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Meath Countywide Topics
Meath Ancestors Guide
Irish Sources for Genealogy
Boyne Valley
Civil Survey 1654
Flax Growers 1796
Freeholders 1775
Graveyards – Links
Agher, Summerhill
Ardbraccan Graveyard
Ardmulchan, Navan.
Ardsallagh, Navan.
Arodstown, Moynalvey.
Assey, Kilmessan.
Athboy, Old Graveyard
Athlumney, Navan
Balfeaghan, Kilcock.
Ballivor St. Kinneths C. of I.
Ballymaglasson Graveyard
Balsoon, Kilmessan.
Brannockstown, Trim
Castlekiernan, Carnaross
Churchtown, Dunderry.
Clady, Bective.
Clonabreany, Oldcastle.
Clonalvey, Ardcath.
Clonee, Trim.
Clonmacduff, Dunderry.
Cortown, Kells.
Crickstown, Curraha
Crossakiel CofI Graveyard
Crossmacole, Duleek
Cruicetown, Nobber
Culmullen, Dunshaughlin
Danestown, Kentstown
Dervor, Carnaross
Donaghmore, Navan.
Donaghpatrick, Kells
Donore Graveyard, Drogheda
Dowth Churchyard
Drinadaly, Trim.
Drogheda, St. Mary’s C. of I.
Drumlargan, Summerhill
Duleek – Old Churchyard
Dunboyne C. of I.
Dunderry Cemetery
Dulane, Carnaross
Dunmoe, Navan
Dunshaughlin C. of I.
Enfield Area Graveyards
Fletcherstown, Wilkinstown
Gallow, Summerhill
Gernonstown, Slane
Girley C. of I., Kells
Girley R.C., Kells
Hill of Ward, Athboy
Julianstown C. of I.
Kells Town Graveyards
Kells C. of I. PARTIAL
Kilbeg, Kells.
Kilbrew Graveyard, Curragha
Kilbride, Dunboyne
Kilcarn, Navan
Kilcooley, Trim
Kildalkey Graveyard
Kilkeeran, Ballinabrackey
Killaconnigan, Ballivor
Killeagh, Oldcastle
Killeen, Dunshaughlin
Killua, Clonmellon
Killyon, Longwood
Kilmore, Kilcock
Kilsharvan, Duleek
Kilskyre Old Cemetery
Laracor, Trim.
Longwood Area Graveyards
Loughan Graveyard, Carnaross
Loughcrew, Oldcastle
Loughsallagh, Dunboyne
Macetown, Skryne
Martry, Kells
Maudlins, Trim
Memorials of the Dead Journal
Monktown, Navan
Moorechurch Cemetery, Julianstown
Mornington, Drogheda
Moy, Summerhill
Moyagher, Athboy
Moymet, Trim
Newtown, Moynalty
Newtown, Trim
Oldcastle C. of I.
Rataine, Dunderry
Rathfeigh, Skryne
Rathkenny, Slane
Rathmolyon Area Graveyards
Rathmore, Athboy
Robertstown, Carlanstown
Scurlogstown Graveyard , Trim
Slane Area Graveyards
Stackallen, Slane
Stagrennan, Drogheda
Staholmog, Kells
Summerhill Area Graveyards
Teltown, Kells
Trevet, Dunshaughlin
Trim, St. Patrick’s C. of I.
