Recorded by Dr. Beryl Moore & Mrs. Josephine Maguire 1974

Moy graveyard was within the Langford Estate near the western gate but the land is now divided. It is situated on the end of a sandy esker ridge and is the bailey of the motte on the top of the ridge. It measures 54 yds in diameter and has a wall and 6 ft. wide unkept path around it. There are no Church ruins. It is one of our few round graveyards with all the graves originally dug in circles from the middle to the outer edge. In later years some families have tried to align their family plots east-west and enclose them inside curbs. This has greatly added to our difficulties. The 40 or 50 old headstones with no one now to look after their plots are in a deplorable state, some are uprooted and lying face up or down, some tilting forward or backward, some sunk in the ground, and others broken in bits. Starting at the N corner we have tried to work in rows across to the S side; first we give the name and earliest date, then description of stone and carving, and then the inscription.
Row 1
1) …. 1838 – No name can be read. An old flaking stone (5 x 2½ ft.) lying on the ground face upwards and top to NE, so before re-erecting, it will need to be turned over. There was originally some good carving now almost all flaked off through weathering. One rose and one tulip is all that has survived. These apparently formed a row of carved flowers down each side. Only bits of the inscription can be read. “ERECTED TO. . . . who died 5th April 1838 by their son Daniel. . . .”
2) CURLY…No date – Sunburst encircling a Cross, IHS and Heart which is the favourite motif in this graveyard and found on the middle top of most stones. There are sprays of flowers and berries on either side. “Erected by Daniel Curly in memory of his parents Father Mother and several of his family. Lord have mercy on their souls and the faithful departed.
3) CRAWFORD 1805 and KELLY 1796 – At the top is a very good carving of a 2-handled urn with flames issuing from its neck. It is like a line drawing. “This stone was erected by Anne Crawford alias Kelly in memory of her beloved husband Willm. Crawford who departed this life January 26th 1805 aged 36 years. Also her sister Mary Kelly who departed this life February 3rd 1796 aged 12 years”.
Row 2
4.) BERETON 1742 – Very short thick plain stone. “Here lies interred the body of Robt. Bereton Carpenr who died Sepbr. 23rd 1742 aged 36 years. Here also lieth 3 of his children”. This is a headstone that mentions the deceased’s trade.
5) HUGHES 1765 – Short very thick stone much buried in the ground tilting forward with Sunburst encircling Cross, IHS and Heart pierced by 3 barbs. Sprays of tulip-like flowers on each side of central motif. “Here lieth the body of Michael Hughes who departed this life Sept. the 1st 1765 aged 46 years, Erected by his son James”.
6) CAFFREY 1883 – Plain Granite modern stone with marble tablet inset and small iron cross in iron circle at top. “Erected by Nathaniel Caffrey in memory of his beloved mother Anne who died December 26th 1883 aged 77 years. Also his sister Julia who died December 8th 1893 aged 40 years”.
Row 3
7) ELLIOT 1934 – Modern Celtic Cross. William Elliot of Agher died 1934, Mary Elliot died 1954, Thomas 1932, Patrick 1956, Joseph 1959 and Christopher 1969”.
8) O’NEILL 1934 & HIGGINS – Modern stone commemorating Mary O’Neill of Summerhill who died 1934 and her husband Bernard O’Neill died 1937 and Rose Higgins.
9) TIGHE 1762 – This stone is broken in 3 bits. It has much fine carving. Sunburst with ‘Gloria in Excelsis Deo’ IHS and Heart pierced by barbs. On either side of this motif we get an urn with ‘Momento’ on the left one and ‘Moria’ on the right one. Some delicate sprays on either side of the urns. “This stone erected by Edward Tighe to the memory of his father Nicholas Tighe who departed this life Augst the 9th 1792 aged 65 years. Also his mother Catherine Tighe died Dec. 21st 1797 aged 72 years. Likewise two of his children”.
10) BRANNAN 1784 – Semicircular Sunburst around Cross, IHS and heart pierced by 3 barbs. Leaves on either side. “This stone is erected by John Brannan in Pious memory of his father William Brannan who died June the 1st 1784 aged 76 years. Also his wife Mary”.
11) MISSET 1765 – Semicircular Sunburst above Cross, IHS and 3 nails. A triangle is carved under the sunburst at 2 o’c and 10 o’c; could they represent the Sun and Moon shining down on the earth? “Erected by Mrs. Brierly in memory of her honoured mother Mary Misset who died May 1765 aged 67 years”.
12) HUGHS 1777 – Sunburst with Cross, IHS and Scroll with ‘Glory be to God on High’. “This monument was erected by Patrick Hughs in memory of his Father John Hughs who departed this life April 24th 1777 aged 79. His mother Margery Hughs alias Brannan died Jany the 10th AD 1776 aged 66 yrs. also his uncle Walter Hughs died Nover 6 1759 aged 59 yrs”.
