List of Freeholders of Co Meath
The names of freeholders entitled to vote for Meath (1775 and 1781)
The date of this list is not known but in T. J. Sadlier’s opinion it is between 1775 and 1780.

Name Abode Freehold Landlord
Acton, Joseph Oldbridge Oldbridge
Adams, Anthony Aclare Cornacera Bligh
Charles Corryhearn Corryhearn Bligh
Addams, Bryan Cunakieran Cunakieran
Bryan Dublin Curnagarron
Charles Dublin, Grocer Corryhearn
Adear, William Trim Trim
Allen, Samuel Trim Trim
Thomas Coragherim Coragherim
Anberry, John Dalystown Dalystown Ld. Mornington
Richard Dalystown Dalystown
Anderson, Joseph Slane Brownstown Sir Jas. Somerville
William Carbrestown Carbrestown Percival
William Theenoge Theenoge Thos. Pepper
Armstrong, John Ervy Ervy Bligh
John Prierstown Prierstown
William Ervy Ervy
Wm. Jones Dublin, Student Prierstown
Askins, George Trim Trim
Askin, Paul Trim Trim
Askn, William Summerhill Summerhill Rowley
Ash, John Greenan Greenan
£10 Freeholders
Acheson, Sir Archebold Markethill Landerstown
Achmuty, Rev. John Fosterstown Moyglare
Acton, Edward Oldbridge Oldbridge
William Drogheda Oldbridge
Wm. Esq., Dublin Agher
William Dublin
Adams, Anthony Curnacronnagh Curnacronnagh
Bryan Curragherim Boyna, Curracanow, Cunagherim
Bryan Curragherim Boyna, Curracarrow, Curragherim
Addams, Charles Curragherim
Adams, George Moynehall Aclare
George Howthstown Howthstown
Laurence 105, Grafton St., Dublin
Peter Howthstown Rathbran
Richard Fisher’s Lane Dublin
Adams, Richard Sharcock, Co. Cavan
William Bulgerstown Rectorial Impropriate Tythes Parish Ludden
William Roebuck, Co. Cavan Howthstown
Aicken, Thomas Corballis Corballis
Aikman, William Stackallen
Alcock, Rev. John Killatee, Co. Kells
Aldercron, John, Esq. Dublin Moyglare
Allen, Gervaise Clonee Dangan Morington
John Clondalee
Peter Clonee Dangan Mornington
Richard Clondalee Clondalee
Richard Clondaleemore Clondaleemore
Roger Royal Hospital, Allenstown & Knocknatulla
Thomas Clondalee Gen. Bligh
Auberry, Christopher Dublin Fearmore
Hugh Dalystown Dalystown
Andrews, Christopher Kettlestown Kennettstown
Anderson, Richard Kilternan, Dublin Blackhall
Arabine, Henry Newtown Moyglare
Armstrong, Benjamin Ervy Ervy
David Ervy Poles
George Drogheda Killishannon
James Bligh
John Ervy Poles
Joseph Poles Ervy
Richard Priesttown Priesttown
Robert Poles Ervy
William Ervy Ervy
William Priestown
Ashe, Rev. St.Geo. Churchill Ervy
Sir Thomas. Ashfield Ervy
Atkins, Thomas nr. Slane
Auchenlech, … Mary’s Abbey, Dublin
Aylmer, James Ballinderrin Ballinderrin
Bagnell, John Drogheda Rathmullan
Ball, John Rathmolyon same & Kilmore
John Rathmullan Rathmullan & Kilmore
Banks, Adam Crossakeel Crossakeel
Adam Crossakeel Crossakeel
Joseph Crossakeel Rathmullan Ar. Wade
& Kilmore
Barker, George Trim Fosterstown
George Trim Trim
Baron, James Killagriff Killagriff
Barry, James Navan Navan
Bartley, or Drumbarrow Drumbarrow
Berkley, James
Bartley, James Drumbarrow Drumbarrow
Barton, William Dublin Great Kilcarn
Battersby, Robert Clonebrany Dromore
Beatty, Luke Carlanstown Carlanstown
Thomas Carlanstown Carlanstown
Bell, John Co. Meath Rathbrack
William Carlanstown Carlanstown
Bellingham, Alan jnr Castle Bellingham Oldbridge
Benson, Samuel Galtrim Corruskeran
Berford, George Dublin Ratoath
Michael Archerstown Ratoath
Betty, Luke Togherstown Togherstown
Bignall, Daniel Ardanew Ardanew W. Lightburn
Birch, Charles Carlanstown Seller
Blakeney, William Drogheda Rathmullan
Boardman, Robert Mullefont Park Rossan
Bole, Thomas Baltrasna Baltrasna
Thomas Baltrasna Baltrasna
Bollard, Jacob Lagavooran Lagavooran
Boller, Jacob Platin Platin
Bomford, Oliver Dublin Newtown, Trim
Stephen, jnr. Camden St. Dublin Gallow
Booker, Anthony Crossakeel Crossakeel
George Co. Meath Crossakeel
George Crossakeel Crosssakeel
Worship Crossakeel Crossakeel
Bourke, John Boggan
Bowler, Edward Kells Kells
Boyd, David Cunaghean Carean M’ Westenra
Boyle, John Trim Trim
Brabazon, Blayney Rath, Co. Louth Knockerk
Harry Drogheda Knockerk
Lambert Rath, Co. Louth Knockerk
Brassington, Jasper. Ballymacarney Newtown
Richard. Ballymacarney Ballymacarney
Briggs, Christopher Kells Kells
Joseph Kells Kells
Brown, Hector Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
Joseph Clonmellon Athboy
Brownell, Edward Stackallen Stackallen Ld. Boyne
Joseph, sen. Stackallen Stackallen
Joseph, jnr Stackallen Stackallen
Thomas Stackallen Stackallen
Bryans, William Ballinaclose Boynagh
Buckley, Anthony Grangenevitt Trevet Grange
£10 Freeholders
Bagnell, Edward Hawkinstown
John Drogheda Rathmullan
Bagnell, Richard Hawkinstown Pt. of Cushionstown
Robert Fearmore Ld. Mornington
William Cushinstown
Bailie, Thomas Dublin Coletrummer
Baker, John Wynne Loughlinstown Scriney
Thomas Curduff Moorchurch
Baldwin, Henry Lowpark Sherrymount
Blayney, Townley Townley Hall Cloghmacool
Balfour jun. Townley Hall Great & Little Doe
Ball, Rev. Drogheda
Edward Platin
John, Esq. Lisdornan Lisdoran
Thomas, Sen. Dublin Wicklow
Thomas, Jnr. Dublin Wicklow
Thomas Mullaghmore Crickstown
Bamber, Richard Bellmount, Ardcalf
Brown Co. Down
Banks, James Crossakeel Crossakeel Mr. Wade
Joseph Crossakeel Rathmullan &
Kilmore Mr. Wade
Barker, Charles Dublin Coleboys
Oliver nr. Empor Croboy Thos. Loftus
Sir William Co. Kilkenny
Barlow, James Drogheda Fleminstown
John Park Park
Thomas Hamstown
Barns, Caleb Dunleer Mahonstown
Barnes, Thomas Killough Pilltown
Barrett, Doninick Dublin Milltown
Barry, Charles Kilcarn
Dixie Stackallen
Gayner Dublin
Phillip Kilcarn
Richard Bridestream Bridestream
Richard Francis St., Dublin
Rev. Richard Navan Lalough
Thomas Navan Leesbrook
William Dublin Dunreagh
Bartley, James Drumbaragh Drumbaragh Mr. Wade
Barton, John Dublin Philpotstown
William Dublin Slane
Bashford …. Bligh
Bathhurst, Mathew Aungier St.
Battersby, James Bobsville
James Philipstown Philipstown
John Lakefield Lakefield Mr. Napper
John Philipstown Keenaghan
Battersby, William Smithstown
Thomas Clonabreany Clonabreany
William Smithstown Smithstown Mr. Wade
Bathurst, William nr. Kilcock
Beaufort, Rev. D. A. Navan Rectory of Navan
Beack, William Newtown, Greenage Newtown, Greenage
Beckett, Samual Ryland, Co. Wexford Kilcooly
William Prussia St.
Bellingham, Alan Castle Bellingham Oldbridge
Bell, John Gortloney Hans Woods
John Rathbrack Rathbrack
Bennett, Richard Black Hoops, Enniscorthy
Richard Dublin Ferrans
Benson, Rev. Dr.
Rev. Hill Rectory of Kilcarn
John Isaactown Ld Moira
Richard Dublin Lougher
Beresford, Hon.& Rev. Dublin Newcastle
Berrill, Robert Knoth Part of Newgrange
& Mills of Brogh
Betagh, John Drumcondra
Betty, Rev. Christopher Cherrymount Cherrymount
Capt. William Clonard
Bignell, Daniel Ardmore Ardmore
Billing, John Kingstown Kingstown
Birch, James Trim
Robert Dublin Beggstown
Blackburne, Anthony, Esq. Footstown
Anthony Mentrim Mentrim
George Footstown Gt. Footstown
George Finns, Co. Louth Legtown, pt. of Footstown
Richard Footstown Mentrim
Blacker, William Letham Drogheda Skreen
Blackwell, Richardson Grangegeeth
Blair, Joseph Mr. Wilder
Rev. Thomas Balgeen Balgeen
Blakely, Bury Rochestown Roestown
John Rochestown, nr. Dublin
Blakeney, Nicholas Drogheda Rathmolyon
Blashfort, Rev. Wm. Dublin Newtown & Little Finglastown
Bligh, Hon. Thos. Brittas Brittas
Blundell, Rev. Dixie Dublin Rectory Kilskeer
Sir John Kilkenny
Boarman, Joseph Jonestown, Wellinsland
King’s Co
Boardman, John Clonard
Thomas Dungannon
Bolton, Richard Macklinstown Balgeeth Maclinstown
Bolger, Richard, Attorney Ship St., Dublin
Bolton, Robert, Esq. Brazill, Co. Dublin Balgeeth
Bomford, David Gallow
Isaac Gallow
Richard Derrypatrick Derrypatrick
Stephen Rahinstown
Thomas Clownstown
William Cushinstown Cushinstown
Bonham, Robert Dublin Clonguiffin
Booth, Rev. Stephen Ballymore, Co Vicarage, Clonard
Bor, Edward Borfield Park
Bourke, John Boggan Boggan
William Co. Galway Tythes of ?
Bowen, Joseph Moynalty Moynalty
Boyce, Edward Finglastown Finglastown
Boyd, David Boyne Boyne
George, Esq., Dublin
Boyes, Robert Mt. Pleasant, Co. Trevet Grange
Boyne, James Crossakeel Mr. Wade
Brabazon, Anthony Carstown, Co. Louth Mornington
Henry Drogheda
James Mornington
Philip Belview Lougher
Hon. Wm. Dublin Tara
William Rath
Bradish, Rev. Wm. Duleek Parish thereof
Bradshaw, Rev. John Moortown Rectory Kilbeg
Brazinton, James
Breviter, Capt. Stephen’s Green
Breet, Rev. John Ballyhome Rectory Moynalty
Brooke, Alexander Cartroncard, Co. Baskinagh
Brooker, Anthony Crossakeel Crossakeel Mr. Wade
Brookes, George Dublin Lynces Land in Fosterstown
Brougham, John Kilmore Moybourgh
Brown, Hon. James Mall, Dublin
Nicholas Moynalty Moynalty
Browne, George Devintown Devinstown
Thomas Davidstown Davidstown
Brownlow,… Esq., Britain St.,
Bryan, Arthur, Esq., Henry St., Springvalley
John Derrylahan Whitehills
William, Esq., Springvalley Springvalley
Buckley, Anthony Blakestown, Co. Trevet Grange
Bulger, John Trim
Burgh, Rev. Joseph Loughgall, Hayestown
Deane Co. Armagh
Burleigh, George Summerhill Springvalley
Burn, Henry Oldcastle Oldcastke Mr. Napper
John Cabinteely
Richard Drogheda St.
