Recorded by Dr. Beryl Moore & Michael Kenny 1981
Laracor Church
There are several carved stones preserved in the Porch and Vestry. A Notice-board in the Porch states “This is the site of the Parish Church of which Jonathan Swift was Vicar 1699-1745”. There is part of a font outside the door.
Mural Tablets on North Wall of Church
1) BROWNE … A large white marble tablet with the Browne Coat of Arms which is as follows: The Crest is a right hand and forearm with gauntlet grasping a thistle, three leaves appear to be in the shield, a wreath and motto on a scroll, and underneath the inscription. The motto is ‘Nemo Impune Lacessit’ which means ‘No man provokes me with impunity’. This is the motto of Scotland and also of the Order if the thistle.
“Erected by the executors of the late Catherine Browne widow of Col. George Browne C.B. who died 1st April 1885 and was interred at Folkestowne Kent. In loving memory of her parents Revd Blaney Irwin, Vicar of Laracor from 1813 to his death 10th April 1849 and Anne his wife who died January 1865. Her sisters Anne, Henrietta, Alicia, Maria and Elizabeth. Her brothers Arthur, John who died in Philadelphia U.S.A. and Montgomery Asst. Surgeon 72 Highlanders who died in Barbados when serving with his Regt. Her grandmother Cathne Cairnes widow of John Elliott Carines Esq. of Co. Tyrone. Her sister in law Elizabeth Caroline wife of Rev. Robt. Irwin A.M. Rector of Donadea, Co Kildare daughter of Edwd Purdon Esq. Lisnabin Co. Westmeath who died 3rd April 1877 and John Elliot Irwin her infant son.
At Bottom … “The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord”. Job 1. 21.
2) HANBURY… Small white marble tablet. “In loving memory of Samuel Hanbury who died 1889, aged 67 years. Margaret Hanbury who died 1920 aged 78. Also their daughter Katie who died 1916. Erected by their devoted children. Thy will be done”.
At bottom O.W. Harrison & Sons Dublin.
3) POTTERTON… Small Brass Tablet. “In loving memory of William Potterton Freffans Laracor died 31st January 1932 in his 72nd year. Blessed are the
4) POTTERTON… Small Brass Tablet “In loving memory of Wm Hubert Potterton Lieut. Royal Engineers eldest son of William Potteron killed in action Battle of Somme 24th July 1916 aged 24 years”.
5) WESLEY… Large black and white tablet with an elaborate Coat of Arms. Above the inscription we get an Urn and Rosettes, and a skull and crossbones; while below
are 2 Cherub’s heads, some Ostrich feathers on each side, and in the centre a demilion holding a staff, and then a wreath. The inscription is as follows …. “Luxta Requiescit spe resurrectionis beatae Garret Wesley Armigr AB antiqua stirpe in agro sufsexians oriundus cujus progenitorum in Hibernia Primus AD Hoc Regnum appulsus est anno millesimo centesimo septuagesimo secundo (Ducente Henrico secundo cui signiferi munere fungebatur honorabili) ibiq praedia accepit ampla virtutis militaris qua regi faeticiter operam navarat praemia. Vir Justus et tenax propositi vixit erga regem fidelis erga patriam pater. Pacem et Libertatem pari colebat studio Ecclesiae Hibernicanae fauter afsiduus. Vera Nemini secundus amicitia; ut pote qui rebus in bonis non secus in arduis aequam amico servabat. Mentem dum plurina occiltifsime donavit munera. Omni ostentatione major. Multis, ille, merito flebilis, occidit, nulli flebilior, quam Richardo Wesley Armigo Nuper dicto Colley de Castle Carberry in com: Darensi devinctfsimo patrueli qui ingentis memor amoris, et benevolentiae tum viventis tum morientis amici monumentum hoc extremum grati animi munusculum poni curavit obiit apud Dengan in com midensi XXX1 Die Septembris MDCCXXVII1. At bottom … Aetat:LXIII. At bottom of Pillar … Well Facit from London.