Trimblestown, Trim
Tullaghanogue, Trim
Tycroghan, Clonard
Hearth Tax 1792 -East and middle of the county
Henderson’s Post Office Directory 1861
Holy Wells
Houses a-d
Houses e-j
Houses k-p
Houses r-z
Hugh de Lacy
Landowners 1876
Leet’s Directory 1814
Lewis Places 1837
Movies, Films and Stars
Museum of Meath
Ordnance Survey Letters
John Ainsworth
Thomas Allen
Mervyn Archdall
Thomas Ashe
Gerald Aylmer
Matthew Aylmer
John Balfe
Margaret Ball
Robert Barker
Robert Barnewall
Richard Barton
Henrietta Battier
Francis Beaufort
Kathleen Behan
Thomas Betagh
Francis Blackburne
Richard Blake
George Bomford
Seán Boylan
John Moore Brabazon
William Maziere Brady
Teresa Brayton
Cecilia Caddell
Andrew Caldwell
John Cassidy
Michael Collier
John Connolly
Mary Ann Cosgrove – Mother Mary Patrick
Martin Cregan
George Cusack
Eleanor Davies
Maurice Dease
Elizabeth Denison
John Doherty
Bishop Anthony Dopping
Frank Duff
Eamonn Duggan
Robert Dunville
Maria Edgeworth
Empress Sissi of Austria
Matthias Everard
Nugent Everard
William Fearon
Errol Flynn
John Forbes
Bryan John Fowler
Edward Gibson
William Gibson
J.T. Gilbert
Herman Goertz
Philip Gray
Laurence Hynes Halloran
Letitia Hamilton
James Arthur Hanbury
John Hand
Frederick Harvey
John Hayes
Francis Hopkins
Thomas Hussey
William Johnson
Marion King
T.E. Lawrence
Thomas Clarke Luby
Frederick Lucas
James McCann
John McNabb
Pierce Mahony
Lola Montez
Morgan O’Connell
Charles Y. O’Connor
Roger O’Connor
Brian O’Higgins
Charles Stewart Parnell
John Howard Parnell
Petronella of Meath
Richard Pigott
Thomas Poynton
William Quirke
Charles Reichel
Susan Saurin
Joseph Shiel
William Somerville
John Stearne
John Stevenson
Wellington – Arthur Wellesley
Richard Wesley
Benjamin Winter
Samuel Winter
Robert Wood
Pigot’s Directory 1824
Protestant Census 1802
Rebellion of 1798 and Militias
Religious Census 1766
Revolution 1913-23
Roll of Honour 1914-16
Second Level Education
Teachers 1905
Voters 1831
Voters – 1885
A-B Voters 1885
C-D Voters 1885
E,F,G. Voters 1885
H-K Voters 1885
L-M Voters 1885
N-Q Voters 1885
R-S Voters 1885
T-Y Voters 1885
World War 1
World War II
Particular Prominent Places
Battle of the Boyne 1690
Battle of the Boyne
Archaeological Study of Battle of the Boyne
Disposal of the Dead Bodies at the Battle of the Boyne
Eyewitness Accounts of the Battle of the Boyne
List of Eyewitness Accounts of the Battle
Boyne Obelisk
Bective Abbey and Estate
Coole area, Summerhill
Duleek – History and Development
Oldbridge and Sheephouse
Archaeology & History to 1540
Oldbridge 1541-1724
Coddingtons of Old Bridge
Coddington Family Members 1607-1993
Oldbridge House
Coddington’s Landed Estate
Gardens at Oldbridge
Servants at Oldbridge
Glenmore House Ruins Videos
Coracle Making
Royal Canal in Meath
Smaller Sites and Individual Items
Agriculture in Meath
Meath’s Anthem
Ardbraccan School 1813
Ashbourne – Battle of Ashbourne
Athlumney Motte
Ballivor RIC Barracks Taken 1919
Bealtine 1st May
Beaufort Family
Bellinter House
Bowling/Bullet Throwing
Branganstown, Trim
Dean Richard Butler
Chief Secretary of Ireland’s Office 1818-1833- Meath Entries – Partial
The Church and Diocese of Meath in the 15th Century
Church of Ireland in Meath
Rev. Fr. Matthew Clavin
Clonycavan Man – A Bog Body
Michael Collins
Colpe and Kilsharvan 1833
County Council Elections 1920
Crannac Co-op, Navan
Croboy, Clonard
Cromwellian Land Confiscation
The Battle of Curraghtown House 1922
Donacarney School Pupils 1873
Dunshaughlin Workhouse
Falcons in Meath
The Great Famine
Famine Orphan Girls from Meath 1848-50
Follistown, Navan
Frongoch 1916-17
Fyanstown, Kells
Game Certificates 1856
Gormanston Foxes
Halloween – Hill of Ward
Julianstown and area census of landowners 1830
Kells and St. Colmcille
Kells Census 1865
Killyon RIC Barracks
Korean War and Meath
Bishop John Kyne
Labour Party
Lagore Crannog, Dunshaughlin
Laracor – Wesley Monument
Francis Ledwidge
Lismullen and the Dillon family
Llyod, Kells
Map 1900
Moymet Tithe Defaulters 1831
Navan – the arrival of the railway
Newspapers 1750-1800
Nobber – A Step Back in Time
Ó Dálaigh Bardic Poets: Their Poetry and their Patrons
Parnell – His Local Connections
Podcasts and Audio
Porchfields – Medieval Plants of Trim
Postal System in Meath 1700-1840
Presbyterians in Meath
Ráth Cairn
Royal Connections to Meath
Salmon of Knowledge
Stamullen Emigrants 1866 – 1873
Stella’s Cottage, Trim
Alice Stopford Green
Summerhill – Presbyterians
Teltown, Kells
Tara Battle of 1798
Tara – Ceremonies 1948
Titanic Sinking
Transported from Meath to Australia 1799-1857
Tree planting tenants 1800-1850
Trim 1920- The capture of the Barracks and the Burning of Trim
Trim Bygone Days by Peter Crinion and Thomas Dignam
Trim Gaol – The Old Gaol on Mill Street
Trim Looking Back
Trim – A ramble around Trim
Trim – The Russian Cannon
Trim – St. Patrick’s Church
Trim Sculpture Trail
Trim as a surname
Trim – Townland Names
Trim Town Walls
Victoria Cross Awards
Video and Youtube
Vikings in Meath
Walks and Trails
Wellesley Estate 1816
Wellington – his Irish Connections
Wellington – Where was Wellington born?