Burton, Francis Dublin
William Burton Hall, Newgrange
Bury? John, Esq.,
John, Not. Pub. Dublin Ballinderrin
Byrne, Michael Cabinteely, Co. Newtown Duleek
Richard Ratoath Preist Town
Cassidy, Rev. Edward Lessanish Corrakeeran
Caldwell, Alexander Boytragh Boytragh
Campbell, Alexander Baltrasna Baltrasna
Alexander Kilgologh, Co. Baltrasna
John Baltrasna Baltrasna
John Navan Navan
Robert Baltrasna Baltrasna
Carey? Francis Duleek Duleek
William Duleek Duleek
Carr, Charles Rathmolyon Rathmolyon
John Rathmolyon Rathmolyon
Carson, Robert Cornicarrow Cornicarrow
James Cornicarrow Cornicarrow
Carstare, Robert Trim Trim
Carter, Robert Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
Cash, George Julianstown Julianstown
George Kenoge Kenoge Thos. Pepper
Cassey, Robert Smithfield Trim
Castles, John Kilmainham
Chamney, John Donore Redmountain
Chapman, Benjamin Hawkswood Hawkswood
John Trim Athboy
Charles, George Kells Kells
John Kells Kells
Joseph Cullendragh Cullendragh
Richard Sen. Cullendragh Cullendragh
Richard Big Cullendragh Rathmullan
Chesher, Tobias Ardglassan
Chetwood, Jonathan Portarlington
Clarke, Henry, Esq. Dublin Trim
Clifford, Hamson Kingscourt Cavan
William Duleek Duleek
Coddington, Henry Esq. Drogheda Oldbridge, Crockfeaghan
Coggs, John Newtown Newtown
Cole, John Trim Trim
Coleman, Charles Killagriff Killagriff
Collier, George Newtown Newtown
Collins, William Duleek Collierstown
Connor, Francis Antylstown Ardlonan
Hugh Antylstown Ardlonan
Thomas Baltrasna Baltrasna
Cooney, Thomas Stackallen Brownstown
Cormick, Thomas Greaghmella, Co. Killagriff
Coyle, John Oldcastle Oldcastle
Crikley, John Skreen Skreen
Cripps, George Kells Kells
Critchley, William Skreen Skreen
Crofton, M. Lowther Ratoath
Crookshank, Gen. Geo. Dublin Johnstown Ld. Darnley
Crothers, John Kilbeg Kilbeg
Crow, James Oldcastle Oldcastle
Thomas Oldcastle Oldcastle Mr. Napper
Curry, John Trim Trim
£10 Freeholders
Caldwell, Andrew Dublin Knowth
Campbell, John Porterstown Porterstown
Cannon, Marks nr. Hortland Mullinfad
Mathew Kilmore
Mathew jun. 28 Capel St. Dublin
Thomas Moygaddy Moygaddy
Casey, Robert Dublin Trim
Cashore, Adam Trim Trim
William Trim Trim
Cassidy, Francis Derry, Co. Monaghan
Mark Monaghan Bruslandstown
Castles, John Corbally Corbally
Carolan, Francis Bligh
Carr, John Rathmullan Rathmullan
Carroll, George, Esq. Gloucester Street Dublin
Carrothers, Edward Kilbeg Kilbeg Moira
Carslan, Francis Bligh
Carson, John Cunagherin Curragherin
Carson, John Muchwood Muchwood
Robert Muchwood Bellaspent
Carter, Arthur Dublin Derrypatrick Grange
George Dublin Derrypatrick Grange
Joshua Dublin Drimdaly
Oliver Dublin Derrypatrick Grange
Rev. Richard
Thomas Balbriggan
Carty, James, Sen. Crossakeel Crossakeel Mr.Wade
James, Jun Crossakeel Crossakeel Mr. Wade
Challoner, Richard Kingsfort
Chamberlain, Tankerville Stephen’s Green, Dublin
Chamberlain, William Dublin Chamberlainstown
Chamney, Graves Drogheda Rathmullan
John Donore Meadmountain
Thomas Droghed Donore
Thomas Redmountain
Chapman, Benjamin Killua Fraine
Charles, Charles Gortloney
Edward Mucklin Gortloney
John Cullentry
Joseph Cullentry
Joseph Rossmead Gartloney
Charleton, George Kells
Thomas Cunaghtown Cunaghtown
Charters, David Dublin Mullaghboy
George Ardee Newcastle
Cheney, Andrew Dublin Macetown
James Macetown Macetown
Chessire, Edward Drogheda Drogheda
Chester, Tobias Ardglassan Ardglassan
Chetwood, Jonathan Portarlington
Chreighley, William Skreen Skreen
Chrooks, Christopher Leestown Leestown
Clarendon, Edward Newtown Newtown
Thomas Newtownrathganley Newtownrathganley
William Newtownrathganley Newtownrathganley
Clarke, John Oldtown
Richard Newtown Newtown
Clear, Joshua Lisdornan Lisdornan
Clements, Rt. Hon. Dublin Athronan
Clements, Thomas Cromartin, Co. Louth
Thomas Esq. Rathkenny, Co. Cavan
Clegg, George Drogheda Whitehall & Rathmullan
Cleghorn, Geo. Esq.
Cliff, John Cliff, Co. Wexford
Clifford, John Poles Poles
Close, Rev. Saml. Ardbracken
Cloughery, Patrick
Coates, Rev. George Castlepollard, Co. Woodtown
John Dawson Abbeyshrule, Co. Longford
Hosea Co. Kildare
Thomas Clarkstown Clarkstown
William Philipsburgh, Dublin Clonee
William Co. Kildare Coolearra
Cobb, Thomas Palace Row, Dublin Mornington
Cochlan, Theophilus
Cochran, Richard Dublin Knockerk
Cocking, Rev. Ralph Fairfield, Co. Crickstown
Codd, Richard Killaskillen Killaskillen
Codd, George Killaskillen Killaskillen
Walter Killaskillen Killaskillen
William Killaskillen Killaskillen
Coddington, Henry Oldbridge
Dixie Navan Drumlargan
William Drogheda Balgeen
Coggs, Ralph Newtown Newtown
Coghill, Cramer Rahershea
Collello, Hamilton Chapeloizod Bryans Fares Ld. Boyne
Collins, Richard Trim Trim
Robert Baltigier Baltigier
…….. Kileany
Collier, George Smithfield
Ralph Ballyhoe Ballyhoe
Connolly, Rt. Hon.Thos. Castletown
Connolly, Thomas Cabra Lane, Dublin Painstown
Connor, George Ardlonan Ardlonan
Rev. John Castleknock
Cook, John Leeson Street Kellemstown
Rowland Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
Cooney, Robert Knockerk Kilcooly
Cooper, Austen Back Bellan
John Dublin Collierstown
Richard Rahark, Co. Louth
Samuel Beamore Beamore
Thomas Great Downes Malesk
Cope, Rev. David Queen’s Co.
Copperthwait, Jas. Ardnamullen Yorrock
Sam. Tieroghan Mr. Dutton
Thos Ardnamullen Tieroghan
Corbett, Capt. Ross, Co. Wexford
Corker, Robert Connellstown nr. New Inn
Robt. Chambers
Thomas Dublin Connellstown
Cottingham, Geo. Drumcondra Coolcommon
Co. Dublin
Cox, James Gen. Bligh
Craddock, Rev.Thos Dublin Grangeboyn
Craig, James Eastern Julianstown Eastern Julianstown
John Drumcashell Greenan
Cramer, Coghill Springhill Ahirshea
Queen’s Co.
Crawford, John Laurencetown Laurencetown
Crawley, Rev. P. Digges St., Dublin Park
Thomas Trim Trim
Craven, Arthur
Creightley, John Skreen Skreen
Cripps, David Oldcastle Oldcastle Mr. Napper
David Oldcastle Oldcastle
Cripps, George Kells Kells
Critchley, George Skreen Skreen
Crofton, Duke Clonard Park
Sir M Lowther Moate,Co. Ratoath
Sir Oliver Dublin Emlagh
Crooks, Christopher Leestown
Christopher Quanyland Skreen
Robert Leixlip, Co. Kildare Growtown
Thomas Leestown, Quanyland
Crosbie, Edward Dublin Hermitage
Crosby, Gilbert
Gilbert Knockshanagan Knockshanagan
Pierson Bligh
Rev. Wm Bailyborough Rectory Moycullagh
Crothers, William Ld. Moira
Crow, Rev. Dawson Kells Killstown
Thomas Oldcastle Mr. Napper
Cuff, Thomas Dublin Collinstown
Cuffe, Hon. & Rev Willamstown Willamstown
Culbert, Mr. Archabold Crossakeel Crossakeel Mr. Wade
Cunningham, Wm. nr. Clonard
Curtis, John Mount Hanover Mt. Hanover
Robert Dublin Rasteele
Cusack, Athens Lara
Henry Moyagher Moyagher
Henry Sadler, New Row, Castletown
James Jamestown Girley
Custis, Edmond New Row, Dublin Sterling, part of Clonee
Davis, John
Richard Drumsawry or Drumsawry
Summers Grange
Richard jun.