Translation by Rev. Conor McGreevy: Nearby rests in the hope of a blessed resurrection Garret Wesley, gentleman, sprung from an ancient line in Sussex, the first of whose ancestors was driven to this kingdom in the year 1172 under the leadership of Henry 11, to whom he performed the honourable office of Standard-bearer. There (in Ireland) he secured much booty by Military valour, the fruits of which he happily presented to the King. He lived as a just and resolute man, faithful to the king and loyal to his country, cultivating peace and liberty with equal zeal, and as a diligent supporter of the Irish Church to which as a friend he was second to none , as one who in good times as in bad preserved a tranquil mind above all ostentation. His passing was much mourned, and by none more than by Richard Wesley, gentleman formerly called Colley of Castle Carberry in the Country Kildare related on his father’s side, who mindful of his wonderful love for his friend both living and dead caused this monument to be erected as a last gift of a grateful mind. He died in Dengan in the County of Meath 23rd Sept. 1723.
Headstones in Graveyard on East Side of Church
Row 1
6) STEAR AND FINLY … Tabletomb standing on 6 pedestal stones. “Here Lyeth the body of John Stear of Ginnetts in the County of Meath Esqr who departed this life on the 17th day of June in the year of Our Lord 1780 in the sixty-fourth year of his age. Here lyeth also the body of Mrs Ellen Stear daughter to the above John Stear who died the 11 of June 1785 agd 25. Also the body of Francis Stear 2d daur of J. Stear Esqr who died Ye 19th Septr 1785 aged 31 yrs. Also the body of Miss Jane Finly eldest daur of W.H. Finlay and Mary Anne his wife who died ye 26 May 1799 aged 13 yrs & 9 months”. At bottom there seems to have been one line of inscription but it can’t now be read.
7) GRIERSON … Upright headstone leaning to viewer’s left with a notched top, in centre we get an ornate chalice with ‘Memento’ on left side and ‘Mori’ on right. “This monument erected by Philip Grierson Esqr of Windgates. Marta Grierson departed this life March the 18th 1806 aged 27 years. Here also lieth the body of Jane Grierson aged 2 years”.
8) Cross with no inscription.
9) GIBSON … Tabletomb with 3 pedestal stones in position and one lying nearby. “Here are interred the mortal remains of William Gibson of Lodge Park Esqr who departed this life the 28th April 1829 aged 48 years. Also the remains of his daughter Caroline who died 30th Janry 1825 aged 10 years. Also the remains of his son Edward who died 16th August 1825 aged 16 years”.
10) BAGNALL… Tabletomb which originally had 6 pedestal stones but now only has 4 in position and the other 2 lying down. “In memory of Edwd Bagnall late of Rathmines in the county of Dublin and formerly of Lodge Park in this county Esqr who died the 13th December 1838 aged 78 years. Also of Mary wife of said Edwd Bagnall who died 5th of August 1814 aged 46 yrs”.
11) GRIERSON… Upright stone with a domed top which was all covered in Ivy till we tackled it. “This stone was erected AB1….. Grierson to the memory of William Grierson late of the city of Dublin who departed this life the 19th of Jany 1793 aged 53 years. Also his son Joseph H. Grierson who departed this life the 27th of April 1797 in the 15th year of his age”.
12) GRIERSON… An upright domed stone with an ornate chalice at mid top. Memento on left side and Mori on right. “Here lieth the body of James Grierson of Violet Hill Esqr who departed this life ….ber 27th anno dom. 1777 aged 48 years”.
13) GRIERSON … Upright stone with domed top leaning forward. “Here lieth the body of John Grierson who died July 27th 1775 aged 68 Yrs. Also his wife Elizabeth Grierson who died July 3 1781”.
14) GOSLIN… Recumbent slab which was almost invisible till Mr. Kenny cleaned it after removing the grass covering it. The top right hand corner is broken off but more or less still in position. “Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Anne Goslin alias Fox wife to the Revd N. Goslin of Drumora county Cavan. A women possessed of a sound understanding, a gentle disposition and a truly amiable deportment. Above all she felt the saving power of the religion of Jesus which made her happy in life and triumphant in death. On June the 9th 1807 in the 27th year of her age amid the tears of friends but songs, of Angels in full confidence of Faith she resigned her spirit into the Hands of her Redeemer, and shall ever be with her Lord. May my last end be like hers. Amen”.
15) FOX… A peaked upright stone. “In memory of the Rev. Mathew Fox Vicar of Galtrim who died May 1844 aged 39 years. Also of Eleanor Anne his wife daughter of A. Armstrong Kilclare King’s County who died April 1845 aged 35 years. And of their infant daughter Louisa who died August 1845 and to the memory of several other members of the Fox family who lie interred here awaiting the resurrection from the dead”. At bottom … Brunnell Carrick.