Wellington – Proud to be Irish
Wolves in Meath
Links to other sources
Youtube Videos
Meath Countywide Topics
- Ancestors
- - Meath Ancestors Guide
- - Irish Sources for Genealogy
- Boyne Valley
- Civil Survey 1654
- Flax Growers 1796
- Freeholders 1775
- Graveyards
- - Graveyards – Links
- - Agher, Summerhill
- - Ardbraccan Graveyard
- - Ardmulchan, Navan.
- - Ardsallagh, Navan.
- - Arodstown, Moynalvey.
- - Assey, Kilmessan.
- - Athboy, Old Graveyard
- - Athlumney, Navan
- - Balfeaghan, Kilcock.
- - Ballivor St. Kinneths C. of I.
- - Ballymaglasson Graveyard
- - Balsoon, Kilmessan.
- - Brannockstown, Trim
- - Castlejordan
- - Castlekiernan, Carnaross
- - Churchtown, Dunderry.
- - Clady, Bective.
- - Clonabreany, Oldcastle.
- - Clonalvey, Ardcath.
- - Clonee, Trim.
- - Clonmacduff, Dunderry.
- - Cortown, Kells.
- - Crickstown, Curraha
- - Crossakiel CofI Graveyard
- - Crossmacole, Duleek
- - Cruicetown, Nobber
- - Culmullen, Dunshaughlin
- - Danestown, Kentstown
- - Dervor, Carnaross
- - Donaghmore, Navan.
- - Donaghpatrick, Kells
- - Donore Graveyard, Drogheda
- - Dowth Churchyard
- - Drinadaly, Trim.
- - Drogheda, St. Mary’s C. of I.
- - Drumlargan, Summerhill
- - Duleek
- - Duleek – Old Churchyard
- - Dunboyne C. of I.
- - Dunderry Cemetery
- - Dulane, Carnaross
- - Dunmoe, Navan
- - Dunshaughlin C. of I.
- - Enfield Area Graveyards
- - Fletcherstown, Wilkinstown
- - Gallow, Summerhill
- - Gernonstown, Slane
- - Girley C. of I., Kells
- - Girley R.C., Kells
- - Hill of Ward, Athboy
- - Julianstown C. of I.
- - Kells Town Graveyards
- - Kells C. of I. PARTIAL
- - Kilbeg, Kells.
- - Kilbrew Graveyard, Curragha
- - Kilbride, Dunboyne
- - Kilcarn, Navan
- - Kilcooley, Trim
- - Kildalkey Graveyard
- - Kilkeeran, Ballinabrackey
- - Killaconnigan, Ballivor
- - Killeagh, Oldcastle
- - Killeen, Dunshaughlin
- - Killua, Clonmellon
- - Killyon, Longwood
- - Kilmore, Kilcock
- - Kilsharvan, Duleek
- - Kilskyre Old Cemetery
- - Laracor, Trim.
- - Longwood Area Graveyards
- - Loughan Graveyard, Carnaross
- - Loughcrew, Oldcastle
- - Loughsallagh, Dunboyne
- - Macetown, Skryne
- - Martry, Kells
- - Maudlins, Trim
- - Memorials of the Dead Journal
- - Monktown, Navan
- - Moorechurch Cemetery, Julianstown
- - Mornington, Drogheda
- - Moy, Summerhill
- - Moyagher, Athboy
- - Moymet, Trim
- - Newtown, Moynalty
- - Newtown, Trim
- - Oldcastle C. of I.