Dennis, John Kells Kells
Dias, Robert Ballinaclose Ballinaclose
Dingle, John Keenage Keenoge
Dinning, John Tarrefole, Kilboyne
Co. Cavan
Dixon, George
Dixon, John Boynagh Boynagh
Dixon, Richard Boynagh Boynagh
Dogherty, William Bettystown
Capt. Marines
Donnellan, Joseph Crossakeel Crossakeel
Donoghe, Edward Ballinvally Ballinvally
Donovan, William Clonmellon Athboy
Downey, Peter Carlanstown Carlanstown
Downey, William Dublin Newtown
Dyas, James Ballinvally Ballinvally
Richard Carlanstown Carlonstown Thos. Meredith
£10 Freeholders
Dally, Michael Newtown, Co. Balgeth
Dalton, Edward Dawson St. Dublin
Dalton, Luke Newtown Grenoge Newtown Grenoge
Daniel, John Crossakeel Napper
Michael Belview Belview
Rev. Michael Crossakeel Napper
Darcy, Christopher Stadalt Tythes par. Stamullin
Francis Donore Donore
John Dublin Platin
Patrick Stadalt
Richard Navan Kilcarn
Darley, Hugh Clontarf
John Newry, Co, Down Commons of Slane
Danagh, Alderman Ormand Quay
Dawson, John Chapelizod, Dublin Staffordstown & Folliotstown Tythes
John Dublin
Thomas Dawson’s Grove Ballinderrin
now Ld. Darbey
Walter Ballyhoe
Deacon, Thomas Dublin Kilmore
Devlin, Lord Dublin
Dempsey, Richard Painstown
Dickison, John Athboy Reynoldstown
Dillen, William nr. Kilcock
Dillon, John Lismullin Lismullin
Dinnin, John Mr. Westenra
William Detachment Detachment
Dix, Richard Boynagh in the Poles Boynagh
Dixon, Rev. Philip Tullamore Par. Clonmacduff
William Navan Ld. Ludlow
Dobson, Rev. Geo. Lion Hill Par. Rathmoylon
Thomas Dublin Donacarney
Dogherty, Rev. Bernard Slane Rectory of Slane
Donagh, Charles Piercetown Piercetown
Donaldson, Robert Posseckstown Posseckstown
Donan, William Moyle
Donnellan, James Crossakeel Mr. Wade
James Tobertynan Tobertynan
Nehemiah Nixon Ravensdale Gt. Hilltown
Rev. Wm. Naas Vicarage of Galtrim
Donovan, Robert Woodpark Beggstown
Dooling, Mathew, Sen. Greenoge Greenoge
Doolittle, John Ballynagaul,
als. Herbertstown
Joseph Gaulstown
Dopping, Anthony
Doran, Denis Dublin Inch
Douty, James Oldcastle Oldcastle Mr. Napper
Downes, Rev. Dive, Elder Dublin Parish Athlumney
Rev. Dive the Oldcastle Vicarage of Oldcastle
Downes, Rev. Dive Blackrock Summerstown
Dowling, Mathew Dublin Greenoge
Robert Castletown, Delvin
Downey, Owen Ballymadavid Boggan
William Dublin Carlanstown & Newtown
Doyle, William Bramblestown, Kilclone
Co. Kildare
Doyne, …. Wexford Blackbull
Duncan, Rev. Edwd Dunboyne
Dunn, Bryan Rahendrick Sir John Meredith
William Causestown Causestown
Dunsany, Rt. Hon. Ld. Dunsany
Dutton, Jas. Esq., Gt. Britain
Dyas, Jacob nr, Kells
James Ballymaclose Bligh
John Kilbeg Kilbeg
Richard Cookstown Cookstown
Robert Bailieborrow Mullaghavally
Robert Cookstown Cookstown
Robert Poles Lurganstown
William Cookstown Cookstown
Eaton, Thomas Newtown Belleek
Eccleston, Tristram Keeoge Keenoge
Tristram Keenoge Keenoge
Walter Keenoge Keenoge Thos. Pepper
Egan, Patrick Kilrue Ratoath
Eggington, Jas. Carpenterstown, Baltrasna
Co. Westmeath
Ellery, Henry Laracose Laracor
John Laracor Laracor
Elliott, George Dublin Mount Grenville
Ellis, Robert Drogheda Knockerk
Ennis, Francis Faganstown Flemingstown, Ratoath
Evans, Bartholomew Trim Steeplestown
Bartholomew, slater Knocknatullagh Knocknatullagh
Thomas Co. Meath Rathbrack H. Wood
£10 Freeholders
Eaton, William Drumcondra, Dublin Ardnamullan
Echlin, Philip Bridge St., Dublin
Richard Bridge St., Dublin
Ecclestown, William Dunshannon, Ninch
Edgeworth, Damer
John Bolton St., Dublin
Moor Longwood
Richard Lovell Hare Edge Curtistown
Gt. Britain
Edwards, John Surveyor of Trim
John, Esq., Co. Wicklow Blackhills
Edward, Thomas
Eife, John Donaghmore
Ekin, Thomas nr. Slane
Ellery, Henry Dublin Dunshaughlin
Henry Dublin Painstown
Elliott, George Cardenstown Cardenstown
Francis Duleek Oakleypark
Rev. John Trim
Thomas Cardenstown Cardenstown
Ellis, Edward Drogheda Newgrange
English, Rev. Richd. Drogheda Flemingstown
William Ballyneal Ballyneal
William Clonfad Oldcastle Mr. Napper
William Oldcastle
Eustace, William, Esq. Jervis St.
Evans, Charles Drogheda Platin
Thomas Dublin Greenoge
Thomas Rathbrack Rathbrack
Walter Trim
Ewing, Patrick James’s St.
Fairclough, John Drogheda Oldbridge
Farrell, Robert Kilbeg Kilbeg
Finlay, George Flemingstown Flemingstown
George Painstown Painstown
John Newtownmoyaghy Knocknatullagh
Finnicane, John Rath Cloghan
Finlay, William Flemingtown Flemingtown
Fisher, Henry Carlanstown Carlanstown
Henry Carlanstown Carlanstown
Henry Carlanstown Carlanstown
Henry Carlanstown Carlanstown
Henry jun Carlanstown Carlanstown
Mathew Kells Carlanstown
John Milltown Bailyboro Mullistack
Roger sen. Carlanstown Carlanstown
Roger jun. Carlanstown Carlanstown
Felory, Thomas Cornelstown Cornelstown
Folliott, John Oldcastle Oldcastle
John Oldcastle Oldcastle
Forster, John Trim Trim
John Duleek Duleek
Foster, Michael Drumcondra Drumcondra
£10 Freeholders
Fairclough, John Julianstown
Oliver Drogheda Carranstown
Fanning, Mervyn Glasnevin
Ferguson, Rev. Thos. Drogheda Vicarage of St. Mary
Fergusson, William Ballyboggan Ballyboggan
Ferns, John Crossakeel Crossakeel
Ferrall, Robert High Hall Moira
Filgate, Thomas Ardee Glenan, pt. of Drumcondra
Finlay, John Knocknatulna Knocknatulna & Watermount
John Ormond Quay Ginnets
William Reask, Painstown Reask, Painstown
William H. Ginnets Ginnets
William Ginnets Ginnets
Finnicane, John Newtown
Fisher, Andrew Dublin Sarney & Landerstown
George Maperath Maperath
Henry Carlanstown Carlanstown Rath
Henry jun. Carlanstown Carlanstown Rath
Fisher, Henry Slane Fenner
John Bailyboro, Mullystraghan
Co. Cavan
Launcelot Ballyhoe Ballyhoe
Launcelot Dublin Ballyhoe
Rowley, Esq. Maperath
Samuel Mullystaghan Mullystaghan
Firzgerald, Arthur Rt. Hon. Dublin Moat
Ld. Charles Dublin Rathroane
Fitzgerald, Edwd.
Capt. 8th Dragoons
Fitzgerald, Gerald Dublin Rathroane
Maurice Sheny Danehill
Simon Mullingar
Thomas Mr. Dutton
Fitzherbert, Andrew London Blackcastle
Flannagan, Capt. Ardeath Dillon
Flannigan, Edwd. Moat Moat
Fleetwood, Charles Ballymagarvey Ballymagarvey
Robert Parkstown Parkstown
Robert Shanbo Shanbo
Fleming, George Dublin
Fleming, John Staholmog Stahololmog
Sir Richd. Clk.
Fletcher, William Ballinglagh Meredith
Flood, John Ardmullan
Foot, Lundy, Esq., Essex Bridge Salestown
Flood, Alderman Drogheda
Forbes, Arthur, Capt. Carrick-on-Suir Garlandstown
Rev. Arthur Drumcondra Vicarage of Rathkenny
Arthur, Esq., Mount Hanover
George Now at Bath
John Dublin Roosky
Forster, Andrew Boolykeagh Boolykeagh
Francis Kilmuny
Sir Nichs. Bt. Dublin Mount Tisdall
Samuel Kilmurry
Forrester, Robert Bellewstown Bellsamey & Blackditch
Foraythe, Thomas Oldcastle Mr. Napper
Foster, Henry Prioryland Prioryland
Rt. Hon. John Dublin Starinagh
Thomas Moneymore Clonard
John William Rossan Park Rossan Park
Rev. William Dublin Starinagh
William Dunleer Greenoge
Fortescue, Thos. Dublin Little Treffans
James Ravensdale, Co.