16) FOX… Recumbent slab. “Underneath is laid the remains of Mathew Fox Esqr late of Doolistown who saw and bewaled the corruptions of this world from which he blessly retired on the 26th of May 1808 in the 63rd year of his age in the relative character of son, husband, father and friend. He was highly worthy of imitation and now enjoys the reality of that glory of which he died in full assurance”.
17) An iron railing surrounds this very large plot but there is no headstone to be seen within it.
18) BATTERSBY… This tabletomb stands within an iron railing. It has 4 pedestal stones. “Requiescant in Pace. Sacred to the memory of Francis William Battersby eldest son of William Battersby of Freffans Esqre who departed this life on Friday the 3rd of November 1843 in the twenty second year of his age. Dutiful and affectionate in life. Totally devoid of self, his only wish was to gratify and to be of use to his parents who although deploring his loss mourn not as those without hope, but feel confident that his blessed Saviour in whose merits alone he trusted will raise him triumphant in the last day. Beneath this tablet lie the remains of the infant brothers and sister of deceased. Nathaniel Wm died the 22nd of Febry 1816 aged 15 months.
Georgina Alice the 27th of Febry 1820 aged one year and nine months. John Howe 6th Decbr 1820 aged one year. William Augustus 8th of Decbr 1820 aged 1 year and 3 months. Here also rests in hope of a glorious resurrection their father William Battersby of Freffans Esqr who departed this life on the 30th of December 1846 in the 84th year of his age. He trusted in the merits of his redeemer and his end was perfect peace. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die , we die unto the Lord. Whether we live therefore or die we are the Lord’s. Arthur Henry the only surviving son of the late William Battersby Esqre departed this life on Friday the 25th June 1852 aged 27 years. Also Frances Battersby who followed her husband & children Febry 12th 1856 aged 67 years”.
19) HANBURY… Iron paling around this plot. The headstone is a square white marble pedestal type. “Erected by her sorrowing husband and children. Sacred to the memory of Susanna Louisa Hanbury of Coolderry who entered into rest August 18th 1896 aged 79 years. A devoted wife and loving mother. ‘Not lost but gone before’. Also Samuel Hanbury of Coolderry who died 6th June 1876 ahed 33 years”.
20) PERCIVAL … Recumbent slab. Only the bottom part of this stone was visible till Mr. Kenny spent over an hour exposing the rest of it. We found it had been broken across the middle by people walking over it. “Here Lieth the body of Wesily Percival Esqr who departed this life on the 8th day of July 1779 in the twenty sixth year of his age to whose memories this stone was erected by his affectionate wife. Here also lieth the body of Jane Percival daughter of the above Wesily Percival born the 5th of June 1779 and who died the 25th of the same month”.
21) FOX … Large peaked stone with ‘The memory of the just shall be blessed’ around the top. “Here lies the remains of Joseph Fox Esqr of Doolistown who departed this life the 4th day of June 1855 in the 77th year of his age . Also those of his wife Francis Fox fourth daughter of James Darcy Esqr of Hyde Park in the Country of Westmeath who died on the 11th of April 1841. ‘Them also who sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him’ 1 Thes. 4. 14.
22) FOX… Cross on a 3-stepped base. “In memory of Elizabeth Amelia Fox beloved wife J.C. Fox and youngest daughter of the Revd J.B. Grant of Rathconrath Co. Westmeath who died at Hyere France May 14th 1875 aged 30 years”. At bottom ‘The Lord is my shephard’.
23) FOX… Notched stone. “In memory of Frances Alicia Fox daughter of Joseph Fox Esqr of Doolistown County Meath who died 22nd of March in the year of Our Lord 1835. Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Titus 2. Ch. 1.1. Also of his eldest daughter Elizabeth Darcy Fox who died August 6th 1890 aged 81. With Christ Phil. 1. 23. He calleth his own sheep by name. John 10. 3v.
Row 5
24) HIGGINS… Black Marble. “In loving memory of our beloved parent Joseph T.H. Higgins 1862-1930. Annie Higgins 1873-1957 Dublin. And of our dear brother Frederick R. Higgins poet 1897-1941. “With whom now he is one under Yew branches”.
25) WALSH… Domed stone with Gloria etc. around top and 3 Crosses. “Erected by Margt Walsh in memory of her father and mother James & Cathne Walsh. Also her brother Patk Walsh who died 3rd May 1831 aged 63 yrs. Also Cathne Dowd who died 1st Febry 1845 aged 55 yrs”. At bottom Requiescante in pace.