13) REV. THOS. HIGGINS 1762 – This is the only headstone in Moy that has the inscription and carving on the back i.e western side of the stone, apparently to indicate that being a priest he was buried facing his congregation. It is the only priest’s grave we found in Moy. Cogan (Vol. 2 P.385) gives the reading on this stone but says Fr. Higgins was aged 97 yrs. at his death after being 40 yrs. PP of the Summerhill Union. He adds that by a peculiar coincidence he followed the famous Rev. Francis Lynagh in this union who lived to be 99 yrs of age and was buried in the grounds of his Dominican Convent at Donore on the river Boyne. The Mason in Moy must have got his figure 9 upside down because we read Fr. Higgin’s age as 67 on the tombstone. Cogan spells the name Higgens but we read Higgins. It is a big heavy stone with Sunburst, Cross, IHS and Heart pierced by 2 barbs, and on each side a fine scroll and spray of leaves. “Here lieth the body of Revd. Thos. Higgins who died Ye 2 day of Septr 1762 aged 67 years. He was priest in this Parish 40 years. Also his Father, brother and more of his family lies here. This stone is erected by his sister Mary O’Hara in their memory”. Fr. Higgins is one of the 3 people buried in Moy who lived to be 97 yrs.
14) SMITH 1778 – Very thick stone tilted backwards with Sunburst, Cross, IHS and Heart pierced by 3 small barbs. A border of diamonds on each side of the inscription. “Here lieth the body of Ann Smyth Alias Cook who departed this life December 28th 1778 aged 62 years”.
15) MELIA 1967 – Modern stone. Joseph Melia died 1967 and his wife Francis 1968.
16) HEILY 1761 – Small rough stone badly worn with Cross, IHS and Heart pierced by 3 barbs within a Sunburst. Nice vinelike design on each side. “This stone is erected by Owen Heily in memory of his father James Heily who departed 1761 aged 76 yrs. Also 2 of my children”.
17) HEALY 1908 – Ringed Cross at top with IHS and heart surmounted by Flames in centre, with Crown of thorns around heart. “Erected by Ann Healy in fond and loving memory of her husband Martin Healy of Agher who departed this life 25th March 1908 in the 65th year of his age. Also in loving memory of their two children Frank and Ann who died young.
Row 4
18) MURRAY 1858 – ‘Gloria in Excelsis Deo’ above a Sunburst with IHS and Cross, on each side a chalice surmounted by a cross. “Erected by William Murray in memory of his beloved wife Anne Murray who departed this life 20th April 1858 aged 56 years. Also his beloved daughters Mary and Catherine and his sons William and John who died young”.
19) FITZPATRICK 1826 – Lamb bearing a cross, sprays of leaves and 2 lines carved around inscription. “Erected by James Fitzpatrick in memory of his father James Fitzpatrick who departed this life the 16th Novr. 1826 aged 56 tears. Also his mother Anne Fitzpatrick who departed this life 18th March 1858 aged 81 yrs. also his brothers William and Thomas”.
20) COWLEY 1795 – Only faint outline of Sunburst at top. “Erected by James Cowley in memory of his father William Cowley who departed this life 18th Jany 1795 aged 63 yrs”.
21) JILES 1857 & COLE 1876 – Tall modern Celtic Cross. “Pray for the soul of Thomas Jiles who died 22nd March aged 85 yrs. Also his wife Rose Jiles died 30th Oct. 1857 aged 68 years. And their children James Jiles died 21st Feb. 1883 aged 50. Brigid Jiles died 11th July aged 60. Patrick Cole died 14th Aug. 1876 aged 11”.
22) COSGRAVE 1786 – Sunburst Cross, IHS and Flaming Heart, with Cherub’s head and outspread wings on each side. Long S used in script. “This monument was erected by James Cosgrave in memory of his father Patrick Cosgrave who departed this life Dec. 27th 1786 aged 96 yrs”.
23) O’HARRA. . . .No date – Sunburst with Cross and IHS. “This stone is erected in pious memory of Patrick O’Harra who departed this life 9th Dec. aged 67 years. Also his sons Michael Thos. Charles and Bernard R.I.P.” A Mrs. O’Hara erected the headstone over Fr. Higgins (13) saying she was his sister but on that stone the name is spelt O’Hara and on this stone O’Harra.
24) BEGLIN 1791 – This stone is cut so as to be thicker in the middle. Small Sunburst with cross and IHS at top, on each side of which is a finely carved Dove almost life-size with an Olive branch in her mouth. This carving is in relief and stands out over ½ in. from the rest of the stone. “This monument was erected by Mary Beglin in memory of her father and mother and brothers and sisters AD 1791”.