Thos. Esq.,
Forth (?), Neville Dublin Mullaghbawn
Fox, George Dublin Trim
Mathew Foxbrook Ballymulmore
Freeman, Francis Castle Freeman Tully
John Castlecor Tully
William Castle Freeman Castlecor
French, Rev. Humphry J. Dunshaughlin Ballyneal
Friend, Richard Watermount Kilglin
Frost, Richard Dublin Grange
Fryle, William Ballymanmore Ballymanmore & Clonee
Gamble, John Hurdlestown Hurdlestown
Gardiner, Richard Dublin Tonlageeth
Garnett, George
Henry Balgeeth Balgeeth
Gavan, Luke Dublin Pottlereagh
Gee Henry Isaactown Isaactown
Gernon, William Ratoath Ratoath
Gerrard, William Liscarton Felltown & Tailtown
Gibbons, Robert Duleek Newtownplatten
Sterling Duleek Duleek
Gibson, David Stackallen Stackallen
John Lisball, Co. Cavan Curraghkeeran
Gibson, John Lisball, Co. Cavan Drumbulrisk
John Lisbawn, nr Drumbulrisk
Joseph Stackallen Stackallen
Joseph Stackallen Stackallen
Joseph Stackallen Stackallen
Patrick Drumbulrisk
Gill, Eleazer Baltrasna Baltrasna
Thomas Clonygrange Clonygrange
William Tonlagee Tonlagee
Gilshenan. John Trim Trim
Patrick Trim Trim
Ginley, William Silvanpark Drumbaragh
William Drumbaragh Drumbaragh
Ginty, John Oldcastle Oldcastle
Glennan, James Rathmolyon Rathmolyon
Goodman, James Trim Dalystown
Goodwin, Michael Knocknatullagh Knocknatullagh
Gordon, John Killgriffe Kilagriffe
Graham, Charles Slane Slane
James Navan Brownstown
Gray, James Greenan Greenan
John Greenan Greenan
Robert Crossdrum Baltrasna
Grawney, Terence Forkill Forkill
Gray, William Clonmellon Athboy
Griffith, Christopher Kilbeg Kilbeg
Thomas Kilbeg Kilbeg
£10 Freeholders
Gahan, Daniel Coolquin, Co. Ballynaskea
Gamble, John Clontarf Baltinoran
Gardiner, Sackville Abroad Timoole
Garnett, George Newpark
George Horath Norbinstown
Henry Ardrath
James Kells
John Rathaldron Felltown
John Smithstown
Samuel Balgeeth Balgeeth
William Kells Newrath
Garstin, Adam Braganstown, Piercetown
Co. Louth
Anthony Braganstown Piercetown
Co. Louth
Gay, John Gaybrook, Co. Holmstown & Gt. & Little
Westmeath Waterside, & Killernstown
Nicholas Gaybrook, Co. Holmstown & Gt. & Little
Westmeath Waterside, & Killernstown
Gerrard, John Cortown
John Dulane Dulane
Rev. Samuel Dunleer Gibbstown
Thos. Gibbstown
William, sen. Denhamstown Denhamstown Liscartan
jun. Denhamstown Denhamstown Liscartan
Gee Henry Isaactown Isaactown
Gibbs, Thomas Castlepollard
Gibbons, Samuel Mountainstown Mountainstown
William Drogheda
Gibson, William Marlborough St. Gaulstown
Giffard, Sir Duke Clonard
Duke, jun Clonard
Giles, William Cootehill
Gill, Benjamin Tullygrany Newtown
George Drogheda Rathmullen
Thomas Clonygrange Clonygrange
William Painestown Painestown
William Tonlagee Tonlagee
Gin, Richard Dublin Horistown
Ging, Thomas
Ginty, James Oldcastle
John Oldcastle Oldcastle
William Drumbaragh
Godley, Rev. Richd. Tullyclay, Co. Rectory of Kilberry
Goodall, Francis nr. Kilcock Newcastle
Goodman, James Trim
John Trim
Gordon, Charles Newpark nr. Cloghan
John Killegriff Killegriff
William Dublin Lisdornan
Gore, Edward Mullaghboy Mullaghboy
Capt. Geo. Portarlington Mitchelstown
John Mullaghboy Mullaghboy
Gorges, Hamilton Dublin Rathregan
Hamilton Kilbrew Kilbrew
Rev. Robt. Drogheda
Gorman, Doherty Esq. Broomount
Fortescue Dublin
Francis Dublin
Stafford Broomount
Goslin, Robert Golden Lane, Shoemaker
Graham, Charles Slane
Francis Dublin Derrypatrick Grange
Rev. Isaac Vicarage of Rathbeggan
John Drogheda Platin
Grace, Mathew Maymoodray
Thomas Dublin Mentrim
Rev. Curate of St. Catherine’s
Gratton, William Dublin Bansfort
Graves, Francis Davidstown
Rev. John nr. Tullamore Killaskillen
Grave, Rev. Joseph Killeigh Killaskillen
Grayson, Anthony, Esq. Redcastle Co. Donegal
Green, John Quaker Arran Quay Clondalee
Joseph Arran Quay
Joseph Dublin Clondinimore
William Stackallen Lebee
Gregg, John Trim Trim
Gregory, Edward, Attorney Dublin Drumbaragh
Grier, Abraham Dublin Burtonstown
Grierson, James nr. Summerhill
John Dalystown Dalystown
William Meath Street Lustown Griffith, Thomas
Grubere, Rev. Arthur Armagh Parish Moyglare
William Athboy Parish of Athboy
Hallam, George Butlerstown Butlerstown
Hamilton, Andrew Greenbatter Greenbatter
George Greenbatter Greenbatter
Thomas Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
Hammond, Robert Navan Navan
Hampson, John Boynagh Boynagh
Hampson, Thomas Boynagh Boynagh
Hanbury, Christopher Clonee Clonee
Hugh Dalystown Dalystown
Hugh Fearmore Fearmore
Hanson, John Boynagh Boynagh
Hargrave, Henry Dremin, Co. Boynagh
Walter Dremin, Co. Boynagh
Harman, Christopher Kilmacroon Upp. Crossdrum
Thomas Kells Kells
Harpur, Joseph Painstown Painstown
Hartley, John Portshanmone Old Castle
Thomas. Jun Portshanmone Portshanmone
Haskins, Charles Dublin Dunshaughlin
Hatch, Charles Drumbaragh Drumbaragh
Joseph Drumbaragh Drumbaragh
Hatch, Nicholas Knock Island Knock Island
Hayewood, James Tockenstown Tockenstown
Heages, Patrick Raffin Raffin
Heany, Edward Castlepollard Castlepollard
Thomas Treaghaduffe, Co. Ardfrail
Heapes, Joseph Kilbeg Kilbeg
Heaps, Richard Glebe, Rathmolyn Rathmolyn
Hearne, Chrisopher Fishamble St. Dublin Kenevogere
Henderson, Hugh Dublin Jamestown
Henry, Thomas Ballenagarry Ballenagarry
Heuston, George Baltrasna Baltrasna
Hick, John Tieroghan Tieroghan
Hill, Francis Duleek Duleek
Hill, Sir Hugh Ratoath
Samual Drumbaragh Drumbaragh
Samual, sen. Drumbaragh Drumbaragh
Samual, jun. Drumbaragh Drumbaragh
Thomas Drumbaragh Drumbaragh
Hill, William Newgrove Oldcastle
William Oldcastle Oldcastle
Hilmes, James Kells Kells or Collinstown
Hodgen, Joseph Allenstown Allenstown
Hodgins, Isaac Clonmellon Athboy Clonmellon
John Clonmellon Athboy Clonmellon
Hogg, James Crossakeel Ardglassan
John Coolmore Clonabreany
William Crossakeel Ardglassan
Holdcroft, George Kells Kells
Holgan, William Julianstown Julianstown
Holmes, Edward Brownstown Brownstown
Joseph Dublin Newtownplatten
William Drogheda Newtownplatten
Hore, Joseph Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
Nicholas Corbally Corbally
Thomas Corballis Corballis
Hughes, Edward Baltrasna Baltrasna
Henry Farmwell Farmwell
James Co. Meath Crossakeel
John Drogheda Rathmullan
John Farmwell Farmell
Thomas Farmwell Farmwell
Huredine, Thos. sen. Parsonstown, Co. Knocknebull
Thos. jun Parsonstown, Co. Knocknebull
Hussey, Edward Galtrim Galtrim
John Galtrim Galtrim
£10 Freeholders
Hamilton, Andrew Greenbatter Greenbatter & part of Fingalstown
Charles Dublin Dunboyne
Charles Hamwood
George Greenbatter Greenbatter
Hon. George Hamden, Co.Dublin Hacketstown
Hon. Gusts. Dublin Duleek
Hon. Gusts. Stackallen
Henry Dollysgrove Dollysgrove
Henry, jun Dollysgrove Dollysgrove
James Sheephill Ballymacoll
James Esq. Trinity Coll. Clonee
Robert Navan Navan
Thomas Little Boolies Little Boolies
Hammond, Rev. Peter Portarlington Vicerage Laracor
Hampson, John
Hand, Anthony Devinstown Devinstown
Hannan, Thomas
Hicks, Richard Athboy pt. lands of Athboy
Hickson, William Athboy
Higginbotham, Thomas. Treasury, Dublin
Higgins, Joseph Bellewstown Woodtown
Joseph Derrypatrick Derrypatrick
Luke Kinnegad Baltinoran
Thomas Knocknahorna Knocknahorna
William Barleyhill
Hicks, Henry Navan
Hill, Sir Hugh, Bt Londonderry Gartoge
John, Esq., Drogheda St, Dublin
Samual Drumbaragh Drumbaragh
William Oldcastle Oldcastle
Hinds, John Co. Cavan
Ralph Mulhussey Poles
Hitchcock, Daniel Harristown Harristown
? Harristown Harristown
Hitchcock, James Harristown Harristown
James Harristown Gibblockstown
Hoare, Thomas Corbally Corbally
Hodgins, Lewis New Row, Dublin
Hogg, John Killua. Co. Coolmore
William Oldcastle Oldcastle
Holmes, James Kells Collierstown
John Kells
Samuel Kells
Thomas Walterstown
William Drogheda Platin
Holt, Thomas Carberry
Hopkins, Francis Dublin Blackhall Little
Francis Posseckstown Posseckstown
Francis jun.
Joseph Posseckstown Turrymh?
Thomas sen. Athboy
Thomas jun Athboy
Rev. Thomas. Skreen
William Athboy
William Darvistown Mitchelstown
William. sen. Gillstown Gillstown
Hort, Josiah Hortland, Co. Hardwood
Howard, George Edmund Dublin Robinstown
Hugh Esq., Dublin
Hugh Esq., Dublin Johnstown
Michael Crossakeel
Ralph Shelton, Co. Trennor
Wm. Wicklow
William Dublin Creewood
Hudson, George
Hara, O’Hara
Harbourne, David Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
George Kilkmersan Kilmersan
Harling, Robert Laggavooren Laggavooren
Harman, Edw. Sen. Drogheda Dardistown
Edw. Drogheda Dardistown
Harper, Joseph Reask, Painestown Reask, Painestown
John Reask, Haystown Reask Haystown
John Kilcarn Reask, Haystown
Hanison, Thos, Dublin Doon or Daw
Hartley, John Oldcastle Oldcastle
Thos. Sen Oldcastle Oldcastle & Stubblehill
Thos. Jun Oldcastle Oldcastle & Stubblehill
Harvey, Randal Castletown Tara Castletown Tara
Robert Caimstown Caimstown
William Castletown, Tara Castletown, Tara
Hatch, James Kells Tuiterath
John Dublin Felltown
Joseph Drumbaragh Drumbaragh
Haughton, John Cootehill
Joseph Cootehill
Hawkins, John Oldcastle Oldcastle
Sir Wm. Navan
Hawthorn, John Drogheda Platin
Thos. Drogheda Oldbridge
Hazlewood, Roger Carlanstown Carlanstown
Headford, Lord Kells
Heaps, Michael Kilbeg
Richard Kilbeg
Heary, Thomas
Heeney, John Ardfrail Ardfrail
Thos. Rathfraine Rathfraine
Hellen, Hon. Robt. Dublin
Henderson, Hugh Dublin Jamestown
Henley, Augley, Esq.
Henry, Alexander
John Cavan Ballynargamry
John Drewstown Drewstown
Robert Drewstown Drewstown
Rev. Robt. Fletcherstown Loughbracken
Henthorn, James, sen. Dublin
James Oldcastle Oldcastle
Henzell, Rev. Bigoe Dunshaughlin Rectory of Dunshaughlin
Hewitt, Hon. Capt. Dublin Lisdornan
Hicks, John Tieroghan Tieroghan
Hughes, Charles Farmhill
Henry Farmhill Farmhill
James Crossakeel Crossakeel
John Corrakeerin Corrakeerin
John Drogheda Rathmullan
Thomas Rathmolyon Farmhill
Hunt, John, Esq., Dublin
John, Newcastle
Hussey, James Dublin Cooltremman
John Coachmaker, Henry Galtrim
St, Dublin
Martin Downestown Knockumber
Thomas Listoppil Whitipark, Micknanstown
Hutchison, Bt, Moyagher
Hon. J. H.
Ireton, Henry Athboy Athboy
William Drumbaragh Drumbaragh
Irvine, Gorges Castle Irvine Ratoath
William Castle Irvine Ratoath
£10 Freeholders
Igoe, Thomas
Ireland, Thomas nr. Kilcock
Irvine, Arthur Poles Ballynaclose
William Castle Irvine Mooresides
Co. Fermanagh
Isaac, Simon, Esq., Muckerstown Muckerstown
Ivers, Peter Kells Kells
Ives, George Nassau Street
Jackson, Charles Ennisheen, Co. Corrakeeran
Hugh Ballyby, Co Lisnabo
John Sportsman’s Lodge Sportsman’s Lodge
Jealous, Rev. Robt. Mooretown Ratoath
Jenkins, John Corlanstown Athboy
Johnston, John Corrakeeran Corrakeeran
Jolly, Thomas Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
Jones, John Navan Navan
Rev. John Painestown Stackallen
Richard, Esq., Dollardstown Dollardstown
Robert Crossdrum Corstown
Rev. Wm. Dunkin Trinity Coll. Knockmore
£10 Freeholders
Jackson, Gordon Lisnabo Lisnabo
Rev. John Clonsagh, Co. Living of Ballygarth
John Sportsman’s Lodge Sportsman’s Lodge
Thomas Poles Lisnabo
Jebb, David Slane Mills
John Drogheda
Johnston, James
John Sadler Abbey St Galmoystown
Philip Portlester
Samuel Dunshaughlin
Jolly, Thomas Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
Jones, Ambrose Jonesborough Killumry
David Bensfort Crossakeel
David Ballynagun
Edward Normansgrove
James Mullacroghan, Stalleen
Nr. Patin
John Listocker
John Newtown Newtown
John, Esq Newtown Newtown
John York Street
Richard Dolanstown Dolanstown
Rt. Hon.
