MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS Transcribed by Rosemary Ffolliott and Horace E. Jones

THE following are all the inscriptions, except one, which in 1967 are above ground in the graveyard surrounding in the Church of Ireland parish church at Oldcastle. The single stone which could not be deciphered is a large flat slab, lying in the southern area of the graveyard. It bears a fine coat of arms, showing a chevron between three lions rampant, and it is possible that under more favourable conditions the inscription might be legible.
Also included here are all the inscriptions inside the church itself, and these have been differentiated by a note (inside), (on lectern) etc., as appropriate.
It is of some interest to note that only about one quarter of the memorials belonged to Protestant families. Many of the stones are of an unusually early date, and most are in a fine state of preservation. They fill an important gap in the records, being mostly earlier than the existing parish registers, since the Church of Ireland books only date from 1814, and the catholic books from 1789.
BEATTY – In affectionate memory of Anne the beloved wife of John Beatty L.L.D., T.C.D., who died 15th February 1865 aged 30 years.
BELL – Erected in affectionate remembrance of Maryanne Bell of Oldcastle who departed this life July 13th 1872 aged 90 years.
BRADY – IHS Pray for the soul of John Brady who departed this life December 25 1767 aged 60 years and for his son Bryan Brady departed this life March 23 1781 aged 22 years.
BRADY – Erected by Margaret Brady of Dungimmin in memory of her beloved father and mother brothers and sisters. Also Mrs. Gaynor and son and Mrs. Dolan.
BRADY – IHS. In memory of Terrence Brady who died April ye 1st 1727 aged 68 years. Also his wife Margaret Commen who died . . . (remainder of stone buried).
CAFERY – IHS. Pray for the soul of Hugh Cafery who departed this life June 24 1757 Aged 56.
CAFFERY – IHS. Pray for ye soul of Terrence Cafferty who died 1687 Patrick Carby died January 21 1736 aged 56.
CARNE – Pray for the soul of Edmond Carne who departed this life July 17 1741 aged 26.
CONELY – IHS. This stone was erected by Art Conely for his wife Ellis Owens who departed this life January ye 25th 1760 aged 60.
COWAN – In loving memory of Honoria Cowan who departed this life Oct. 1st 1885 aged 72 years. Erected by her beloved Children.
CULLEN – IHS. Erected by John Cullen, Clonfeefy, in memory of his son Joseph who departed this life the 20 of July 1874 aged 24 years. Also his daughter Mary who departed this life 3 June 1876 aged 24 years.
DARBY – This stone was erected by Elizabeth Darby in memory of her beloved parents her father Michael Darby who depd. Sept. 6th 1777 aged 46 years; also her mother Ruth Darby who depd. this life April 19th 1822 aged 79 years.
DUNCAN – (on lectern) – To the Glory of God and in memory of Cecilia Duncan Organist of this church who died 20th January 1928.
Presented by the parishioners.
DUNGAN – In loving memory of Eliza Dungan who died 20 May 1873 aged 73 years Also her husband William Dungan who died 12 November 1891 age 91 years. Erected by their affectionate daughter Catherine Matthews.
FAGAN – Pray for the soul of Anne Fagan who died 13th December 1879 aged 59 years also her husband Patrick Fagan who died 10 Nov. 1892 aged 75 years.
FAGAN – IHS. Here lyeth the body of James Fegan who died Feb 1727-8 age 70. Also of Penelope Fegan alias Lynch deceased Jan. 1746-7 age 66 Ord by Bryn Fegan.
FAGAN – IHS. Erected by Patrick Fagan Junr of Barconey Nugent in memory of his father Charles Fagan who died 21 Dec 1847 aged 63 years. Also his mother Ann Fagan who died 27th Nov. 1855 aged 67 years.
GARRY – IHS. Pray for the soul of Anne Garry alias Menbue who died July ye 12 1753 aged 35.
GOFF – In affectionate remembrance of Thomas G. Goff who died the 17 day of Sepr 1860 aged 65 years. Also to that of his beloved wife Maria Goff who died 1st day of May 1877 aged 63.