25) THOMPSON 1972 – Bridget Thompson of Ballygortha Summerhill died 1972 and Christopher 1972.
Row 5
26) BYRNE 1921 – Modern Celtic Cross. Richard Byrne died 1921. His wife Mary Agnes Byrne died 1950 aged 87 yrs.
27) BYRNE 1836 – Modern stone with Chalice and Cross on top of each side. “Erected by Owen Byrne of Clonmahon in memory of his beloved wife Julia Byrne who died 10th May 1868 also his father Richard Byrne who died 21st Decr. 1862. His mother Mary Byrne who died 17th April 1836, his brothers James and John who died 18th Feb. 1847. His son Thomas who died 9th March 1939. His wife Annie who died 19th July 1953 RIP”.
28) . . . NO NAME OR DATE – Just a rough stone about 2ft. square by 10 ins. thick placed at the head of a grave in the Fagan-Mooney plot.
29) FAGAN 1887 and 3 MOONEY BROTHERS 1798 and MARCELLA J. CRANLEY 1966 – Small Celtic Cross, IHS and Crown of Thorns in centre. “In loving memory of James Fagan Coragh died 3 Jan. 1960 aged 80 yrs. His sister Maria 16 July 1887 aged 11 yrs. Thomas Mooney died Oct. 1891 aged 97 and his three uncles the Mooney Brothers killed at the Battle of Tara 1798, and who are interred here. John Fagan died June 14. 1963 aged 74 years, RIP. Erected by Marcella J. Cranley who died 12 July 1966 RIP”. Thos. Mooney who died in Oct. 1891 aged 97 is one of the 3 oldest persons buried in Moy.
30) COOGAN. . .No date is mentioned but the occupation is given.- Thick old unornamented stone. At some time in the past a large triangular piece was broken off the top and mended. “Here lies the body of John Coogan aged ninty years. He was a labourer and planter to Sr Athr Langford Bart and the oldest and last surviving workman in his servc. He continued in the same occupation in the family of Summerhill until he died”. Ninety is spelt wrongly.
31) GOGARTY 1909 – Modern white Marble Celtic cross with carving of BVM in a praying attitude. “Matthew Gogarty Summerhill died 1909 aged 80 yrs. and his wife Mary in 1910 aged 70 yrs. Daughters Mary 1910 aged 43; Kate 1921 aged 58 yrs. Jane 1929 aged 52, son Matthew 1936 aged 69. Patrick 1954 and his wife Elizabeth in 1959”.
32) FAGAN 1929 – Modern Celtic Cross. “In loving memory of our dear parents Patrick Fagan Coragh Summerhill died 4 July 1929 aged 91 years. Mary Fagan died 28 Sept. 1928 aged 81 years. Thomas Fagan died 3 Jan. 1960 aged 68”.
33) FEGAN 1725 – Very small old stone. “Here lieth the body of Nicholas Fegan who departed this life August 25th 1725 aged 63 years. Also his wife Judith Welsh who departed this life April Ye 27th 1741 aged 64 years. This stone was erected by their. . . .”. The end of the inscription can’t be read because at some period the stone was broken and set in cement in such a way as to cover the last line of writing. This is the oldest headstone unless the reading 1689 on No.83 is correct.
34) DUFFY 1745 – Very old stone much sunk in the ground. IHS at top. “Here lyeth Ye body of Patrick duffy who departed this life Ye 24 novr 1745 aged 17 years”.
35) MANNING 1880-1952 – Cross composed of 2 ivy-covered logs carved in stone. James Manning 1880-1952 RIP.
Row 6
36) ELLIOT 1912 – Celtic Cross with Heart in centre. “Edward Elliot died in 1912. Mary Elliot 1918, May Reynolds 1921, Richard Reynolds 1922, Patrick Elliot 1950, Mrs. Jane Reynolds 1961 and Elizabeth wife of Patrick Elliot 1964”
37) CORR 1930 – Modern white marble stone with cross above. John Corr died 1930, his wife Margaret 1950, their son Peter 1972, erected by the Corr family R I P.
38) … 2 Broken bits of a headstone with some words we could not decipher.
39) KEEFE 1768 – Old stone low in ground and wider than most. On each side at the top we get a small Maltese cross in a circle (4 ins diameter), while in the centre is the usual cross and IHS. A row of beading occurs under the above and then the inscription. “This stone was erected by Joseph Keefe in memory of his father James Kefe who departed this life May 7th 1768 aged 35 years”.
40) NIXON 1739 – Plain stone only 20 ins. wide. “Here lyeth the body of Richard Nixon who depd 10 Nov. 1739 aged 7 months.”
