Recorded By Noel E. French (1987)
The churchyard of Killua is situated in the old demesne of Killua castle within sight of the castle. The ruin of the west end of a church that remains in the graveyard is actually a mock ruin built by the Chapmans, the Lords of Killua, from stones of Moyagher church, to enhance the beauty of the spot.
The Chapman’s also created a lake bringing the water across the country in an underground tunnel. There was even a nine hole golf course. The family claimed relationship with Sir Walter Raleigh and erected on their land an obelisk in his memory and dated 1810.
O’ Donovan says the dedication is to St Lua or Luanus. He says “In St Patrick’s travels through the Kingdom of Meath I find mention made of St Da Luanus or Molunas of Craobhach which I suppose is the ancient name of this place but nothing now remains to prove it but the name of the parish, which the native Irish pronounce exactly like Killaloe (Cill a Lua) in Munster, which is acknowledged by all our honest writers to be derived from the celebrated St Luanus or Daluanus”.
There are some gravestones from Frayne, Athboy and other nearer areas of Athboy parish which the Chapman’s occupied. There is a large part of the enclosed graveyard in which there are no stones. There is also a crypt of some unidentified family.
ARMSTRONG – Erected by John Armstrong in memory of his son George Armstrong who depd. this life the 22nd of Feb 1836 aged 23 years.
BEGLIN – See Kogan
BRIODY – This stone and burial place belonged to Willliam Briody of Killkeelan and his posterity underneath lieth the body of his father Edward Briody who departed this life December the 12th 1765 aged 67 years. His mother Margaret Briody departed May the 29th 1775.
CAHILL – IHS This stone was erected (Rob?)ert Cahill in Memory ……
CALLAGHAN – Remember not O God of Truth for Jesus sake the folly of youth. Erected by Thom’s Callaghan in memory of his beloved son Owen Callaghan who departed this life March 8th 1826 aged 25 yrs. Also his daughter Elizabeth Callaghan who dep’d June 12th 1826 aged 17 years. The Blessed Mary Mother of God intercede for them.
CHAPMAN – (Five Headstones)
(i) Benjamin R. Chapman passed away March 24th 1914.
(ii) Caroline Margaret widow of Sir Montague Chapman, 5th Baronet Killua Castle
and daughter of William Chapman D.L. Southhill, Delvin. Died 8th Dec 1919. “And the spirit shall return unto God who gave it”. EccL x 117.
(iii) Dora M. Chapman, daughter of Sir Benjamin Chapman, Baronet Killua Castle, Westmeath. Died 19th November 1921.
(iv) Maria Chapman 9th Oct 1898. Absent from the body present with the Lord.
(v) Montague Chapman. Born 22nd Feb 1853. Died 23rd Jan 1907
CHAPMAN – See Copeland.
COPELAND – Here lyeth the body of Mrs Katherine Copeland daughter of Benjamin Chapman marryed to Mr. William Copeland January ye 28th 1695 who departed this life December the 14th and interred 17th 1728 aged 56 years. (Grave Slab)
DESTRAZ – Sacred to the memory of James Destraz who departed this life 14th Feb 1853 aged 51 years. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the
name of the Lord. (Grave slab)
DEUINE (DEVINE?) – This stone and burial place belongeth to James Deuine to the (?)boue name and his posterity. I was as you are and you will be as I am. Dr. Brothers Pray for me. Rected in ye year of our Lord God 1758. Here lyeth the body of James Deuine who departed this life March ye 9th in the year 1767 in the 59th year of his age.
DERHAM – See Drum
DICKSON – Erected in Memory of the Dickson family of Fairy Park, Clonmellon by Harriett O Dickson died 12th Feb 1943 aged 79 years. Gone but not forgotten.
DONNELLY – Pray for the soul of Felix Donnelly who departed this life December first 1755 aged 63 years. And his son Arthur Donnelly who departed this life August ye 3rd 1747 aged 23 years. This stone was erected by his son John Donnelly May 3rd 1759.
DONNELLY – See Simons
DRUM – (Front) All you good Christians as you pass by/as you are now so once was I/As I am now so you shall be/All you good Christians pray for me. Of your charity pray for the repose of the souls of Patrick Drum of Kilkeelan who died 9th February 1865. Also of Mrs. Bridget Drum who died 23rd June 1875. Also their children. John Drum who died 26th April 1865 and Mrs. Cathrine Whyte who died 22nd February 1883 and was buried in Athboy. On whose souls sweet Jesus Have Mercy.
(Back) This monument was erected to his beloved parents by The honourable Hugh Derham, Rosemont, St Paul, Minn, America 1886.
FAGEAN – This monument was erected by Michael Fagean in memory of his brother Peter who depart… (this?) life Sept the 21 1763 (aged?) 14 years. Also……
FARNAN – Pray for the soul of Thomas and Elizabeth Farnan. Also their son Michael Farnan who died 1st August 1894 and their daughters Mary Anne died 12th June 1916, Fanny died 20th June 1916. Lord have mercy on their souls. (Stone mason – Glasnevin)
FARRELL – Pray for the soul of Elizabeth Farrell who died 3rd Jan 1913
FITZSIMONS – Erected by Chris Fitzsimons in memory of his Fath(er?) ……who died…… 1760 aged 50.
GAFNY – Erected by Barthol w G a …… in memory of Thos Ga …… dept this …… 09. Al…… his mother M(ary?) Gafny alias …… (dep?) arted May 14th …… aged 65. His brothers Simon and James Gafny. Simn depar’d July 22nd 1796 aged 52 yrs. Jams depar’d January 9th 1797 aged 57 yrs.
