NARRATIVES (5 accounts)
John T. Gilbert, A Jacobite narrative of the war in Ireland, 1688–1691. With contemporary letters and papers, now for the first time published. Author unknown; ascribed by some to Nicholas Plunket of Dunsoghly, County Dublin. (Dublin 1892).
A complete account of the victory obtained in Ireland by his Royal Majesty of this country on the 1 of this month against King James from a letter dated the 4 July 1690 at the camp 6 miles on this side of Dublin. in ‘Leibniz and the Jacobite War: Reports and reflections on the Battle of the Boyne and events in Ireland’ James G. O’Hara Proceeding of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. 91C (1991), pp. 1-20.
John Richardson, ‘An account of the Battle of the Boyne’ in Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. Hall, Ireland, Its scenery, character etc (London, 1842), vol ii, pp 436-8.
George Story, A true and impartial history of the most material occurrences in the kingdom of Ireland during the last two years: by an eye-witness (London 1691).
George Story, A continuation of the impartial history of the wars of Ireland (London 1693).
DIARIES (10 accounts)
Thomas Bellingham, Diary of Thomas Bellingham, ed. Anthony Hewitson (Preston, 1908)
Gédéon Bonnivert’s Journey, Robert H. Murray, The Diary of Bonnivert, 1690 in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Ed. [Royal Irish Academy], Dublin, Royal Irish Academy (January 1913) volume 30 section C no 13 page 331–34
Andreas Claudianus, The Irish Mars. Edited and translated by Kjeld Hlad Galster and Rasmus Wichmann (Ontario, 2016)
‘Journal of the Very Rev. Rowland Davies, LL.D. Dean of Ross (and afterwards Dean of Cork) from 8 March 1688 to 26 September 1690’ Edited by Richard Caulfield (London, 1857)
Constantijn Hugyens, Journaal Contantijn Van Hugyens (Utrecht, 1876)
Isaac Antoine Dumont De Bostaquet, Mémoires inédits de Dumont de Bostaquet, gentilhomme Normand (Paris, 1864)
Jason McElligott ‘Roger Morrice, Sir Henry Hobart, and a new eyewitness account of the Battle of the Boyne’ Irish Sword (2004), pp 31-43
John Stevens, ‘A Journal of my Travels since the Revolution containing a brief account of all the War in Ireland’, ed. Robert H. Murray (Oxford 1912)
Jean Francois De Morsier, “Journal de Jean-Francois De Morsier” ‘A Swiss Soldier in Ireland, 1689-90’, eds Padraig Lenihan and Geraldine Sheridan in Irish Studies Review, vol xiii, no. 4, (2005) pp 479-97
Michael Hewson, Robert Stearne’s diary of the Williamite campaign, An Cosantóir 33 (1977) 49–53.
LETTERS (18 accounts)
Mr. Laisne (French Artillery Commander) to Mr. de Louvois (French Secretary of State for War) Limerick 18 July 1690 (68, 69) from Franco-Irish Correspondence 1688-92 Sheila Mulloy (Ed.) (Dublin, 1993)
Mr. Leryda Girardin (French cavalry officer) to Mr. de Louvois 19 July 1690 on board the Mutine, within sight of Ouessant (Guerre A1 961 No. 178) from Franco-Irish Correspondence 1688-92 Sheila Mulloy (Ed.) (Dublin, 1993)
Mr. Zurlauben to Mr. de Louvois Limerick 20 July 1690 (Guerre A 1 961, No. 179) from Franco-Irish Correspondence 1688-92 Sheila Mulloy (Ed.) (Dublin, 1993)
Mr. d’Esgrigny to Mr. Louvois, Limerick, 21 July 1690 (Guerre A1 961 No. 180) from Franco-Irish Correspondence 1688-92 Sheila Mulloy (Ed.) (Dublin, 1993).