41) BRENAN 1766 – This stone is only 10 ins. wide and the inscription is one word to the line. “INRI/Roger/Brenan/ T B died/ 1766/ MIVI/ 1722/ Orate”. TB short for Tuberculosis was not in use as early as 1766; perhaps Roger Brenan was commemorating 2 little children and using their pet names or initials.
42) MC ARDLE 1884 – At top of this stone we get an elaborate cross of the patonce type, and on either side of it a Maltese cross, spray of leaves and a flower. “Erected by Mary McArdle in memory of her husband James McArdle who died 10th July 1884 aged 56 years. Also 4 of their children Bridget, Teresa, Mary and Alex”. A very fancy script is used for the Initial letters of the names and an ampersand for ‘and’.
43) MORAN 1773 & MOORE – Old heavy stone leaning backwards, with Cross, IHS & Heart pierced by 2 barbs in a half sunburst. On each side of inscription is a plant (not in a pot) with straight leaves growing out of the stem on each side and a flower at the top like a tulip. Here lieth the body of Anne Moran alias Moore who departed this life June Ye 3rd 1773 aged 58 yrs. and her parents. Also her husband John Moran died March Ye 20th 1784 aged 72 years. This stone was erected by their dauer Mary Moran”. Underneath this inscription is a big 1774 in a triangle. Some S’s are of the old-fashioned long type.
44) KEVLIN 1866 – Modern Celtic Cross. Patrick Kelvin died 1919 aged 57 yrs. His wife Helen died 1926 aged 69, Bride Kevlin of the Hatchet died 1866 aged 35 yrs and her husband James in 1879 aged 65 RIP.
45) BOMFORD 1750 – Little old stone. “Here Lyeth Ye body of Richard Bomford who dep. Ye life October Ye 25th 1750 aged 24 years. Erected by Edward Bomford”.
Row 7
46) JAMES D. . . .1769 – Plain old stone with Cross and IHS, but the surname can’t be read because a finger sized hole goes 1 in. into the stone at this point. “This stone and burial (place) belongeth to James D…… of the Parish of Celbridge who departd this 6 Feb. 1769 aged 90 years”. An elaborate ampersand represents ‘and’.
47) SWEENEY 1890 – An iron cross. Hugh Sweeney died 1890 and his wife Anne in 1905.
48) CAVANAUGH 1765 – An old stone tilted backwards with cross, IHS inside a semicircular sunburst. “This stone was erected by Bryan and Winny Cavanaugh in memory of their father Marcus Cavanagh (spelt without U here) who departed this life May Ye 17th 1765 aged 75 years”.
49) CURLEY 1803 – Small stone much sunk into ground with an incised cross (8 x 6 ins) at centre top. We failed to read this inscription except for “Judeth Curley 1803 RIP”.
Row 8
50) RYAN 1938 – Modern headstone. William Ryan died 1965 and his wife Annie in 1938.
51) SWEENEY 1824 – Recumbent slab with top to east and inscription uppermost, so if re-erected it will need turning over or the inscription will face the wrong way.
Semicircular sunburst with cross, IHS and Heart inside an octagon. ‘Gloria in Excelsis Deo’ underneath and on each side a very fancy urn (or Chalice) with an elaborate lid. Border around the inscription. “Erected by Patrick Sweeney in memory of his father Hugh Sweeney who departed this life March the 4. 1824 aged 64 years. RIP”.
52) CARNEY 1773 – Very heavy stone sunk in ground and tilted backwards. At top a sunburst with Cross, IHS and Heart pierced by 1 barb. Underneath ‘Glory be’ on one side and ‘To God’ on the other. This carving is on a plane ½ in. lower than the rest of the stone. “This stone was erected by Patrick Carney in memory of his father and mother also his son William who departed this life October 15th 1773 aged 23 yrs. His wife Margret Carney died June 24th 1785 aged 54 yrs. RIP”. Long S used in this script, and ‘A’ left out of Margaret.
53) FITZSIMONS 1922 – Small modern stone. Joseph Fitzsimons of Clondoogan died 1963 and his wife Annie 1922.
54) FAGAN 1880 – Very old-fashioned triangular shaped stone of small size with Cross and IHS on top. “Sacred to the memory of Tom Fagan who died 24th Augt 1880 aged 70 years RIP, and 25 years the faithful servant at Ferrans. Erected by Capt. J.M.Bomford.
55) … Stone face downwards top to east.
56) …Old stone badly worn and can’t be read.
57) EASTER & MacDONOUGH 1733 – Small plain old- fashioned stone with Cross and IHS at top. “Here lieth Ye bodys of James Easter. Ann MacDonough of Clonmahan (This townland is spelt Clonmahon) who departed life the 19th of feby 1733-4”
58) BYRNE 1767 – Small old stone much sank in the ground, Sunburst with Cross IHS and Heart. A large rough boulder lies immediately in front of this headstone so that it is difficult to read the inscription. “This stone is erected by Michael Byrne in memory of his daughter Ann Byrne who died 1767 aged 19 years”. There is a little scroll at each end of the last line.