Theophilus Dublin Bramhall
Walter Crossdrum Crossdrum
William Trim Trim
Keating, Walter Kells Kells
Keenan, Joseph Strany Beg Carbertstown
Kellet, David Raffin Raffin
Kellet, Samuel Kells Navan
Kenaghan, John Strany Beg Carbertstown
Kenanon, John Bramhall Bramhall
Kennan, Christopher Knockbrack Knockbrack
Kennedy, James Ballinlough Ballinlough
Thomas Ballinlough Ballinlough
Kiernan, James Knockbrack Knockbrack
John Forkhill Knockbrack
King, Abraham Oldcastle Oldcastle
Henry Dublin Knockmacoony
James Ballyneal Oldcastle
James Knockmacoony Knockmacoony
Merrick Knockmacoony Knockmacoony
Thomas Duleek Duleek
Kinkead, Robert Ballynagun Crossakeel
Knowles, William Duleek Duleek
£10 Freeholders
Kane, Wm., Jun Clontarf, Co. Gaulstown
Kanning, Daniel Foxhall, Co. Longford
Mathew Moygaddy Clonlyon
Kathrens, Samual, Dublin Vesingstown
Kearson, John Muchwood Muchwood
Robert Muchwood Muchwood
Keating, James Dublin Blackhall
Kellet, Charles Billywood Billywood
Edward Bellair Bellair
Harris Ballynadrimna
Harris Mount Kellet Mount Kellet
Laurence Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
James Moynalty
James Randalstown Randalstown
James Robertstown Rathbane
John Fordstown Knocknahorna
Thomas Oldcastle
Kelly, ………. Mahonstown
Kennan, Robert Peamount Cornelstown
Kennedy, Thomas Ballinlough Ballinlough
Ker, Charles Rathmolyon
Kettlewell, Charles Newtown, Ardcath Newtown, Ardcath
Thomas Dublin Thomastown
……… Drogheda
Kiernan, Christopher Knockbrack Knockbrack
James Knockbrack Knockbrack
Kienan, John Bishop of Killala Rathmullan
King, Rev. Dr. Andrew Dublin
Rev. Andrew Dublin Ballingall
James Ballyhays Oldcastle & Ballynea
Merrick Ballyneal Ballyneal
Merrick Knockmacooney Drumsawry
Richard Dublin
Richard Dublin Oldcastle
Stewart Bailyborough
Kinkead, Robert Crossakeel
Kinshillagh, ……… Kilkenny
Knight, Richard Rathmolyon Rathmolyon
Thomas, Jun
Knipe, Rev. Geo. Summerstown
Knott, Joseph Coalhill
Joseph Knocknagooly Knocknagooly
Walter King St.,
Oxmantown, Dublin
………. Bride St.
Knox, William Beamore Beamore
Ladley, William Ardglassan Ardglassan
William Carlanstown
Lambert, Robert Summerhill Rathmolyon
Lamie, Oliver Oldcastle Oldcastle
Lanktree, George Oldcastle Oldcastle
James Oldcastle Skyform
Richard Oldcastle Oldcastle
Thomas Oldcastle Skyform
Larkin, Bernard Hermitage Hermitage
Lawler, Daniel Stackallen Brownstown
William Stackallen Brownstown
Leary, Arthur Ballymaclose Ballymaclose
Leat, Seaborn Oldcastle Oldcastle
Ledwidge, James Kilmore Kilmore
Thomas Trim Trim
Lee, Henry Clonmellon Athboy
James Coolevony Athboy
Nicholas Kilrush Athboy
Leech, Adam Ticroghan Ticroghan
George Stackallan Stackallan
Lennan, William Ballinrig Ballinrig
Lennen, William Ballinrig Ballinrig
Lightburne, Harcourt Trim Trim
Willoughby Trim Trim
Lindsay, Davis Oldcastle Oldcastle
Lipscorn, Edward Athboy Athboy
Joshua Athboy Athboy
Thomas Athboy Athboy
Thomas, jun. Athboy Athboy
Lipscorn, William Athboy Athboy
Loman, Isaac Platin Coolfore
Long, John Rathmullan Rathmullan
William Ginnet Rathmullan
William Rathmolyon Rathmolyon
Lord, Edward Lordstown
George Rathmullan Rathmullan
James Knockbrack Knockbrack
John Forkhill Forkhill
Robert Knockbrack Knockbrack
Robert Knockbrack Knockbrack
Lowndes, Isaac Portshanmone Portshanmone
John Portshanmone Oldcastle
Richard Portshanmone Portshanmone
Samuel Portshanmone Portshanmone
Thomas Portshanmone Portshanmone
Lowther, John Staffordstown Ratoath
Luggard, Joseph Newtown Norbinstown
£10 Freeholders
Ladley, Charles Crossakeel
Thomas Devinstown
William Crossakeel Tromman
Lambert, Charles Beaupark
Rev. Geo. Drogheda
James Slane Slane
Linch, David Tromman Ballyporter
Lindsay, David Oldcastle Oldcastle
Lipscorn, Edward Athboy Athboy
Thomas Athboy Athboy
William Athboy Athboy
Locher, John Parliament St
Loftus, Rev. Arthur Castlejordan
Dudley Anneville
Edward Dublin Saint John’s
Long, William Ginnets Rathmolyon
Longfield, Robt. Dublin Porterstown
William Dublin Porterstown
Lord, Edward Cullenswood, Lordstown
John Dublin Forkhill
James Dublin Forkhill
John Forkhill Forkhill
Lowndes, Francis Gavelstown Monktown
Isaac Oldcastle
James Oldcastle
James Oldcastle
Lowndes, John Oldcastle Oldcastle
Samuel Oldcastle
Samuel Portshanmone Portshanmone
Richard Oldcastle
Richard Portshanmone Portshanmone
Lowther, George Lowther Lodge
George Staffordstown Girley, & Curraghtown
George Kilrue
Lucas, Rev….. Rectory of Killany
Lynch, Gerrard Tromman Tromman
Lyndsay, William Dunboyne Suppolk
Rev…. Drogheda
Lyons, George
John Ledstown, Co. Knockmacorry
Lambert, Robert Longwood
Robert Rathmolyon Rathmolyon
Robert Rathmolyon
. . . . . . Marlborough St
Lamie, Oliver Oldcastle
Lamprey, . . . . Ship St., Dublin
Wax Chandler
Langston, Stephen Dame St., Dublin
Lanktree, Richard Oldcastle Oldcastle
Lantre, Thomas Oldcastle Oldcastle
Larkin, . . . . . . Rathmolyon
Latouche, David, Esq., Sen
David, Esq., jun
John, Esq.,
Peter, Esq.,
Latouche, David, Esq., Sen
David, Esq., jun
John, Esq.,
Peter, Esq.,
Law, Robert Dublin Farranaglogh, & Knockanacoony
Lawrence, William Lismullin
Leary, Arthur Poles
Leavings, Rev. Robt. Drogheda Benjerstown
Ledwick, John Trim Trim
Lee, John Dublin Navan
Leech, Abraham Ticroghan
Leigh, Francis Drogheda Mountever
Lemaitre, Philip Dublin
Lennon, William Dangan Ballinrig
Lestrange, John Dublin Rathmolyon
Lewis, George Moyfeagher Moyfeagher
Henry Moyfeagher Moyfeaghe
Joseph Moyfeagher Moyfeagher
Michael Athboy Knockshangan
Lewis, Samuel Moyfeagher Moyfeagher
Thomas Moyfeagher Moyfeagher
Thomas Knockshangan Knockshangan
Thomas Knockshangan Knockshangan
Leyns, Garret Tromman
Magill, Andrew Kells Kells
Magusty, Daniel Navan Navan
Maddox, Henry Gilbertstown Rathmolyon
John Rathmolyon Rathmolyon
Major, James Kilmore Kilmore
Malone, Edward Trim Trim
Marshall, John Drogheda Ballastran
Matcher, William Castletown Castletown
Mathews, John
Joseph Fennor Fennor
Peter Fennor Fennor
Mayfield, James Dublin Ryfield
McCartney, John Martry Martry
McCleery, John Oldcastle Oldcastle
McCreery, Robert Moat Moat
McDowell, James Athboy Martinstown
McGilligan, John Kilmore Kilmore
Walter Kilmore Kilmore
McGowan, Anthony Keenoge Keenoge
McLaughlin, Richard Dublin Dunshaughlin
McWhirter, Alexander Killnagriff Killnagriff
Mead, Edward Flemington Flemington
James Newtown Platin Newtown Platin
James Newtown Platin Newtown Platin
Metcalf, James Coolfore Coolfore
James Dublin Lorgin
Miller, Rev. Andw. Summerhill Spring Valley, als. Knockbere
Miles, Nathaniel
Mills, George Corrakeeran Corrakeeran
Thomas Ballinlough Ballinlough
Mockler, John Trim Maudlin
Richard Trim Trim
Moneypenny, John Flemington Flemington
Montague, Thomas Carlanstown Carlanstown
Montwith, William Painstown Brownstown
Mooney, William Clarkstown Clarkstown
Moore, Adam Platin Platin
Charles Johnsrath Johnsrath
Stephen Crockfeaghan Crockfeaghan
Morgan, Edward Polleban Navan
Edward Poleboy Blackcastle
Charles Polleban Navan
Charles Navan Athlumny
John Polleban Kilberry
Morgan, John Poleboy Kilberry
John Termonfeckin, Termonfeckin
John Termonfeckin, Termonfeckin,
Co. Louth
Joseph Termonfeckin, Baltrasna
Co. Louth
Thomas Termonfeckin, Termonfeckin
Co. Louth
William Navan Blackcastle
Moreton, Edward Crossakeel Crossakeel
James Kells Kells
James Kells Kells
Morris, John Clonmellon Athboy
Moxham, John Ratharny Kilbeg
Robert Cullendragh Cullendragh
Mullowney, Richard Ticroghan Ticroghan
£10 Freeholders
Macartney, James Martinstown Martinstown
Macklin, Rev. Gerrard Phibsboro’ Dublin Rectory of Kilmore
Madden, Robert Maidbrook Maidsbrook
Samuel Baltrasna
Samuel Sackville St.
Rev…. Maidsbrook Maidsbrook
Maddock, John Oldbawn, Co. Castlepollard
Arthur Gilbertstown Gilbertstown
Maddox, Henry, Sen. Gilbertstown Castlepollard
Henry, Jun. “ “
Maddocks, Thomas Gilbertstown Gilbertstown
Magill, Andrew Kells Kells
Darby Co. Kerry Clonlyon
Maguire, Andrew Newgrange Newgrange
Malcolm, Joseph Harmanstown Harmanstown
Malone, Rev. Anty. Ballynahown, Vicarage of Tara
Manley, Joshua Colehill, Co. Longford
Joshua Coldhill Coldhill
Manliff, Joshua
Marley, Thomas Celbridge, Co. Moyrath
Capt. Geo. Dublin Rathlagan
Marsh, John Dublin, Swordcutter Curragh
Peter Ballinaminton, Blackhall Little
Kings Co.