26) BOYN… Small notched stone. “Here lyeth Ye body of Jan Boyn who departed this life 7br Ye 22 1735 aged 47 years. Erected by John Boyl her son”.
27) LYSTER… Peaked stone. “In loving memory of Littleton H. Lyster who entered into rest Nov. 24. 1890 aged 76. With Christ which is far better”. At bottom ‘I found in Him a resting place and He has made me glad’.
28) McKAY… Peaked stone. “In memory of Charles Simeon McKay eldest and dearly loved son of Rev. Chas. Elrington McKay, Rector of this parish, born Aug. 7. 1862 and died Oct. 9. 1874”. At bottom 1 Thes. 1V. 14.
29) GOODMAN… Peaked stone. This grave is covered in granite slabs. “To the dear memory of Catherine fondly loved wife of Walter J. Goodman who entered into her rest on Jan. 2nd 1869 aged 28”.
30) FREEMAN… Peaked stone. “Here repose the beloved remains of Charles Joseph Freeman Esquire late lieutenant of her Majesty’s 19th regiment of Foot son of the late Reverend Keelinge Freemen of Pedmore Hall Worchestershire, who departed this life on 15th October 1853 aged 41 years. Said I not unto thee that if thou wouldest believe thou shouldest see the glory of God”. Here also lie the body of Ponsonby youngest child of the Revd. Quintin Dick Hume Rector of this parish who died on the 13th of September 1853 aged 4 years”. At bottom ‘Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven’.
31) ALLEN… This headstone and the next one are both within the same curb. It is a peaked stone. “In loving memory of Samuel Allen Corballis Ardee who died 2 Dec. 1900 aged 75 years. His daughter Jane who died 10 Nov. 1877 aged 27 years. And his son William who died 30 Oct. 1882 aged 21 years. Also his wife Jane who died 6 Sep. 1907 aged 84 years”. At bottom F. Whyte Chord Drogheda.
32) ALLEN… Peaked stone. “Erected by Samual Allen of Freffans in memory of his dear children. Bessie died Mar. 31st 1873 aged 3 years. Sarah died Jan. 22nd 1870 aged 16 years. Johanna died July 11th 1873 aged 14 years. Sarah sister to the above Samuel died Sep. 5 1871 aged 45 years”. At bottom “For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him”. Burnell Carrick.
33) McCOMISKEY… This plot is surrounded by an iron railing and contains a pedestal type of headstone. “Erected by James McComiskey Knightsbrook to the memory of his beloved wife Sarah who departed this life on 16th Febry 1867 aged 27 years”. At bottom “The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the Name of the Lord”. John 1 chap. 21v. On another face we get “Here also are interred the mortal remains of James McComiskey Esq. who departed this life 10th August 1869 aged 66 years. In hope of the resurrection to eternal life. Blessed are the dead who died in the Lord”. Revs 14 chap. 13 v.
34) NEWELL… Domed stone. “Here lieth the body of Mrs. Sarah Newell alias Higgins who departed this life the 5th day of Janry 1771 aged 55 years”.
35) HIGGINS… Domed stone. “Here lyeth ye body of Henry Higgins who departed this life July Ye …. 40 Yrs”.
36) HIGGINS… Recumbent slab in front of No. 35. “An honest man’s noblest work of God beneath this stone lies the body of Joseph Higgins late of Higginsbrook Esq. In this county who departed this life most sincerely regretted by all his acquaintance the first day of October 1798 aged 74 years”. Further down we get “This stone placed here by his son Joe Higgins in grateful remembrance of his dear parent”.
37) MOONEY… Domed stone with a 7 petalled rose in dome. “Here lyeth the body of William Moony… departed this life… the..th 1748 aged…”.
38) BOMFORD… A very elaborate iron railing 5 feet high surrounds this square plot which contains a recumbent slab. At its top we get a circle with an animal standing on its hind legs inside like a weasel and underneath the circle an elaborate Coat of Arms which we can’t describe as it is rather indistinct. “Here lye the bodys of Mr Laurence Bomford & Eleanor his wife. They lived together in wedlock 50 years in this parish and were descended from good ancient English familys. They had many children to whom they gave virtuous example and education being tender parents, loving neighbours, devoted frequenters to the Church & constant benefactors to the poor. Together with them lie interred here with them several of their children & grand-children. He departed life the 25th of March 1700 aged 103 Yrs & she Ye 25th of Jany 1722 aged 89 Yrs. To whose memory their son Stephen Bomford hath placed this Monut.”