59) FLYNN 1852 – This headstone is 6ft. high and had something carved at the top which fell off and was not replaced. We suggest a lamb. “Erected by Thaddeus Flynn of Rathrone in memory of his beloved father Michael who died 18th July 1861 aged 52 years. Also his beloved mother Anne who died 28th May 1852 aged 43 years. Anne Flynn Garadice died 4th May 1908. Thaddeus Flynn Garadice died 26th Feb. 1931 and their children Michael Flynn died 8th Jan. 1956. Annie Gill died 22nd July 1959 RIP”.
60) hANNE 1765 – Very small old stone sunk in ground and tilting forward. Has a Cross and IHS at top. “Here lies the body of Cormick hANNE who died Sept. 1765 aged 64 Yer. Erected by his son Robt”. The surname begins with a small h and appears to be hAnne. The word year is spelt yer.
61) DEGNAN 1763 – A piece broken off the top. This stone is unornamented except for a crude IHS and heart. “This stone was erected by Charles Degnan and Brian Degnan in memory of their parrents (2 R’s) Hugh Degnan who departed this life Feb. Ye 2 1763”. The mother is not mentioned.
Row 9
62) CONNELL 1878 – Very large modern stone with Celtic cross at top and IHS in centre. “Sacred to the memory of Patrick Connell Summerhill who departed this life 6th February 1878 aged 73 years and of his wife Ann who died 1st May 1883 aged 80 years”.
63) WHYTE 1851 – Large heavy stone with ‘Gloria in Excelsis Deo’ around top, with small cross and IHS. “Erected by Thomas Whyte of Dangan in memory of his beloved mother who depd this life April 28th 1851 aged 52 years. Also his father who depd this life May 12th 1854 aged 63 years”.
64) EARLE 1773 – Very thick dark heavy stone with no carving on top. “Here lieth the body of John Earle who departed this life October 2. 1773 and his three children and two brothers also one of his nephews.”
65) RAUGAN 1743 – Large crude old square stone with simple cross and HIS. “Here lyeth Ye body of Walter Raugan who died June Ye 27th 1743 aged 38 years. Also John Raugan junier (E instead of O) departed Oct. Ye 25th 1750 aged 10 years”.
66) FITZSIMONS 1769 – Small old crude stone with simple cross and IHS. “Erected by Martin Fitzsimons in memory of his wife Elizabeth Duffy and his son Edward January 1769”.
67) FITZSIMONS 1764 – Plain old stone with Cross and IHS (same design as 66). “Here lieth the body of George Fitzsimons departed March Ye 10 1764 aged 65 years. Also 6 of his children. Erected by his son Richard”.
68) … Large slab lying on ground face downwards but head to east.
69) WOODS 1804 – Old dark stone of small size. Sunburst around cross, IHS and heart. A fancy curved line underneath and then a row of diamonds. “Here lie the body of Elizabeth Woods and of her husband Thos. Woods also their son Patk. Woods whose will this stone was erected 1804. RIP”.
70) WATSON 1852 – Very big old stone tilting forward. In centre of top we get a lamb lying on a cross; even the little legs and hooves are clearly carved. On each side of this motif we get a heart surmounted by a cross. “Erected by Patk. Watson in memory of his father John Watson who dep. this life 14th April 1850 aged 75 years. Also his mother Anne Watson who depd. This life Decer. 2nd 1852 aged 81 years.”
We now record 4 stones near to each other but not actually in row 9. They are a little in front of it on the south side of the graveyard. . .
71) GOGARTY 1866 – Large stone some 6 ft. high with Maltese cross at top. A stopper stone occurs on each side of the upright slab at base. “IHS of your charity pray for the soul of Catharine the beloved wife of Mathew Gogarty Moy who departed this life Septr 8th 1866 aged 74 years. Also her husband Mathew Gogarty who departed this life Septr. 27th 1880 aged 90 years”.
72) COUGARTY 1857 Large 5ft. upright stone with cross above, and lamb on a cross below. “Erected by Mr. Patrick Gougarty of Summerhill in memory of his beloved wife Mary who died 9th Decr. 1857 aged 30 years and of their infant child John. Also the above Patrick Gogarty (Here spelt without the U) died 9th June 1907 aged 85 years. And of their son Edward Gogarty died 28th Nov. 1882 aged 25 years. Mathew Gogarty died 29th Decr 1883 aged 30. Patrick Cogarty died 26th Aug. 1907 aged 52 years”.