Mr. de Famechon to Mr. de Louvois, Limerick, 9 August 1690 (Guerre a1 1082 Nos. 80-81) from Franco-Irish Correspondence 1688-92 Sheila Mulloy (Ed.) (Dublin, 1993)
Mr. de la Hoguette to Mr. de Louvois, Limerick 10 August 1690. (Guerre A1 962 No. 152) from Franco-Irish Correspondence 1688-92 Sheila Mulloy (Ed.) (Dublin, 1993)
Mr. de la Hoguette to Mr. de Louvois, 4 July 1690. from Franco-Irish Correspondence 1688-92 Sheila Mulloy (Ed.) (Dublin, 1993)
M. de Lauzun to M. de Seignelay, French Minister for the Marine, Limerick, 26 July 1690
William III to Members of States-General, Duleek, 12 July 1690
Jacob Hop to Members of States-General, four miles from Dublin, 14 July 1690
Jacob Hop to Members of States-General, Dublin, 24 July 1690
Jacob Hop in his report to the Lofty Members of the States-General 25 July 1690 at Duleek
Lt. Gen James Douglas to Duke of Queensberry 7 July 1690 M. Naper ii 715
Earl of Portland to Earl of Melville, Bellhawry, 4 July 1690
St. Felix to the wife of Graf Meinhardt von Schomberg, From the camp three miles beyond the Drogheda River in Ireland 2nd July 1690
Jean Payan de La Fouleresse to Christian V of Denmark Notes and Queries (1877)
Sir Robert Southwell to Earl of Nottingham 1 and 2 July 1690, camp near Drogheda HMC Finch MSS ii 326, 329
Edward Brabazon, Fourth Earl of Meath, to Lady Stephens, wife of Sir John Stephens, on 5 July 1690. Thomas Court, Dublin.
Duke of Wirtemberg to Christian V 1 and 5 July (Danaher and Simms pp 42-3)
Letter Col. Richard Brewer to Thomas Wharton July 1690 Carte MSS 79:78, 260, 266, 277.
PAMPLETS (9 accounts)
A relation of the victory obtained by the King in Ireland at the passage of the Boyne, on the first day of this instant July 1690 and of the surrender of Drogheda, printed by Edward Jones in the Savoy, (London, 1690)
An Account of the victory obtained by the King in Ireland on the first day of this instant July 1690 printed by Edward Jones in the Savoy (London, 1690)
Great and Glorious News from Ireland, London, Printed for William Brown, (London, 1690)
A Letter from a soldier in the Royal Camp near Dublin to his friend in London. From the Royal Camp before Greenock, Nine Miles from Dublin, July the 4th. 1690. Printed for W. Jones (London, 1690)
An Exact account of the Kings march to Ardee and of his forcing the Irish to abandon the pass of the River Boyne, and of what hapn’d in the passage, as also of the Irish army’s retreat towards Dublin and of our army’s pursuit of them: with an address presented to the King (London 1690).
A True and Perfect Journal of the Affairs in that Kingdom (London, 1690)
A Letter from Major General Kirk in Ireland to his friends here in London (London, 1690)
Samuel Mullenaux, A journal of the three months royal campaign of his majesty in Ireland, together with a true and perfect diary of the siege of Limerick (London 1690).
A Full and True Account of all the proceedings in Ireland, Since His Majesties first embarking for that Kingdom, to His present march to besiege Limerick. Being a particular relation of all the Sieges, Battles, Skirmishes, and Towns Surrender’d; likewise the number of men killed and wounded on both sides; and also King James’s last Speech to the Lord Mayor of Dublin when he departed thence. July 17. 1690. (London, 1690)
MEMOIRS (4 accounts)
James FitzJames, Duke of Berwick, Mémoires du maréchal de Berwick, écrits par lui-même, avec une suite abrégée depuis 1716, jusqu’a sa mort en 1734; précédés de son portrait (Paris 1778) vol I, pp 63-8.
J.S. Clarke The Life of James II (London, 1816) vol ii, pp 395-401
Robert Parker (of the Royal Regiment of Foot in Ireland), Memoirs of the Military Transactions in Ireland from 1683 to 1718. (Dublin 1746).
George Clarke Autobiography in HMC F.W.Leyborne-Popham MSS (London, 1899), pp 272-5
OTHER (1 account)
Charles O’Kelly, Macariae excidium, or the destruction of Cyprus; being a secret history of the War of the Revolution in Ireland. Ed. John Cornelius O’Callaghan. (Dublin, 1850) [An allegory of the war from the Gaelic Irish point of view.]