside down) … Erab … On the back of the stone we get … Cross HIS … Hear lies (not here) … The body of … Alsebath … Who died … In 1707
Row 10
36) MATHEWS… This stone has a domed top and is tilting to the left. It is covered in White Lichen, cross and IHS and Heart with 2 feathered arrows, all in a Sunburst and Gloria etc. around it. “This stone was erected in memory of Stepn Mathews late of the Ward county of Dublin Farmer who depad this life 3rd Decmr 1792 aged 84 years. Also his beloved Wife Ann Mathews who depad 10th Dec. 1797 aged 84 years. Also his son Pattk Mathews who depad 12th Decr 1798 aged 45 years. Also Mary Mathews wife of P. Mathews who depard this life 20th of Decr 1798 aged 39 years”.
37) No name…This is only the bottom piece of a stone with ‘Requiescant in Pace’ on it. The words are upside down, so there may be more inscription and the name underground but it is very deep in the ground and we couldn’t raise it.
Row 11
38) READ… This stone is much sunken in the ground and leaning forward and most difficult to read. It has a notched top with a Crucifixion on the centre. Our Crucified Lord is on the centre of an altar and a candle on each side. Around the top we get Oria. Tibi Domini – We pray to thee O Lord. There is a winged cherub on each side & an ornamental border around inscription. “Here lieth the body of Mr John Read of Ballymacoil County Meath who departed this life 21st January 1804 aged 86 years. And also his posterity. Erected by his son Mr Patrick Read”.
Row 12
39) HALPNY… Small old stone with domed top and notch in centre. Cross and IHS. “This stone and Buril place belongs to James Halpny and his posteraty March the 30th 1770”. Burial is spelt buril, and posterity is spelt posteraty.
40) LYNCH …White marble cross with Our Lord’s head in centre and ‘Jesus Mercy Mary Help’ on shaft. Also Sacred Heart motif and crown of thorns. “In loving memeory of James Lynch Baytown died 25th Sept. 1954 Marian Year aged 64 years”. Lower down ‘R I P Erected b his loving wife & family’ and ‘Lynch’.
41) LYNCH …White marble stone with IHS at top. “In loving memory of Patrick Lynch of Baytown died 13th Jany 1919 aged 32. His wife Mary died 31st Jany 1965 aged 79”. At base R I P and N. Emery Dublin.
42) LYNCH … Small white marble solid cross with ‘My Jesus Mercy’ around a sacred Heart motif with a crown of thorns around it, all in a sunken inset. “In loving memory of Mary Elizabeth Lynch Cluthe, the Ward died 6th Feb.1963 aged 80”. R I P Lower down.
Row 13
43) SHORT …Old heavy stone tilting to left and much buried in the ground with a domed top, full sunburst around Cross, IHS and Heart with 2 feathered arrows, Gloria in excelsis Deo under sunburst. Chalice on either side. “This stone was erected by Mrs. Catherine Short of Great Strand Street in the City of Dublin Grocer in memory of her Belovd Husband John Short who departed this life January the 12th 1791 aged 47 years. Also four of her children Simon aged four years, Alice aged three years, Mary aged two years, Alice aged 15 months”.
44) BOYLAN … Domed stone tilting forward with half sunburst over a Cross IHS and a heart. A floral design on either side. “This stone was erected by Gariet Boylan. Here lieth Ye body of his grandfather & grandmother. Also Ye body of Catherin Boylan alias Brien who (all 3 small letters) died April Ye 5th 1754 aged 33 years & 6 of (small letters) her children”.
45) Four small broken pieces which may belong to two different headstones as they seem to be two different types of stone. The only words we could make out were “Cross and IHS …Here lyeth … Keaten who” on one piece. “1740 … Ye Bo …” on the second piece. “Rua” on the third piece and “by Ian …” on the fourth piece.
46) GERTY … Domed top, full sunburst, Cross IHS and heart, “Erected by Laurence Gerty in memory of his father Christopher Gerty who departed his life April 13th 1789 aged 49 years. Also his wife Maggy Gerty who departed this life October the 5 1788 aged 27 Yrs. Also his uncle Patrick Gerty who departed this life March 16th 1772 aged 35 years. May they rest in peace amen”.
Row 14
47) PHILLIPS … This is a domed stone. “Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Hannah Phillips wife of Richard Phillips of Belgree in this parish who died 13th of June 1882 aged 72 years. Erected by her afflicted husband and two of her sisters. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. 15 feet south of this stone lies the remains of the father and mother of the above Richd namely Richd Phillips who died 23rd October 1863 aged 88 years. Catherine Phillips 2nd March 1862 77 years. Also Robt L. Phillips 29th May 1842. 18 Years. Eliza Phillips 21st Jany 1874. 62 years. Henry Phillips of Kilcarberry Co.Dublin 23rd Augt 1866. 89 Yrs. Beneath this stone are buried Richard Phillips husband of her for whom it was erected died at Belgree November 25th 1885 and his sister Maria M. Phillips died April 11th 1906. Also in memory of Richard Robert Phillips son of Hannah and Richard Phillips who died 22nd March 1932”. At bottom Sharp Dublin.
48) BRENNAN … Cross with a small marble slab in front of its shaft. IHS at top. “In loving memory of Patrick and Mary Brennan. Also their sons daughters, daughters in Law and grand children R I P. Erected by their loving Daughter Mary Brennan Blancherstown”.
49) Iron cross with no inscription.
50) Iron cross with no inscription.
51) DUNN … Wooden cross with “IHS in loving memory of Patrick and Margaret Dunn”.