73) MURPHY 1736. Very small simple stone only 1 ½ ft. wide. Inscription is in 6 lines thus. . .IHS /Here lyeth /The Body of Ed /Ward Murphy also/. . . .Murphy/1736. We can’t make out the Christian name of the second person, perhaps the wife.
74) MATTHEWS. . .No date – Just 2 broken bits of stone with a few words inscribed on them. “Anne Matthews” & “In pace”.
Now we go back to the row we were on at No. 70 for another 5. . . .
75) MULLIGAN 1840 – Old stone 5ft. high with Cross, IHS and spray of Shamrocks in centre of top. “In loving memory of Daniel Mulligan who died 16th Aug. 1840 aged 61 years. And his wife Margaret who died 10th Aug. 1861 aged 72 years. Also their daughter Ellen died 20th Oct. 1876 aged 51 years RIP. Erected by their son John Mulligan USA”
76) CULLY 1948 – 2 logs in stone forming a cross with a circle around them form this headstone. Ivy is carved all over it. IHS is in the centre. The pleasing effect is a Celtic Cross. “In loving memory of Mary Cully the Hermitage died 12 April 1948 aged 58 years. Also her son Jack died 6 July 1960. Erected by her sons and daughters RIP”.
77) BURKE 1899 – Plain modern stone with cross on top. “Erected by Rose Burke (The Moy) in memory of her beloved husband Thomas Burke who died 25th July 1893 aged 75 years”.
78) KEEGAN 1775 – Very small measuring only 1ft x 2ft. and lying loose on the ground in line with and between the 2 Burke stones (77 & 79). Small Sunburst, Cross, IHS and Heart. The Sunburst only measures 5 ins. across. “Here lieth the body of William Keegan who died March the 11th 1775 aged 60 yrs”.
79) BURKE 1916 and HUGHES 1960 – Modern Cross with IHS in Centre. “Catherine Burke July 1946, Francis Burke (her mother) Nov. 1916. Also Catherine Hughes June 1960 RIP. Erected by Catherine Hughes”.
Row 10
80) WILLIS 1832 – Large tabletomb (8x3ft) standing on 4 large corner pedestal stones. “Underneath this stone lieth the body of William Henry Willis Esq.,who departed this life 15th Sept. 1832(?) aged 73 years”.
81) FORD 1808 & KELLET 1835 – Large stone similar to 80 but lying on the ground and seems to have no pedestal stones under it. “Beneath this stone lies interd the remains of Michael Ford Esq. late of Summerhill who departed this life the 16th of Sept. 1808 aged 70 years. He lived beloved and died lamented by all that knew him. This stone erected as a tribute of the most affectionate respect to his memory by his afflicted niece”. About the middle of the stone we get . . . “Also near this is intered the remains of his nephew Lieut. Wlm. Ford who departed this life the 15th of Aug. 1790 aged 30 years”. Near the foot of the slab we get . . . “Also are interred the remains of Sarah the beloved wife of Rev. John Kellet Rector of the parish of Agher who departed this life on the 30th of January 1835 aged 71 years. In a confiding hope of a Blessed immortality through the merits of her most gracious saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. She lived beloved and died much regretted”. The Rev. John Kellet is buried in Agher churchyard with his family.
82) TIERNAN 1768 – Sunburst around Cross and IHS. On viewer’s left is carved a man’s head frontally in a circular nimbus. The face is oriental and smiling. On viewer’s right is a man’s head in a profile without a nimbus. An imperial beard and the eyelashes are clearly shown. Each is about 3 ins. in diameter. Could one be the man in the sun and the other a portrait of the deceased represented as the man in the moon? “The Lord be merciful to the soul of Edmond Tiernan who died April the 25th 1768 aged 60 years”.
83) . . . No name or date -Very old square-topped stone much sunk in the ground with a ridge carved around the edge. We failed to read this stone because the letters are unusually small and the lines very close together. It reminds me of the Balrath Co. Meath Cross which has not been read for the same reasons. The Society for the Preservation of the Monuments of the Dead (Vol. 8 p.145) saw this tombstone in 1910 and suggested it was erected to ‘Good Mary Heavy’ and that the date ‘1689’ occurred, but nowadays this stone is under trees much sunk in the ground and tilted forward making it impossible to even try to read. It has been suggested that a Mary Heavy kept a Tuck shop in Summerhill and sold Peggy’s leg. If 1689 is the correct date this stone is the earliest by many years in Moy.
84) … . . A damaged stone of heavy poor dark slaty type under some trees. The whole face has flaked off.
85) AUSTIN 1917 – Modern Black stone. “James Austin (The Moy) died 23rd May 1964, his wife Elizabeth 16th Dec 1972, his sister Josephine 30th May 1957, and his mother Anne 22nd 1917, also his father Patrick died 10th April 1934, also Mother Mary Peter, Mother Julienne and Sister Ambrose who are interred in South Africa RIP”.