KEVIN – (inside) – The Tower Clock was erected to the glory of God and in memory of my beloved husband the Rev. Canon Charles Kilronan Kevin M.A., Rector of this parish July 1925 until his death October 1964.
LYNCH – Erected by Mrs Bridget Lynch of Virginia in memory of her father Thomas Smyth of Oldcastle who died Novr 16 1839 aged 56 years. May he rest in peace.
LYNCH – IHS. Pray for the soul of John Lynch who died February ye 1st 1741 age 47 years also Catherine Lynch who died March 17 1746 age 50. Erected by James Lynch.
LYNCH – IHS. This stone was erected by Terrance Lynch for his father who died 1742 aged 60.
LYNCH – See Fagan
M… – Pray for the soul of John M… who died August 15 1763 Aged ….
MC MAHON – Here lieth the body of Patrick M’Mahon who died Xbr 1763 aged 96 years This burial place belongs to Thomas M’Mahon and his posterity.
MC MAHON – Here lyeth the Body of William M’Mahon who died May ye … 1787 aged 58.
MC ROW – IHS. This stone was erected by Michael and John McRow in memory . Also their mother Margary McRow otherwise Fagan who departed this life Nov the 21st 1806 aged 55 years. Also their sister Catherine who departed this life March 21 1807 aged 28 years likewise their sister Mary who departed this life March 23rd 1807 aged 24 years.
MAHON – IHS. This stone was erected by Philip Mahon in memory of his son Pheliam Mahon whose remains lieth here who departed this life April 23rd A.D. 1778 in the 20 year of his Age.
MARLOW – (inside) – To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Charles Dwyer Marlow, Oldcastle, 2nd Lieutenant 8th Royal Dublin Fusiliers, previously of the Artists Rifles killed in action at Frerzenberg 17th August 1917 aged 22 years.
MATTHEWS – To the memory of John Matthews of Tully who depd. this life Feb 5th 1877 aged 99 years. Also his beloved wife Margaret died May 26th 1873 aged 92. Also Elizabeth the beloved wife of his son George depd Dec 30 1877 aged 22 years.
MATTHEWS – Here Lies the remains of Michael Matthews of Tully who depd this life 31 Augt 1810 aged 84 years. Erected by his beloved wife Margaret Matthews.
MATTHEWS – (on Organ Case) – Bequeathed to the Church by William James Albert Matthews of Oldcastle who departed this life March 18, 1926.
MENBUE – IHS. Pray for ye soul of Michael Menbue who departed this life July 17th 1752 aged 63 years. Erected by Edward Menbue.
MENINE – IHS. Here lieth the body of John Menine who died May the 22 1731 aged 29 years.
MENROE – IHS. Pray for the soul of Conner Menroe who departed this life May the 7th 1762 aged 42 years.
MENROE – Pray for the soul John Menroe who died 10…1742 Aged … (remainder of stone buried)
MONAGHAN – IHS. Erected by Mary Monaghan in memory of her husband Pierce Monaghan who depd this life June 6th 1837 aged 80 years.
MURTAUGH – IHS. Pray for ye soul of Edmond Murtagh who died Jany 1st 1744 aged 60 years.
MURTAUGH – IHS. Pray for the soul of Edmond Murtaugh who departed this life the 3rd day of January 1747 aged 60 years. Erected by Luke Murtagh.
OLVER – Here lyeth the body of Mary Olver who parted this life 10br ye 20th 1744 in ye 18 year of her age a most verts maid.
O’NEILL – Window in church) – In loving memory of John George O’Neill born 1853, died 27th April 1936 also his wife Mary born 1850 died 15th August 1904.
PLUNKETT – IHS. Erected by Ellen Plunkett of Dunowen in memory of her beloved husband Edward Plunkett who depd this life the 15th January 1858 aged 62 years and her beloved son John Bernard who died 13July 1840 aged 19 years. Beneath also rest the remains of Catherine Plunkett who died 23rd of March 1852 aged 87 years. Bernard Plunkett who died the year 1800 and Margaret Nugent who died November 1851.