- - Rataine, Dunderry
- - Rathfeigh, Skryne
- - Rathkenny, Slane
- - Rathmolyon Area Graveyards
- - Rathmore, Athboy
- - Ratoath
- - Robertstown, Carlanstown
- - Scurlogstown Graveyard , Trim
- - Skryne
- - Slane Area Graveyards
- - Stackallen, Slane
- - Stagrennan, Drogheda
- - Staholmog, Kells
- - Summerhill Area Graveyards
- - Teltown, Kells
- - Trevet, Dunshaughlin
- - Trim, St. Patrick’s C. of I.
- - Trimblestown, Trim
- - Tullaghanogue, Trim
- - Tycroghan, Clonard
- Hearth Tax 1792 -East and middle of the county
- Henderson’s Post Office Directory 1861
- Holy Wells
- Houses
- - Houses a-d
- - Houses e-j
- - Houses k-p
- - Houses r-z
- Hugh de Lacy
- Landowners 1876
- Leet’s Directory 1814
- Lewis Places 1837
- Movies, Films and Stars
- Museum of Meath
- Ordnance Survey Letters
- People
- - John Ainsworth
- - Thomas Allen
- - Mervyn Archdall
- - Thomas Ashe
- - Gerald Aylmer
- - Matthew Aylmer
- - John Balfe
- - Margaret Ball
- - Robert Barker
- - Robert Barnewall
- - Richard Barton
- - Henrietta Battier
- - Francis Beaufort
- - Kathleen Behan
- - Thomas Betagh
- - Francis Blackburne
- - Richard Blake
- - George Bomford
- - Seán Boylan
- - John Moore Brabazon
- - William Maziere Brady
- - Teresa Brayton
- - Cecilia Caddell
- - Andrew Caldwell
- - John Cassidy
- - Michael Collier
- - John Connolly
- - Mary Ann Cosgrove – Mother Mary Patrick
- - Martin Cregan
- - George Cusack
- - Eleanor Davies
- - Maurice Dease
- - Elizabeth Denison
- - John Doherty
- - Bishop Anthony Dopping
- - Frank Duff
- - Eamonn Duggan
- - Robert Dunville
- - Maria Edgeworth
- - Empress Sissi of Austria
- - Matthias Everard
- - Nugent Everard
- - William Fearon
- - Errol Flynn
- - John Forbes
- - Bryan John Fowler
- - Edward Gibson
- - William Gibson
- - J.T. Gilbert
- - Herman Goertz
- - Philip Gray
- - Laurence Hynes Halloran
- - Letitia Hamilton
- - James Arthur Hanbury
- - John Hand
- - Frederick Harvey
- - John Hayes
- - Francis Hopkins
- - Thomas Hussey
- - William Johnson
- - Marion King
- - T.E. Lawrence
- - Thomas Clarke Luby
- - Frederick Lucas
- - James McCann
- - John McNabb
- - Pierce Mahony
- - Lola Montez
- - Morgan O’Connell
- - Charles Y. O’Connor
- - Roger O’Connor
- - Brian O’Higgins
- - Charles Stewart Parnell
- - John Howard Parnell
- - Petronella of Meath
- - Richard Pigott
- - Thomas Poynton
- - William Quirke
- - Charles Reichel
- - Susan Saurin
- - Joseph Shiel
- - William Somerville
- - John Stearne
- - John Stevenson
- - Wellington – Arthur Wellesley
- - Richard Wesley
- - Benjamin Winter
- - Samuel Winter
- - Robert Wood
- Pigot’s Directory 1824
- Poetry
- Protestant Census 1802
- Rebellion of 1798 and Militias
- Religious Census 1766
- Revolution 1913-23
- Roll of Honour 1914-16
- Second Level Education
- Teachers 1905
- Voters 1831
- Voters – 1885
- - A-B Voters 1885
- - C-D Voters 1885
- - E,F,G. Voters 1885
- - H-K Voters 1885
- - L-M Voters 1885
- - N-Q Voters 1885
- - R-S Voters 1885
- - T-Y Voters 1885
- Women
- World War 1
- World War II
Particular Prominent Places
- Athboy
- Ballinabrackey
- Ballivor
- Battle of the Boyne 1690
- - Battle of the Boyne
- - Archaeological Study of Battle of the Boyne
- - Disposal of the Dead Bodies at the Battle of the Boyne
- - Eyewitness Accounts of the Battle of the Boyne
- - List of Eyewitness Accounts of the Battle
- - Boyne Obelisk
- Bective Abbey and Estate
- Boardsmill