39) BYRNE… Notched top. “Here lyeth the body of Laurence Bryne who departed this life on the 23rd day of October A D 1736. In memory of whose faithful service and other good qualities worthy of imitation this stone was inscribed by his late Master Richard Wesley Esqr”.
40) SMITH… A larger domed stone with full sunburst around a Cross and IH(S has been left out). There is a winged cherub on each side. “Denis and Margaret Smith of Trim as a humble tribute of respect erected this to the memory of their father Patk Smith who depd this life 29th of July 1848 aged 64 years and his dutiful wife their affectionate and pious mother Margaret who depd this life the 31 of March 1856 aged 65 years. Also their infant sister Brigid who depd this life the 1 Jany 1823”.
41) MORGAN… This headstone is composed of a small cross on top of 3 steps. There is a curb around this grave. IHS is carved at the centre of the cross. The inscription is on the 1st step of the cross. “In loving memory of Christopher Morgan died 25th Feb. 1921. His daughter Annie Morgan died 7th Nov. 1922. Erected by Jane Morgan New York. RIP”. On bottom step. “Also Margaret Morgan O’Higgins died 24th Feb. 1955 aged 87 years”. RIP”.
42) MORGAN… A very small marble slab with a cross at top. Curb around grave. “In loving memory of Michael Morgan who died on 28th April 1957 aged 77 years”. RIP At bottom.
Row 8
43) GREGORY AND WATSON… A peaked stone with a Cross in the peak. “In loving memory of Alfred Gregory who died 21st Oct. 1957 aged 78 years. Also his wife Sarah Jane died 16th Dec. 1963 aged 86 years. Also Harrett Watson died 5th April 1960 aged 70 years”. At bottom ‘Blessed are the pure in heart’.
44) ALLEN… Flat-topped stone. “Beneath this stone be the remains of James Allen eldest son of Wm Allen of Hayes who depd this life 6th Octr 1843 aged 12 years. Also Wm F. Allen who depd this life 9th June 1845 aged 12 years. And Eleanor Allen aged 2 years. Mary Anne Allen died June 16th 1847 aged 37 years. Their days sweet children on earth were few. They passed away like mourning dew. With pious zeal they ‘ve sought in youth, and found the God of Love and truth”.
45) WATSON AND ALLEN… Peaked stone with flower arrangement at top. “Erected by their daughters Harriett and Fannie in loving memory of Joseph Watson, Ballinfig who died 5 July 1917 aged 72. His wife Elizabeth died 8 May 1930 aged 84. Their sons William John 22 Aug. 1891 aged 16. James Allen died 7 Sept. 1923 aged 47”. At bottom Burnell Carrick.
46) CLENTON… Domed stone placed behind the last three. At top sunburst and IHS. “Gloria etc. around top of sunburst and a rose on each side. This is a very badly worn stone. “Erected. … Clenton in memory of his mother Ann Clenton who depd this life March 15th 1853 aged 68 years”.
Row 9
47) The top of this stone is broken off and missing , and only a few words can be seen on the bottom part. “…. departed … on Ocbr 1720 aged 2…. also 5 of their children”.
48) LYNCH… Notched top with a dove on each side. “Here lyeth the body of Philip Lynch who departed … .May the 1…. 1788 …. 32 Yrs (then comes a scroll) his wife … Lynch departed this life May Ye 12. 17-4 aged 60 yrs… daughter Rose Lynch departed this life February the 2….21. 1790 aged 30 years. (Then comes a scroll) their son Philip Lynch aged 30 years”.
49) Kelly… This stone evidently broke into two pieces and the top piece fell down in front of the lower piece. It has a domed top, full sunburst surrounding a Cross IHS and heart with 3 barbs. There are flowers on each side which seem to be tulips. “This stone was erectd by James Kelly in memory of his mother Sarah Kelly alias Twiford who died May the 5th 1741 in the 54th year of her age. (Then comes a scroll) his wife Elizabeth |Kelly alias Fleming who died February the 13th 1770 aged 50 years”. There is a frame around this inscription.
50) Stone with no inscription. Likely a marker stone.