GEAGON – Bryan geagon erec…. this monument as a memorial of his father Bryan Geagon who dept this life 1758 aged 67 yrs also my mother Judy Geagon …… who ward .. who departed this life May the 10th 1740 aged 52 years. Also my sister Judy M caroe otherwise geogon who dept this life July the 10th1788 aged60 years. Pray for the above mentioned and their posterity 1797.
GRAY – This stone was erected by Isaac Gray in memory of his wife Dorathy Gray alis Mortn who dep this life March the 22 aged 66 yrs 1800.
GUIRK – Here lieth the body of John Guirk who departed this life January the 28th 1774 aged 56 yrs. The Lord have mercy on his soul. Amen. This stone was erected by Laurence Guirk in Memory of his father ……
KELLY – I.H.S. Of your charity pray for the soul of Patrick Kelly of Ballyhealy who died 27th Jan 1883 aged 63 years. Also for the soul of his brothers James Kelly died 20th Sept 1870, William Kelly died 29th March 1875, Edward Kelly died 23rd April 1883and also for the soul of Bridget Kelly his beloved wife who died on the 4th February 1886 aged 67 years. May they rest in peace. (Stonemasons – Glasnevin).
KERIN – This stone was erected by Jams Kerin in memory of his daughter Mary Kerin who ……
KILLRUSH – Here Lyeth …. The body ….uus Courtenay, Killrush Esq who departed this life 19th May 1737 in the 80 year (of His?) age with two sons, three daughters, two grandsons and a grand daughter.
KOGAN – Erected by Nichol Kogan in memory of his wife Judith Kogan otherwise Beglin who died April 9th 1796 aged 44. Also 5 of their children died in their memory.
LAWLES – This stone was erect by Richard Lawles in memory of his father James Lawles who dept. this life May 3rd 1744 aged 50 year. Also his son Matthew who dept this life Jan ye 2nd 1781 aged (15?) y.
LEE – The righteous hath hope in his death. Proverbs XIV 52. Sacred of the beloved memory of Thomas Lee who died Sept 30th 1819 aged 60 yrs. Also to the beloved memory of his son Edward Lee who dep this life June the 5th 1855 aged 37 yrs.
LYNCH – IHS Erected by Mary Lynch for her and Posterity. Also her Brother James Lynch dept this life Jan the 2nd 1801 aged 49 yrs.
LYONS – Erected by her children in the memory of Anne the beloved wife of John Lyons died the 6th Feb 1858 aged 60 years. She was loved by the poor and respected by all. May her soul rest in peace.
MACAROE – See Geogan
MC CONNELL – In loving memory of Jane Mc Connell died Feb 10th 1900. Bernard McConnell died 24th March 1902. Also their children. Hugh died 30th Sept 1907. John died 26th Feb 1915. Jane died 23rd Dec 1926. Mary died 10th Jan 1932. Michael died 28th Dec 1935. Bernard died 6th Nov 1936 and Elizabeth McConnell who died 30th January 1942. Bridget McConnell died 27th July 1942. James McConnell died 2nd Feb 1945. Patrick McConnell died 6th Nov 1948 aged 71. May they rest in peace.
MC. DERMOT – 1911 Mc Dermot.
MC. ENROE – Erected by Mary McEnroe, Clonmellon in memory of her father and mother Patrick and Cecelia McEnroe her sisters Kate and Elizabeth and her brother Patrick. (Dating from 1900?)
MC GURL – Sacred to the memory of John McGurl of Frayne, Athboy died 14th June 1900. Aged 63 years and Catherine McGurl died 2nd March 1894. R.I.P.
MANGAN – Gloria in Excelsis Deo. Erected by Patk. Mangan, Navan to the memory of his father Joseph Mangan who died 19th Oct b 1858 aged 69 years. Also to his sister Eliza and daughter Mary who died young.
MONAUGHAN – This stone was erected by Terrance Monaughan in memory of his father Farrell who departed this life Oct 10th 1772 aged 60 yrs. Also his mother Mary who died March 12th 1766 aged ……
MONGAN – Erected by Bridget Mongan in memory of her husband James Mongan who departed this life 13th of Dec 1819 aged 76 years.
MORTN – See Gray.
MURPHY – Of our charity pray for the repose of the soul of John Murphy, Moygrehan who died 20th March 1906 aged 85 years. Also for his devoted wife Mary who died 18th April 1892 aged 58 years and their beloved daughter Margaret who died 13th April 1892 aged 21 years. Merciful Jesus grant them eternal rest. Amen. (Celtic style cross).
MURRAY – This stone was erected by Elizabeth Murray of Moate in memory of her mother Margaret Murry alias Sheridan. Who departed this life December 30 1830 aged 55 yrs also in memory of John Edward and Patt Murray.
MURRAY – In memory of Mary Murray Mother of John, Mary, Patrick, James, Christine, Joseph, Jane and Ellen and Jane O’ Donohue died March 18th 1924 aged 54 years. Rest in peace.
O’ DONOHUE – See Murray – Mary.
QUINN – Erected by Edward Quinn in memory of his father James Quinn who died 30th Nov 1913 aged 85 years.
SHERIDAN – See Murray – Elizabeth.
SIMONS – This stone was erected by James Simons in memory of his father Thomas Simons who died March 2 (2?) 1773 aged 67 years …… in memory of his mother Mary Simons who dept …… aged 70. Also his wife Mary Simons alias Donnelly who died April 2 1797 aged 50.
VAUGHEN – Here lie the body of John Vaughen who died ye 30 of Aug 1765 aged 29 years.
WHYTE – See Drum.