- Clonard
- Coole area, Summerhill
- Duleek – History and Development
- Enfield
- Galtrim
- Kilbride/Moymet
- Kildalkey
- Longwood
- Navan
- Oldbridge and Sheephouse
- - Archaeology & History to 1540
- - Oldbridge 1541-1724
- - Coddingtons of Old Bridge
- - Coddington Family Members 1607-1993
- - Oldbridge House
- - Coddington’s Landed Estate
- - Gardens at Oldbridge
- - Servants at Oldbridge
- - Glenmore
- - Glenmore House Ruins Videos
- - Coracle Making
- Rathcore
- Rathmolyon
- Royal Canal in Meath
- Scurlogstown
- Summerhill
- Tara
- Trim
- Tullaghanogue
Smaller Sites and Individual Items
- Agriculture in Meath
- Almshouses
- Meath’s Anthem
- Ardbraccan
- Ardbraccan School 1813
- Ardmulchan
- Ashbourne – Battle of Ashbourne
- Athlumney Motte
- Ballivor RIC Barracks Taken 1919
- Bealtine 1st May
- Beaufort Family
- Bellinter House
- Bowling/Bullet Throwing
- Branganstown, Trim
- Dean Richard Butler
- Chief Secretary of Ireland’s Office 1818-1833- Meath Entries – Partial
- The Church and Diocese of Meath in the 15th Century
- Church of Ireland in Meath
- Rev. Fr. Matthew Clavin
- Clonycavan Man – A Bog Body
- Michael Collins
- Colpe and Kilsharvan 1833
- County Council Elections 1920
- Crannac Co-op, Navan
- Croboy, Clonard
- Cromwellian Land Confiscation
- The Battle of Curraghtown House 1922
- Donacarney School Pupils 1873
- Dunsany
- Dunshaughlin Workhouse
- Falcons in Meath
- The Great Famine
- Famine Orphan Girls from Meath 1848-50
- Follistown, Navan
- Frongoch 1916-17
- Fyanstown, Kells
- Game Certificates 1856
- Gormanston Foxes
- Halloween – Hill of Ward
- Haymaking
- Julianstown and area census of landowners 1830
- Kells and St. Colmcille
- Kells Census 1865
- Killyon RIC Barracks
- Kilmessan
- Korean War and Meath
- Bishop John Kyne
- Labour Party
- Lagore Crannog, Dunshaughlin
- Laracor – Wesley Monument
- Francis Ledwidge
- Leprosy
- Lismullen and the Dillon family
- Llyod, Kells
- Map 1900
- Miscellaneous
- Moymet Tithe Defaulters 1831
- Navan – the arrival of the railway
- Newspapers 1750-1800
- Nobber – A Step Back in Time
- Ó Dálaigh Bardic Poets: Their Poetry and their Patrons
- Parnell – His Local Connections
- Podcasts and Audio
- Porchfields – Medieval Plants of Trim
- Postal System in Meath 1700-1840
- Presbyterians in Meath
- Ráth Cairn
- Rathmore
- Royal Connections to Meath
- Salmon of Knowledge
- Scurlogstown
- Stamullen Emigrants 1866 – 1873
- Stella’s Cottage, Trim
- Alice Stopford Green
- Summerhill – Presbyterians
- Teltown, Kells
- Tara Battle of 1798
- Tara – Ceremonies 1948
- Ticroghan
- Titanic Sinking
- Transported from Meath to Australia 1799-1857
- Tree planting tenants 1800-1850
- Trim 1920- The capture of the Barracks and the Burning of Trim
- Trim Bygone Days by Peter Crinion and Thomas Dignam
- Trim Gaol – The Old Gaol on Mill Street
- Trim Looking Back
- Trim – A ramble around Trim
- Trim – The Russian Cannon
- Trim – St. Patrick’s Church
- Trim Sculpture Trail
- Trim as a surname
- Trim – Townland Names
- Trim Town Walls
- Victoria Cross Awards
- Video and Youtube
- Vikings in Meath
- Walks and Trails
- Wellesley Estate 1816
- Wellington – his Irish Connections
- Wellington – Where was Wellington born?
- Wellington – Proud to be Irish
- Wolves in Meath
Links to other sources
Youtube Videos
Stella’s Cottage, Trim
Stella’s Cottage, Trim
Stella’s Cottage
By Thomas Murray