86) ASON 1739 – Small old stone with Cross and IHS at top. “Here lyeth the body of John Ason who died 10th Dec. 1748 aged 62 year. Allso (This is the spelling of ‘also’ on this stone) Eliz His wife who depd. March 15th 1739 aged 59 years. Allso Willm aged 2 and John aged 4 years, Ye sons of Jams and Margy Ason who both depd in Jany 1750. Mercy. . .” Last words can’t be read.
87) MANNING 1939 – Modern stone. Patrick Manning Clarkson died 26th July 1952 aged 47 yrs. his parents Bridget 1939 and James 1941.
88) MAGUIRE 1900 – Small Celtic cross. James Maguire the Moate Rathmolyon 1900, M1. Maguire 1907, Ellen Maguire 1906.
89) REYNOLDS 1771 – Small old stone very much sunk in the ground and tilting forward so much that it is difficult to read. IHS with Maltese cross over inscription, and floral design on each side. The carving and lettering on this old stone is very good. “James Reynolds erected this stone in memory of his father Edwd. who died Dec. 11. 1771”.
It seemed impossible to arrange the tombstones in this part of the graveyard in orderly rows as they have been so much interfered with, they tilt in all directions; so we have lumped together 5 near the NW side of Moy and 5 near the S side.
Row 11
90) GAYNOR 1752. Old heavy stone of plain type. ‘Glory be to’ on left and ‘God on high’ on right. A Cross, IHS and heart pierced by 2 barbs inside a complete sunburst. “This stone was erected by Laurc Gaynor in memory of his father James Gaynor who departed this life Augst 31st 1765 aged 59 yrs. Also his brothers Walter Gaynor who died July 16th 1752 aged 19”.
91) CURLY 1805 and FEENY 1910 – Old large stone with sunburst surrounding cross IHS and heart pierced by 2 barbs. Round lower half of sunburst is ‘Gloria in’ on left and ‘Excelsis Deo’ on right. On each side outside this motif we get a fine urn with lid. “Erected by James Feeny in memory of his uncle Ed. Curly who depd this life Octer the 17th 1805 aged 66 years. Also his Mother Margaret Feeny alias Curly who dep. this life Octbr the 12th 1810 aged 68 years”.
92) SHERIDAN 1840. Tilting forwards. “Erected by James and John Sheridan of Laracor in memory of their father Michael Sheridan who departed this life May 6th 1840 aged 40 years. Also their mother Jane Sheridan who departed this life 1884 aged 69 years”.
93) HART 1773 – Very old dark stone with sunburst enclosing Cross, IHS and heart, a Cherub’s head with outstretched wings on each side. “This stone was erected by Thomas Hart in pious memory of his father Patrick who died Jany the 15th 1773 aged 66 years”.
94) REYNOLDS 1739 (or 1759) – Very small old stone. “Here lyeth the body of Richard Reynolds who departed this life Feb.1739? aged 64 and also the body of Rose Mead his wife who departed this life April Ye 15th 1751 aged 70 years”.
Now follow 6 stones at S side of the graveyard that seem to be more or less in line with the last 5 but there is a considerable gap between the 2 groups.
95) Small broken bit of stone with some lettering that can’t be read.
96) LEE 1813 – Very old stone tilting forward, of a darkish colour with usual sunburst around a cross IHS and heart pierced by 2 barbs. On either side a circular design with 16 rays from a central point. Some leaves and a fancy border are carved around the inscription. “Erected by Daniel Lee in memory of his children Peter Patk James and Ellen Lee. May the (No Y) rest in pease (should be a c). Also in memory of the above Daniel Lee who depd. Ye life June 28th 1813 aged 60 yrs. May he rest in peace (spelt correctly here).
97) BEGLIN. . .No date – Modern type stone with lamb on a cross and above it ‘Ecce Agnus Dei’. Erected by Patrick Beglin Garadice in memory of father mother brothers and sisters. May they rest in peace”.
98) SHAW 1883 – Large modern type Celtic Cross. “Erected by William Shaw who died 1883 also his wife Maria 1893, their son John died 1943 and his wife Rose Shaw 1950”.
99) GIBBONS 1918 – Large modern type Celtic cross (similar to 98). John Gibbons died 1918.
100) FARRELL 1938 – Small modern cross. Bridget Farrell died 1938 aged 54 yrs.
Row 12
101) McGRATH 1956 – Modern Limestone. “Michael McGrath of Issacstown (2 S’S
instead of 2 A’S) died 22 Aug 1956 aged 70. Bridget McKay died 17th April 1952 aged
102) REILLY … No date – Modern marble stone. “James Reilly (the Moy), his wife Margaret, their sons Martin and Michael and their daughters Elizabeth and Bridget and niece Josephine”.