52) Wooden cross with no inscription. This cross and the next three are all within the same chain curb.
53) Wooden cross with no inscription.
54) Iron cross with no inscription.
55) Dunne …Stone cross on a base with inscription on the latter. At top INRI cross and heart. “In everloving memory of Andrew Dunne aged 60 died 19th June 1942. May Jesus in His mercy grant his soul eternal rest”. R I P at bottom.
56) MOORE …Domed top, wide stone with cross IHS and 3 nails in a full sunburst. “Here lies the remains of Patrick Moore of Ballantree Deced Desemr the 4th 1701 aged 95 and of Mary Strong his wife Deced Desmr the 4th 1708 aged 75. And of Ignatius Moore their son deced March ye 7th 1728 aged 54. And of Christian White his wife Deced febr the 16th 1730 aged 50. And of Anne King wife of Patrick Moore of Ballintree Deced April the 6th 1743 aged 40”.
57) MOORE… Large heavy cross lying on the ground with unfortunately no inscription on the side uppermost. It has a large heavy base still in place but covered in ivy. Inscription on the base reads “Sacred to the memory of Michael Moore who died 20th May 1894 aged 78 years. And his wife Mary Anne Moore who died 4th November 1864”. RIP at bottom.
58) MOORE… Domed, large heavy stone which tilts forward slightly. Full sunburst around a cross IHS and Heart with 2 feathered arrows. Gloria etc. around top. Momento Mori (Remember you must die) one word of which is on the left and the other word on the right side. “This stone was erected by Patrick Moore of Bridgefoot Street in the city of Dublin Coachmaker in memory of his father Thomas Moore who departed this life on the 8th day of June 1799 aged 96 years”.
59) Name couldn’t be read … Notched stone, very old looking, almost all the inscription has chipped off, covered in moss. “This … pla …the…in bal… …and…posty… Here lieth the bodies of 4 of his children …Anno 1777”.
60) FAY … Peaked grey limestone slab with a Cross . “In memory of James Fay Newtown The Ward who died on March 14th 1972”. R I P at bottom.
61) DUNNE … inside a chain curb. White marble slab with cross on left. “In loving memory of my wife Eileen Dunne died 10th July 1971. My son Leo died 8th Dec. 1954 and my parents Luke & Margaret Dunne”. At bottom Rest in Peace. Ardiff Leixlip.
62) MC Cann …Domed top, polished marble. “Sacred to the memory of Mary Anne McCann widow of the late Wm McCann of Balfestown and daughter of the late P.C. Rorke, Nangor Castle, Rathcoole who died 17th Dec. 1906 aged 76 years”. At bottom C.W. Harrison & Sons Dublin.
Headstones on north side of ruined church
63) CORCORAN… White marble cross with IHS in centre. “In loving memory of Michael Corcoran died 16th August 1968. His wife Bridget died 1st April 1975.” At bottom Farrell & Son and R I P.
64) RAFFERTY…Small cross with IHS “Erected by Mrs. Mary Rafferty in loving memory of her dear dead husband William who died 25th November 1929. Also her three children who died young”.
65) MOONEY … Marble slab with cross on left side “In loving memory of Thomas Mooney the Bay Mulhuddart died 26th June 1954 aged 72 years. And his son Patrick died 30th July 1931 aged 24 years. Also his wife Mary died 30th Jany 1970 aged 84 years”. At base we get ‘On their souls sweet Jesus have mercy’.
66) Small plain white cross with no inscription.
67) LEONARD AND KANE…This grave has a curb and is covered with chippings. It is a white marble cross with IHS in its centre. “Pray for the souls of the Leonard family and the Kane family interred here”. R I P at bottom and W Gogarty Drogheda.
68) LUMLEY… Peaked Marble stone. “In loving memory of John Lumley died 27th June 1929 and of his wife Mary died 12th May 1946”. R I P at bottom and Harrison Ltd. Dublin.
69) LUMLEY … Domed stone with rolled edge. In an inset we get a cross with a crown and the words ‘No cross no crown’. “Erected by Mrs. Maggie Lumley of Dardistown in memory of her granddaughter Winifred Lumley who died 26th July 1891. also the above namedMrs. Margaret Lumley who died 28th April 1900 aged 59 years. Also John Lumley husband of above died 12th March 1906 aged 82 years. And their beloved son Peter Lumley died 11th November 1911 aged 50 years. And his daughter Mary who died 6th April 1912 aged 2 years”. At bottom R I P. and Farrell & Son Glasnevin.
70) SULLIVAN…Plain white cross. Inscription on base on a metal plate. “In memory of Joseph Sullivan who died 24th Dec. 1957 aged 17 years R I P”.
71) HICKEY … Domed top with Our Lord’s head with a crown of thorns. “In loving memory of William Hickey who died 11th July 1931. Also his son Patsey Hickey who died young. Jesus have mercy on them. Erected by Thos Hickey Dunboyne”. R I P at bottom and Farrell & sons Glasnevin.
72) NO NAME… Concrete slab with cross at top and inscription was on an inset which has fallen out and got lost.
73) O’REILLY… White marble slab in an iron curb. Cross on left with Blessed Virgin’s head over the inscription on right. “In loving memory of my dear husband John O’Reilly died 2nd Feb. 1974”. R I P at bottom and Bracken Glasnevin.
74) DAVIS…Peaked Marble stone. “Erected by Benjamin H. Davis in memory of his Father Holebrook Davis who died 7th March 1887 aged 56 years. And his Mother Catherine who died 10th April 1895 aged 63 years. Also his brother William Thomas who died 24th December 1889 aged 25 years”.