Marshall, John Drogheda
Martin, Edward Blackrock
James Dublin Oldcastle
Martin, John Knockengan Greenanstown
Samuel Proudfootstown
Martley, John Athboy
William Athboy
Mason, Isaac Dublin Boyerstown
James Clonee Dangan
Mather, Peter Crilly Yard, Thomas St.
Mathew, John Francis St. Dublin
Mervyn Luke St. Dublin Naul
Mathews, Peter Fennoge Fennoge
Mathew, Thomas Oldcastle
Maxwell, Hon. Barry Drewstown Drewstown
Hon. James Drewstown Drewstown
Mayn, Robert
McCartney, Charles Billywood
James Rathdonnell, Pt. Crossakeel, & Ardgassen
….. Cottage
McCausland, Dominick Dublin Curraghtown & Killegriff
Rev. John Philpotstown
McCloughery, Patrick Corballis Corballis
Thomas Corballis Corballis & Cullentry
McDaniel, Charles Baytown Baytown
Cornelius Beymore Bey More
Daniel Trim Trim
Francis Baytownpart Baytownpart
Richard Peacockstown Peacockstown
Richard Peacockstown Peacockstown
McDonnell, George Baytown Baytown
McDowell, James Athboy Stocks
McGran, Patrick Dublin Kiltoome & Elickstown
McGusty, Rev. Barry Dublin Navan
Danl. Atty Dublin Navan
George Dublin Navan
McLaughlin, Patrick Dublin Dunshaughlin
…. Dublin Dunshaughlin
McManus, Francis Maynooth Cushionstown
Meredith, Gorges Dublin Dollarstown
Sir John Newtown Newtown
Mead, Edward Clonbarton Clonbarton
John Clonbarton
Thomas Birdhill Birdhill & Clenbeaghan
Meares, Samuel Dromavenis Oldcastle
Medlicott, Rev. Blount Summerhill Parish of Agher
Merryman, Thomas Mumes (Murnes?)
Metcalf, James Drogheda Platin
Nicholas Roosky Roosky
Richard Cornasheel Castlerath
Metge, Capt. John Dublin Athlumny
Metge, Peter, Esq.. Dublin Athlumny
Mockler, Edward Trim Trim
Edward Trim Trim
Richard Trim Trim
Molloy, Henry Rathbrack Kells
Moneypenny, Arthur Reddingstown
John Flemingstown Flemington
Monk, Stanley, Most Rev. N. Limavady Gerrardstown
Montgomery, William Dublin
Moore, Adam Platin Platin
Brent Ardee St. Johns Rath
Francis Cunduff, Co. Dublin Hollymount, als. Rathpollard
Francis Julianstown Julianstown
George Co.Cavan Tullyrattin
Gerald Drogheda
George Minehall, Co. Cavan Summerhill
John Woodpark, Co. Whiteleas
Hon. Robt.
Samuel Drogheda Summerhill
Oliver, Esq. Salestown
William Dublin Killaskillen & Carrickeen
William, Glazier, Dame St. Dublin
William Julianstown Julianstown
Moorehouse, Henry Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
….. Dunshaughlin
Moony, John Dunboyne Kilmore
Thomas Chapelizod Clarkestown
Moreton, Edward Crossakeel Crossakeel
James Slane
James Tankardstown Kells
Joseph Balbriggan
Morres, John Newtown Rathbran
Morris, Brabazon Tankardstown Tankardstown
Edward Mullagha Scottstown
John, Esq. Tankardstown Navan
Jacob Newtown Moynagh Newtown Moynagh
Mullen, George Dublin Grangetrevitt
Mullin, John Kells Kells
Munro, Benjamin Fade St. Dublin Moynalvy & Greenanstown
Murray, Alexander Dublin Bloomsberry
Neal, John Crossakeel Crossakeel
Nevin, John Leshemstown Leshemstown
Nixon, Richard Platin Commons of same
Richard Platin Platin
Nixon, Richard Platin Platin
William Platin Newtown Platin
Nugent, William Clarkstown Clarkstown
£10 Freeholders
Nangle, Edward Kildalkey Kildalkey
Napper, William Esq. England
Nelson, Richard Dublin Bey More
Nesbitt, Francis Portarlington Clongall
John The Poles Keenaghan
William Aghaloaghan Keenaghan
Rev. Wm. Grange, Co. Rectory Stackallen
Newcomen, Thomas Clogher, Co. Louth
Sir Wm. Dublin Ballardan Great
Newenham, Ld. Edwd. Dublin
Nicholason, Christopher Balrath Balrath
Christopher Mellifont Park Mellifont Park
Hampden Drogheda Mellifont Park
Capt. Thos. At Quarters Mellifont Park
John Rathnally Garistown
Nime, Alexander
Nix, Alexander Crickstown Crickstown
John Killeany Killeany
Oliver Crickstown Crickstown
Noble, James Philpotstown Allenstown
Norman, Connelly Dublin Braystown, als. Normans Grove
Rev. Thos Lagore Lagore
Norris, Rev. Dr. Drogheda
North, Miles
Nowlan, Edward Dublin Beleany
Noy, Edward Newbrook Eastcarn
Wm. Stearne Dublin Johnstown
Nugent, Arthur Dublin
Daniel Barrockstown Barrockstown
Hon. Edwd. Dublin Rect.Thythes of Oldcastle
Ignatious Ballincanver
Sir James Donore, Co. Westmeath
James Clonlost Trim
James Dublin Ballybeg
John Clonlost Trim
John Dublin Ballybeg
Oliver Bobsgrove Kilrue
Walter Armagh Carpenterstown
William Moyglare Moyglare
Oats, George Brownstown Brownstown
George Raffin Mullaghstown
John Castletown Castletown
O’Reilly, Mathew Dublin Baltrasna
Philip Patrickstown Baltrasna
Thomas Baltrasna Baltrasna
Ormistow, George Killagriff Killagriff
William Killagriff“ Killagriff
Ormsby, George Dublin Martinsfarm, & Drought
Manor, Ratoath
Owens, George Raffin Raffin
William Raffin Raffin
William Raffin Raffin
£10 Freeholders
Odlum, William Malahide Mabestown
Ogle, John Drogheda Parsonstown
Robert Dysert Lodge Greenanstown
William Drogheda Donacarney
Rev. William Milestone, Co. Heronstown
O’Neill, Rev. Felix Vickers St. Julianstown
Hugh Balbriggan Bettystown
Hugh Bettystown Bettystown
Onge, Abel Bolton St.
O’Reilly, Mathew Dublin
James Baltrasna
James Dublin Patrickstown
Philip Baltrasna
Thomas Baltrasna
Ormsby, Major Arthur Dublin
George Dublin
Peter, Navan Howth Park
Theophilus Dublin Navan
Orson, John Drogheda Bellpatrick
William Newstone Newstone
William Summerhill Summerhill
Osborne, Francis Dardistown
Henry Dardistown Dardistown
Thomas Smithstown Smithstown
Owen, John Raconnell, nr. Ballynadrimna
Owens, George Raffin Raffin
Henry Ballynadrimna Ballynadrimna
Owens, Thomas Julianstown Rathbrachurch
William Heronstown Heronstown
William Stonehouse Raffin
Pain, Rev. John Vicarage Castlerickard
Paine, John Ardsallagh Ardsallagh
Pallas, Christopher Dunboyne Naulswood
Christopher Kells Kells
Palmer, George Montague St.
John Ballyboggan Ballyboggan
William Ballyboggan Ballyboggan
Charles Ballyboggan Ballyboggan
Parsons, Edward Maudlin Maudlin
John Moat Moat
William Rathmolyon Rathmolyon
Patrick, John Palace Row
Patton, Rev. John Chancery Lane, Dublin
Payne, Caleb Bride St. Dublin Ratoath
Pearson, Augustus
Pearson, John
Pender, Francis Ticroghan Ticroghan
Pendleton, Charles Mooretown Rathbran
Philip Keeran Mooretown
Pendy, William Duleek Duleek
Pentland, George
John Marys Abbey, Dublin
Robert Drogheda Pt. Shanbo
William Ardbracken
Peny, …… Tobacconist, Dublin
Peppard, Henry
Pepper, Andrew
Thomas Ardee Largy
Thos. Esq Ballygarth
Percival, Robert Knightsbrook Knightsbrook
Petrie, James Drogheda Knockerk
Phepoe, Richard Forlox Lane, Dublin Skreen
Phillips, Michael nr. Summerhill
Pierson, Lancelot Kells Moat
Pill, John Drogheda St.
Pilkington, Francis Trim Trim
Piers, Sir Pigot, Bt. Dublin Boolies
Plant, Samuel
William Norbinstown Norbinstown
Pleasants, William Dublin Martry
Plunket, Randal Bow St.