103) GOWRAN 1855 – High old stone, sunburst around cross and IHS, on each side of it a chalice with a cross on top. “Erected by Jane Gowran in memory of her beloved husband Bernard who departed this life 27th July 1855 aged 62 years. Here also lie the mortal remains of his brothers Thomas and Edward. His sisters Mary Reilly his father Edwd Gowran who died 15th March 1847 aged 96 years. His mother Judith who died 2nd May 1852 aged 80 years”.
104) CAFRY 1814 – Plain old stone with cross IHS and heart in centre. “Erected by Owen Cafry in memory of his son Terrence (2 R’s) Cafry who depd. Life Janry 13th 1814 aged 27 years. Also his father Terrence Cafry aged 97 years. Also his mother Magy aged 42 yrs. Also his sister Catherine aged 28 years”. Is Cafry an earlied spelling of Caffrey? This grave contains one of the 3 oldest people buried in Moy. . . ‘His father Terrence Cafry aged 97’ but the date of death is not given.
105) COWLEY 1871 – Small modern marble cross. “Erected by Thomas Cowley in memory of his father Hugh Cowley of Summerhill died 4th April 1871 aged 59 yrs. also his beloved sister Mary who died young”.
Row 13
106) GOGARTY 1924 – Modern stone with solid cross & IHS in centre. “Michael
Gogarty (The Moy) died 1924, wife Margaret 1912, Jane 1957, son Matthew died 1958,
also Patrick Gogarty died June 1956”.
107) REYNOLDS 1953 – Marble cross. James Reynolds of Trim died Nov. 1953, his wife Mary 1960.
108) REYNOLDS 1887 – Small slab with lamb on cross above. “Erected by Richard
Reynolds of Dangan in memory of his beloved children. Jane who died 19th Sept. aged
11 years, also Thomas who died 24th Jan. 1890 aged 11 yrs, and John who died 1st Jan
1893 aged 15 years, also the above Richard died 24th Oct. 1903 aged 61 yrs. and his wife
Rose died 9th Nov. 1915 aged 66 yrs. their son Michael 18th Aug. 1910 aged 24”.
109) CONNOLLY 1932 – Modern Grey Marble. Cross on top. Thos. Connolly The
Moy Summerhill 1932, his wife Isabella died 1915, his brother Matthew died 1922, his
daughter Alice Monahan 1966, her husband Patrick 1963, also his son William 1962,
Matthew N Y 1969, James N Y 1970, Thomas 1971. Erected by James Connolly Carlow.
110) CARTHY 1820 – Celtic cross of modern type. “William Carthy died 1925 aged 59
and his parents Bernard died 1920 aged 90, Elizabeth died 1922 aged 92; also his
grandfather RIP. Erected by his wife and brothers”.
Row 14
111) GREHAN. . No date – Metal cross. Hugh and Elizabet.
112) MURRAY 1950 – Metal Cross. Thomas Died Oct. 1950.
113) PICKING 1951 – Metal Cross. James died Feb. 1951.
114) TALLON 1908 – Small modern Celtic Cross. James Tallon died 1908 aged 53 yrs.
and his daughter Anne Doyle died 1935 aged 56, Catherine died 1935 aged 75, his son
John 1959 aged 75.
115) CREIGHTON 1958 – Modern Limestone slab and curb. Phelim Creighton died
1958 aged 67 yrs. RIP. Er. by his wife.
116) MALONE. . .No date – Very small modern marble slab. John Malone Clondoogan
Summerhill. Also his family.
A considerable number of persons buried in Moy were over 90 yrs. of at death. The three oldest – all 97 yrs. of age and all males are:
14) Rev. Thos. Higgins died Sept. 1762 aged 67 but we know this to be a mistake for 97.
29) Fagan of Coragh records a Thomas Mooney who died Oct. 1891 aged 97 yrs.
103) Terrence Cafry died Aged 97 but date of death is not given.
The oldest stone is 33) Fegan 1735 which records ‘Nicholas Fegan departed this life August 25th 1725 aged 63 yrs’, but some have read 1689 on 84.
Several trades are mentioned . . .4) Brereton 1742 Carpenter; 30) Coogan with no date but ‘Labourer & Planter’ is recorded; 54) Fagan describes Tom Fagan who died Aug. 1880 as ’25 years the faithful servant at Ferrans’.
We discovered a fine Church stone but whether a pillar stone or a window stone we don’t know.
2 headstones are not included as one is too rusted to read anything on and the other had the inscription on a tablet which fell out and got lost.
We dug up 3 bits of well-carved and inscribed stones which fit together but where they were originally or to whom they refer we do not know.