PLUNKETT – IHS. Here lyeth ye body of Mary Plunkett who deceased January ye 25th 1745-6 aged 22 years.
REILLY – In memory of Bernard Reilly of Munterconaught Co. Cavan who died on the 6th Dec. 1816 aged 85 years. Erected by his son Patrick Reilly, Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A.
REILLY – IHS. Erected by Edward Reilly of Newcastle in grateful memory of his father and mother and their posterity, his father John Reilly died Novr. 1794 aged 48 years. His mother Marcella Reilly alias Tuite died August 1828 aged 80 years.
REILLY – IHS. Erected by Jno and Peter Reilly of Stonefield in memory of their father Mathew who depd May 1 1760 aged 40 years. Also his wife Elor Reilly alis Murphy depd Jany 19 1800 aged 73 year also Charles Reilly depd Oct 20th 1780 aged 20 also John Reilly depd April 13 1810 aged 90 years.
REILLY – IHS. Here lyeth the body of Thomas Reilly who departed this life April ye 15th 1754 aged 60. Also of Genny Reilly who died March 1757 aged 22 years.
ROTHERAM – Inside) – Edward Rotheram of Crossdrum born 25th November 1828, died 4th 1904. (Arms: 3 stags trippant. Crest: a demi stag. Motto: Honor et honestas).
ROTTHERAM – (inside) – Edward Rotheram of Crossdrum born 25th November March 25, 1789, died February 14th, 1881.
(Arms, Crest and Motto as above)
SHERWOOD – In loving memory of Henry Sherwood who departed this life at Glenboy May 30 1887 aged 82 years. Also his beloved sister Anne died January 23 1888 aged (?)30 years.
SMITH – IHS. Pray for the soul of Margaret Smith who departed this life March ye 27 1741 aged 58. Ordered by Daniel Linnin.
SMYTH – IHS. Pray for the soul of John Smyth who deceased in February the 5th 1753 aged 42 years.
SMYTH – IHS. Here lyeth the body of William Smyth who died April ye 5th 1748 aged 50.
TUITE – IHS. Erected by John Tuite in memory of his father Thomas Tuite who departed this life April 22 1894 aged 48 years.
IHS. Erected by Walter Tuite in memory of his father Nicholas Tuite who deptd this life March 11th 1806 aged 74 years. Also his son Patk. Tuite who deptd February 10th 1835 aged 28 years. Also his son Michael Tuite who deptd this life January 12 1841 aged 30 years.
WADE – This stone was erected by George Wade of Murns Esqr A Captain in His Majesty’s Marine Forces in commemoration of his father Charles Wade of Oldcastle Esqr who died in the year of our Lord 1738 aged 70 years. And also his mother Elizabeth Wade who died in the year of our Lord 1736 Aged 48 years. Also his brother James Wade who died in the year of our Lord 1765 aged 66 years. Also Mary said Michael’s wife who died in the year of our Lord 1759 aged 41 years. His brother Charles Wade a Surgeon in His Majesty’s Navy who died in the year 1766 aged 36 years. His Brother Edward Wade of Belany Esqr who died in the year 1781 aged 71 years and Rebecca his wife who died in the year 1774 aged 48 years and several of the above said Charles senior’s children and Good Wade son of said Edward and Rebecca. Here lyeth the body of the above Captain George Wade who departed this life in the year1783 aged 60 years. Here lyeth the body of John Wade Balany Esq A Captain in His Majesty’s Marine Forces who departed this life the 20 day June 1801 aged 59 years also several daughters belonging to the above Charles Wade.
WELDON – This Monument was erectd by Mr John Weldon of Oldcastle in memory of his father Robert Weldon who departed this life the 10 day May 1818 aged 56 years. Also in memory of his beloved wife Margaret Weldon alias Moore who departed this life 25 day of April 1833 aged 46 years. Also his daughter Anne died 18 February 1851 aged 35 years. Also his daughter Maria died the 27 October 1864 aged 42 years. The above John died 28th of April 1867 aged 88 years.