Powell, Richard Dublin Summerstown
Robert Dublin Summerstown
Power, Joseph Kilberry Kilberry
Prest, Thomas Oldcastle Oldcastle
Thomas Oldcastle Oldcastle
Prestage, Charles Stackallen Stackallen
Robert Painestown Brownstown
Preston, Edward Oldcastle Oldcastle
Walter Oldcastle Oldcastle
Gen. Arthur Estrarron
Pugh, Joseph Kells Kells
Thomas Kells Kells
£10 Freeholders
Page, John Dundalk Ballyboe
Parsons, Robert Maudlin
William Walterstown Newtown Trim
Richard Walterstown Newtown Trim
Edward Maudlinstown Maudlinstown
Pasley, Rev. Joseph Tallow Living Killallo
Patrick, John Dublin Coolcommon
Pattin, James Slane Boynagh
Plant, William Norbinstown Norbinstown
William Norbinstown Norbinstown
Pleasants, Charles Dublin Martry
Pluck, Alexander Boolies Great Boolies Great
Alexander Duleek
Plunkett, Edward Dunsany Dunsany
Pole, Hon. Wm. Wesley Ballyfin Ardmullagh
Pollard, William Castlepollard Naul
Ponsonby, Rt. Hon. John Dublin
Porteus, Thomas Dublin Boolies Little
Portis, William Smithfield, Dublin
Potterton, John Rathcormick Rathcormick
Francis Athboy
Henry Athboy
Mark Pagestown Pagestown
Powell, Rev. John Suthern Suthern
Power, Richard Kells Kells
Richard Kells Kells
Pratt, Benjamin Agher Agher
James Marlborough St
Rev. Joseph Cabra Garadice
Mervyn Cabra, Co.Cavan Garadice
Prentice, Daniel Rathmines Colgath
Francis Colgath Milltown
Prest, Christopher Oldcastle
Walter Oldcastle Shanbo
Preston, Gen. Arthur Newbrook Dunshaughlin
John Ballinteer Ballinteer
Capt. Swainstown Swainstown
Joseph Ardsallagh Navan
John Oldcastle
Rev.Nathaniel Swainstown Swainstown
Rev. Saml. Clonegast, Co. Vicarage Kilsharvan
Walter Oldcastle Oldcastle
Proudfoot, Richard Rathmolyon
Pullein, Rev. Saml. Dublin Skreen
Pur, William Kells Kells
Raper, Thomas Woodtown Woodtown
Reading, Benjamin Pelletstown Greenoge
Reed, John Dublin Oldcastle
John Glamoystown Cullendragh
William Glamoystown Cullendragh
Reilly, James Baltrasna Grinleysland, nr. Ratoath
John Drumkilly Baltrasna
Luke Portan Baltrasna
Peter Baltrasna Baltrasna
Peter Millcastle, Co. Lisnagon
Peter Portan Park
Philip Kells Raffin
Reynells, Edgeworth Athboy Athboy
Edgeworth Athboy Athboy
Reynolds, Charles Clonee Clonee
Jacob Navan Athlumney
Rice, John Athlumney Athlumney
Robert Athlumney Athlumney
Thomas Athlumney Athlumney
Riddle, Robert Cortober, Co. Cavan Boynagh
Robinson, Thomas Crossakeel Crossakeel
Thomas Crossakeel Crossakeel
William Crossakeel Crossakeel
William Port, Co. Louth Baltrasna
Rogers, James Kells Kells
John Grangegeeth Grangegeeth
Rooney, John Flemingtown Flemingtown
Patrick Navan Navan
Ross, Alexander, Sadler Dublin Flemingtown
Rothwell, James Rockfield Pottlereagh
Rountree, Charles Killagriff Killagriff
Russell, Joseph Brittas Mullaghstones
£10 Freeholders
Rabford, John Pill Lane, Dublin
Ralphoon, William Balreash Clongill
Ram, Abel Wexford
Ramage, Smith G. Row Ardeath
Raper, Ralph Prosperous Mullagh
Richard Summerhill Mullagh
Robert Summerhill Mullagh
Rathburn, Joseph
Rayburn, John Boynagh Boynagh
Richard Boynagh Boynagh
Rathburn, William Dublin Ballymore
Reed, Edward Cullendragh
John Cullentry
John Rowan Rowan
Philip Dysert Galmoystown
Rev. Philip Woodtown Baskinagh
William Cullentry
Reilly, Brian Dalystown Dalystown
George Castlekeeran
George Woodpole
Henry Stevens Dublin
Hugh, Atty. Dublin
James Baltrasna Baltrasna
John Portan, Co. Cavan Rent Charge of Baltrasna
Luke Baltrasna Baltrasna
Philip Drumgold Navan
Philip, Atty. Dublin
Thomas Hamlinstown
Thomas Roebuck, Co. Cavan Hamlinstown
Reynell, Rev. Edwd Reynella, Co. Yellow Walls
John, Esq. Castle Reynell Down Wilkinstown
Reynell, Richard, Esq Ranelagh Stonestown
Reynolds, Rev John Rectory Derrypatrick
Reynolds, ….. Dalystown Dalystown
Rice, James Navan
Richards, William Careless, Co. In or nr. Kells
Ridgeway, William Dublin Drewstown
Rigmaiden, Robert Rathmaiden Rathmaiden
Rixon, John Poortown Poortown
Joseph Tullamore Gt. Finglas
King’s Co.
Roberts, Rev. Charles Kilmoon
Rev. Robt. Kells Parish Kilshane
Robert Kilbrew Kilbrew
Robins, Nathaniel
Robinson, Henry Crossakeel Crossakeel
John Crossakeel Crossakeel
Thomas Crossakeel Crossakeel
Rochfort, George Rochfort, Co. Westmeath
Hon. Richd. Anneville, Co. Moorsides
William Clontarf Skreen
Rogers, George Kells Kells & Kilmurray
Rev. John
William Grangegeeth Grangegeeth
Wm. Henry Grangegeeth Grangegeeth
Roorke, Marks Dublin Dunshaughlin
Rorke, Mark Dunshaughlin
Rosborough, Lord Dublin
Rose, John Dublin Daw
John Dublin Daw
Ross, Alexander Christ Church Lane
William Trim
Rotheran, Edward Crossdrum Crossdrum
Edward Tubride Tubride
George Diamor
Roger Tubride Tubride
Thomas Crossdrum Crossdrum
Rothwell, James Belgree
John Cannonstown Cannonstown
Joseph Cartonstown
Thomas Cannonstown Cannonstown
Rotton, John Dublin Scurlockstown
Rowley, Hon. ….
Russell, Samuel Coombe, Dublin
Ruxton, Charles Ardee Flemingtown
Gibbons Ardee Aslongtown
John Blackcastle Blackcastle
Ryder, William Ballinloughbawn Ballinloughbawn
Rylands, Edgeworth Athboy Athboy
St. Clear, William Oldcastle Oldcastle
Sallery, Anthony Bellnumber, Co. Barleyhill
Francis Greenhills Greenhills
James Mentrim Greenhills
Peter Drogheda Greenhills
Savage, Thomas Allenstown Allenstown
William Clonmellon Athboy
Sawkill, Thomas Marshalrath, Co. Girley
Scott, Joseph Trim Trim
Seal, Gregory Brayfield Brayfield
Sharman, John Calliaghstown Tubbrid
Sharp, John Athboy Athboy
Sheal, John Oldcastle Oldcastle
Sheerin, William Carlanstown Carlanstown
William Carlanstown Carlanstown
Sheppard, William Bettystown Bettystown
Sheridan, John Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
Sherin, William Carlanstown Carlanstown
Sherwood, John Glenboy Drumone
Robert Drumone Drumone
Sheilds, David Lisnagrow Lisnagrow
James Lisnagrow Lisnagrow
James Lisnagrow Lisnagrow
John Newcastle
Robert Esq. Woodpark Pt. Ratoath
Shore, John Trim Trim
Robert Athboy Athboy
Thomas Navan Navan
Simpson, George Dublin Ringlestown
George Corrakeerin Corrakeerin
Sinclair, William Oldcastle Oldcastle
Singleton, Robert Kells Kells
Robert Kells Kells
Smith, Carew, Esq. 16th Regt. Ft. Ratoath
John Esq. Drogheda Knockerk
John Trim Trim
Samuel Navan Navan
Theophilus Athboy Athboy
William Kells Trim
William Laracor Laracor
Snell, Michael Ferranaglogh Farranaglogh
Stanford, Luke Dublin Ratoath
Stewart, David Navan Navan
David Navan Mullaghboy, nr. Navan
John Carlanstown Carlanstown
Story, Robert Navan Brownstown
Summers, Abraham Ticroghan Ticroghan
Supple, Johnston Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
Richard Dublin Dunshaughlin
£10 Freeholders
St. Laurence, Robt. Leshemstown Leshemstown
St. Ledger, John Grangemallon Foganstown
Sallery, Anthony Bellnumber, Co. Bellnumber
Charles Betaghstown Betaghstown
Francis Dunmoe Platin
George Greenhills Greenhills
Henry Mentrim Mentrim
Peter St. John’s Rath St. John’s Rath
Thomas Mentrim Mentrim
William Kilcarty Greenhills
Salt, Thomas Moy Newtown
William Dublin Trim
Sanders, Henry
Sands, Lancelot Kilcavan
Robert Sallymount, Co Kilnagalliagh
Sandys, Rev. Abraham
Saroghen, John Macetown Ballinloughbawn
Saunders, Morley Saundersgrove Eskeroon
Saurin, Capt. Dublin
Savile, Rev. Geo. Anadrim Poolcoor
Saville, Geo.Grocer Bride St.
Seal, Gregory Ferns Ferns
Seaton, John, Grocer Dublin Trim
Segrave, John Cabra Burtonstown
Sharman, Charles Calliaghstown Calliaghstown
Robert Kilcarty Derrypatrick Grange
William Dublin Stalleen
Sharpley, Robert Ballyhack Ballyhack
Shaw, Thos. Esq., Drogheda Kentstown
Wm. Alex. Drogheda Kentstown
Wm. Jocelyn Drogheda Kentstown
Sheal, Roger Chancery Lane, Mullaghmore Largy &
Dublin Canickhakeve
Sheel, Robert Balbriggan Lisnagrow
Shields, George Dogstown
Robert Woodpark Woodpark
Shields, John Rathmines, Co.Dublin
Shiels, James Poles Lisnagrow
James Poles Ballinacliffe
David Poles Lisnagrow
John Lackmurrin Poles
Robert Balbriggan Lisnagrow
William Cloghross, Co. Lisnagrow
Sheckleton, William Knocknahorna Knocknahorna
Shenton, George Garistown Garistown
Lancelot Pranstown Pranstown
Shephard, John Clontarf Bettystown
Sheridan, Rev, Jas. Wilsons’s Hospital
Sherlock, William Mt. Armstrong, Big Trefane & Rathkilmore
Sherson, Francis Ticroghan Ticroghan
Shields, Clotworthy Wyanstown Wyanstown
Wade Firpark Firpark
William Poles Poles
Shore, Robert Athboy Clonecavan
Thomas Athboy Athboy
Thomas Longford Tulladeek
Thomas Navan Navan
Thomas Navan Navan
Sibthorpe, Robt. Dublin Ross
Simcocks, Rev. Thos. Kells Rectory Newtown
Simpson, James Hill of Doe Hill of Doe
Singleton, Sydenham, Esq., London Sydenham
Sinnott, Mark Drumcondra, Co. Corballis
…. Esq., Drumcondra Lanes nr. Gillinstown
Skierstown, Wm. Ticroghan Ticroghan
Slater, Rev. Bart. Drumcondra
Smith, Arthur Courtown, Co.
Edwd. Atty. Kildare
Edward Freagh Gralagh
Henry Bey Beg
Henry Harblehill Harblehill
Henry Mulladerrin Fennor
Smith, James Courtown, Co.
Jeremiah Bey Beg Bey Beg
Jeremiah Garballagh
John Ballymacoll Ballymacoll
John, Esq., Dublin Drumleery
John Lisburn Ballymaskea
John Violetstown, Co.
John Walterstown Drumlayne
Patrick Dublin Tully
Patrick Moynalty
Philip Courtown, Co.Kildare
Philip Moynalty
Ralph Colpe
Richard Bellfaddock Bellfaddock
Richard Dublin Ballynaskea
Thomas Drumcree Herbertstown
Smyth, William Athboy Pt. of same called
Somers, Abraham Ticroghan
Somerville, Sir Jas. Brownstown Flemington
James Dublin Boolies Little
Sperling, Henry England Ardgreagh nr. Trim
Stafford, James
Standish, Deacon Dublin Rathbeggan
James Dorset St.
Rev. John Banbridge Porterstown
Rev. John Porterstown Porterstown
Stapleton, Philip Navan Navan
Starkey, William
Stephens, Richard Gortmashanon Blackhall & Lennoghstown
Stephenson, George Henry St., Dublin Dungawl
Bricklayer Dungawl
William Dublin Dungawl
Sterling, Orange Dublin Drumsawry
Stewart, Chas. Esq., Bailieboro’ Co. Cavan
Stewart, Henry Athcarne
Henry Drogheda Gravelstown
Stiles, Henry Navan Navan
Stinson, John Longwood Blackditch
Stiles, Joseph Kilrue Kilrue
Stockdale, John Nr. Summerhill
Stone, Rev. Archd. Archdeaconry Kells
Stopford, Hon. & Rev. Painestown Rectory Painestown
Stopford, Rev. Wm. Dublin Milltown
Strangeways, James Kilkenny
Strangeways, James Kilkenny or Navan
Sturgeon, George Dublin Seymourstown Black
George Dublin Milltown
Suchsmyth, Abraham Kilrue
Summers, Abraham Tullamore, Ticroghan
King’s Co.
Supple, John Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
Patrick Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
Swan, Bellingham Cumberland St.
John Ely Place
Sweeny, Counsellor John Marlborough St.
Swift, Alexander Lynn Bramhall
Goodwin, Esq., Kilkenny
Swift, Rev. Godwin Lionsden
Synge, Rev. Edwd. Dublin
Tallen, James Kells Kells
Tallow, John Dromrorve, Co. Proudstown
Thornton, Packenham Lisnagon Lisnagon
William Athboy Trim
Trumbull, Rev. Geo. Bellville Navan
Tuckey, Joshua Tonlagee Monor of Moylagh
Tudor, Richard Rathmolyon Rathmolyon
Tuite, Edward Oldcastle Oldcastle
Turbitt, James Rathmolyon Same & Kilmore
Tweedy, John Keenoge Keenoge
John Tonlagee Tonlagee
Twilford, Richard Trim Trim
Richard Trim Trim
Tyrell, John Rathmolyon Rathmolyon
£10 Freeholders
Taaffe, John Dublin Downestown
Talbot, James
Tallan, James Kells Kells
Tandy, George Drogheda Johnsbrook
John Johnsbrook Johnsbrook
Napper James Dublin Platin
Thomas Dublin Johnsbrook
Tatlow, John, Esq., Drumzo Lodge Proudstown
Taw, Charles Kilgraigue Blackhall
George Kilgraigue Hamistown
Taylor, Hon. H. L. Headfort
Thomas Trim Trim
Tenison, William Moyalta, Co. Kells
Tew, George Dublin Kilglin
John Ballast Office Piercetown
Mark Raddinstown Pagestown
Thompson, Adam
David Navan Connaraghtown
Peter Firmount, Co. Dunlough
Skeffington Rathnally
Thornborrow, Francis Julianstown Julianstown
Thornburgh, Francis Moorchurch
Thornton, Francis Forkill
Thomas Ballinlough Ballinlough
Thwaites, Richard Barrack Office Porterstown
Richard Dublin Porterstown
Tilson, John Fairfield Fairfield
Thomas Polleban Kilmore
Tisdall, Rev. Wm. Dublin Parish Ardbracken
Tonge, Charles Prospect Point Mt. Granville
Edward Shallon Shallon
James Newtown Platin Shallon
Thomas Hollymount Davidstown
Towers, Reilly Finglass Archerstown
Townsend, James Kilmore, Co. Tullykane
Thomas Alicebrook Ringlestown
Tully, Benjamin Abbey St., Lisdornan
Trotter, Thomas Duleek Duleek
Tucker, Thomas Duleek Lagga Lagga
Martin Peterville Peterville
Tuite, Edward Lisboy
James Fort Frederick
Phillip Newcastle Newcastle
Tuke, Francis, Esq Causetown Turner, Thomas Drogheda
Turner, Thomas Drogheda Deerpark Platin Tweedy, Robert Tonlagee Tydd, John, Esq Dublin Ballynakill
Tyrrell, Capt. Garrett Clonard Clonard George Dublin Clonard
John Clonard Ticroghan
Union, Samuel Trim Trim
Urmsten, John Drogheda Rathmolyon
Urry, John Keenoge Keenoge
Usher, Kildare Trim Trim
£10 Freeholders
Upton, John Newtown Grange Orestown Usher, James Athboy Athboy
Rev. Wm. Curate, Castle Jordan
Vicars, Jeremiah Dublin Baltrasna
Vizer, Carthy Trim Trim
Thomas Trim Trim
£10 Freeholders
Vanhomrigh, John Drogheda Corbulla
Veitch, Josias Island Bridge Laurencetown
Stanhope Island Bridge Island Bridge
Verner, Thos. Esq. New Castle Newcastle
Verschoyle, Rev. Jas. Dublin Grangeboyne
Vickers, Jeremiah Inns Quay
Wade, Charles Knockbrack Knockbrack
Isaac Oldcastle Oldcastle
John Bedlounstown Augherskea
Paul Oldcastle Portshanmone
Roger Oldcastle Portshanmone
Thomas Oldcastle Clonebawn
Thomas Oldcastle
William Baltrasna Baltrasna
Wainright, Thos. Dublin Jamestown
Walker, David Bramhall Bramhall
Samuel Dublin Knocknatullagh
Thomas Clonmullen Athboy
Walton, Henry, Sen. Oldcastle Oldcastle
Ware, Robert Dollardstown Dollardstown
Warren, John Posseckstown Posseckstown
Watson, John Bodeen Bodeen
Weilly, John Cullendragh Cullendragh
Weilly, William Cullendragh
Welsh, William Platin Lergin
Wharton, Emanuel Newtown Moynagh Newtown Moynagh
Wheeler,Edward Clonabreany Clonabreany
Edward Co. Meath Clonabreany
William Clonabreany Clonabreany
Wickham, James Gallow Moat Town
James Moat Town Moat Town
John Moat Town Moat Town
Wilder, James Dublin Lisdornan
Wilkinson, Chas. Rathbane Rathbane
Geo. Loughanstown Loughanstown
John Dublin Loughanstown
Richard Loughanstown Loughanstown
Williams, Adam Dublin Mullaghstones Athboy
Edward Trim Trim
Stephen Trim Trim
Williamson, Michael Moyle Moyle
Thomas Moyle Moyle
Willis, Anthony Knockbrack Knockbrack
John Dublin Knockbrack
John Tubrid Baltrasna
Robert Knockbrack Knockbrack
Robert Tubrid Baltrasna
William Tubrid Baltrasna
Wilson, John Duleek Duleek
Moses Dublin Dunshaughlin
Wilton, Charles Oldcastle Ballinvally
Winslow, Charles Herbertstown Herbertstown
Daniel Herbertstown Herbertstown
John Herbertstown Herbertstown
Wood, Alexander Dornaddly Castletown
Wright, James Ballynaclose Ballynaclose
Wybrants, Thomas Arodstown Arodstown
Wyly, William Milewtown Tonlageeth
Wynne, John Corrakeeran
John Summerhill Summerhill
£10 Freeholders
Wade, Charles Knockbrack Knockbrack
Christopher Scallanstown Scallanstown
Edward Balrenny Balrenny
Capt. Geo. Balrenny Balrenny
Maj. Hamilton Mills of Kilcarn Mills of Kilcarn
Isaac Ballywadden Ballywadden
Capt. John Balbanys
John Clonabreany Clonabreany
Paul, Sen. Oldcastle
Robt. Esq Clonabreany
Wade, Roger Oldcastle Same & Portshanmone
William Knockbrack Knockbrack
Wainwright, Thos Dublin Jamestown
Walker, David Conyhearn
Jas. Sen. Cleganow Clegarrow
James Cleganow Coolronan
John Clegarrow Clegarrow
Robert Rathmolyon Isaacstown
Richard Moat town Moat town
Robert Isaacstown Isaactown
Wallace, John Tubbrid
Waller, Robert Allenstown Hopkinstown
Robert Rockwood, Co. Girley
William Allenstown Rodstown
Walsh, Andrew Whitehall, Co. Stadalt
Anthony Ardagh, Co. Louth Proudstown & Mullaghboy
Anthony Drogheda Ardagh
David, Esq. Dunboyne
Rev. Jeremiah Whitehall, Co Stadalt
Philip Drogheda Fianstown
Thomas Athboy Crossanstown
Walter, Francis Portlester Portlester
Henry, Jun. Oldcastle
Walton, Henry,Jun. Oldcastle Portshanmone
Ward, John Dublin Gunnocks
Warham, Thomas Staffordstown Staffordstown
Warren, John Grant Bawn, Duleek Bawn, Duleek
Morris Pepper Dublin
Watson, John
West, Edward Killiskea, Co. Boolies, Great
Westenra, Capt. G. Row, Dublin
Wharton, Emanuel Newtown Moynagh Newtown Moynagh
John Kilnwon Ballinninagh
Robert Leixlip Newtown Moynagh
Weeler, James Martinstown
White, John Hamistown Hamistown
Robert Redmountain Redmoutain
William Ballynakill Ballynakill
Wickham, James Gallow Gallow
Thomas Gallow Gallow
Wilder, James Dublin Slane
Rev. Stewart Dublin Slane
Wildridge, Thomas Crosskeys Kilcooly
Wilkinson, David
John Kilbrew Kilbrew
John Lismullen Lismullen
Peter Dublin Ringlestown
Williams, Charles Mayo Mayo
Henry Mayo Mayo
George Mullaghmore Mullaghmore
James Dublin
James Nr. Kells
John Curragh Curragh
John Drogheda
John Snowtown Ballinlough Bawn
Rowley Dublin Ennistown
Thomas Nisson Ballinlough Bawn
……… Nisson Balllinlough Bawn
William Castle St.
Williams, Henry Augherstown Cooljohn
Williamson, Geo. Largy Largy
Joseph Largy Largy
Michael Moyle Moyle
Willin, Thomas Colp Slane
Willis, Anthony Knockbrack Knockbrack
John Dublin Portshanmone
Wills, William Clatterstown
Willy, Michael Cullentry Cullentry
Robert Cullentry Cullentry
Wilson, Isaac Hammondstown Hammondstown
Isaac Obertstown Obertstown
John Kiltale Robinstown
John Roosky Piercetown
Moses Ormond St. Dunshaughlin
Richard Dublin Dollysgrove
Wilson, Thomas Curraghbridge Drumbridge
Thomas Dunshaughlin Dunshaughlin
Thomas Obertstown Obertstown
Whitton Clonlyon
Winslow, Daniel Herbertstown Herbertstown
Winter, Samuel Agher Tullyard
Witchett, James London Rathdrinagh
Wittingham, Rev. Kilpatrick Parish Drakestown
Wolf, Theobald Dublin Clatterstown
Wood, Hans Rosmead, Co. Gortloney
Woods, George Dublin Leshamstown
John Dublin Leshamstown
Thomas Dublin Boolies Big or Little
Woodward, Rev. Chas. Drumbaragh Drumbaragh
Worthington, Burdett Chester
Wrixon, John Finlaghtown Gt. Finlaghtown Great
John Moortown Moortown
Joseph Tullamore Finlaghtown Gt. and pt. of Rightstow n
Wren, Co. Kerry
Wybrants, Thomas Arodstown Arodstown
Wylme, Henry Skinner Row
Wyly, George Cullentry
John Cullentry
John High Lane
Wynne, Thomas Dowth
John Mt. Granville Mt. Granville
Young, John Drumsawry Drumsawry
Mathew Ballymulmore Ballymulmore
Thomas Trim Trim
£10 Freeholders
Yeates, Francis Corduff, Co Dublin
James Chambers St. Darnetstown
John Church St.
Jonathan Killeen Co. Dublin Crookstown Little
Josiah The Cott, Co. Barstown
Peter Dublin
Thomas York St.
William Mary’s Lane
Young, Francis Loughfield, Co. Billywood
John Billywood Billywood
John, Atty. Dublin
John Dublin Billywood
Launcelot Henry St. Dublin
Launcelot Dublin Platin
Peter Cloosagh Summerhill
Robert Summerhill Summerhill