Just beyond this point there are a couple of large yew trees with branches down to the ground , and Mr. Kenny found several Headstones and bits of stones with his prodder in here.
51) Iron cross with no inscription.
52) McCANN… An upright stone with ‘Glory be to God on High’ around the top. Below a full sunburst with Cross IHS and heart with 3 barbs. The left hand side of this stone is broken off but lying nearby. The inscription is “This stone was erected by Terence McCann in memory of his father who depd this life the 29th March 1771 aged 53 years”. Followed by a scroll.
53) A piece of a large headstone but there seems to be no inscription on it.
54) A large headstone still cemented into its base lying on its face which we
couldn’t turn to read.
Beyond these trees but apparently in the same row we get….
55) SMYTH….Skull and crossbones, and we get the impression that using the skull
as a face a cat is lightly carved. “Here lyeth ye body of Margreathe Smyth who
departed” at the top of the stone and at the bottom “th..life the 21st July 1741 and in the 30 yeare of her age. Also one of theire children John Smith”.
56) BYRNE…Domed stone with Gloria etc around top, full sunburst Cross IHS and Heart with 3 barbs, floral ornamentation on both sides. ”This stone was erected by Mary Byrne in pious memory of her husband Daniel Byrne who died Sept 25 1775 aged 56 yrs (scroll) also two of his sons Robt and Hugh”. Scroll.
Row 10
57) SMITH…Notched top. “Here lieth ye body of William Smith who departed this life ye ……… of Oct 1756 aged 86 years, scroll also his wife Dorothe Smith who departed this life ye 13th of May 17— aged 91 years. And their son Thomas Smith who died the 6th Sepbr 1791 aged 67 years.
58) Smith… A peaked stone with no ornamentation. “In memory of the Rev. Thos Smith Rector of Kilmore who departed this life Sept. 1831 Aged 69 & was interred at the old stone. Also his beloved wife Eleanor Hinds who fell asleep Aug. 1849 aged 79. Here rest their children Ellen Jane Fanny … Adrian Thos Richd & John. Also their grandchild Jane E. Sharpe 1st wife of W.J. Goodman who was buried with her grandfather “. At bottom Burnell Carrick.
Row 11
59) ALLEN…Small domed stone. “Underneath lieth the erector of this stone who departed this life 24th June 1797 aged 68 yrs. Also his beloved wife Allis Allen who departed this life the 28 day April 1816 agd 77 yrs. This stone was erected by Peter Allen in memory of five of his childr that lies interred here”.
60) ALLEN… Tabletomb standing on 4 pedestal stones. “Erected by Mrs. Ann Allen in memory of her beloved husband Mr. John Allen who departed this life 25th of Sept 1838, aged 64 years. Also her son Chas. S. Allen who departed this life 17th of Nov 1848, aged 26 years”.
61) ALLEN… Domed stone with rose in centre and vine trail at each side. “Erected by John Allen of Braymount in memory of his beloved wife Bridget Allen who died much regretted by all who knew her on the 1st August 1811 aged 34 years. Here also rests the remains of John Allen of Dangan who depd this life Sepr … 25th 1868 aged 60 yrs.” At bottom “ May her soul rest in peace amen”.
62) TORMEY….Small Cross. “In memory of Thomas Tormey died Sep. 1937 aged 62 RIP”.
63) QUINN….Solid Cross with IHS in a circle in centre. Fancy cross on each side. “Erected by William Quinn of Utiga New York USA in memory of his father John Quinn who died 12th January 1843 aged 63 years. Also his mother Catherine who died 13th April 1853 aged 73 years. And also his sister Mary Young who died 6th May 1881 aged 66 years”.
64) DOOLEN…A low heavy domed stone with half sunburst over a Cross IHS and a Heart. “This stone was erected by Christopher Doolen in memory of his father William Doolen who departed this life Octor the 9th 1778 aged 55 yrs. Also his brother William who departed this life Februy the 28th 1772 aged yrs”.
Row 12
65) MC KAY…. A doomed stone with 2 stopper stones. “Erected by Robert McKay of Summerhill in memory of his mother Jane McKay who died November the 11th 1834 aged 85 years. Her remains are here interred. Near this monument are also deposited the mortal remains of the above named Robert McKay late of Summerhill who departed this life on the 20th day of October 1843 in the 63rd year of his age. Resquiescant in Pace Amen”.
66) ANDERSON… This stone is placed a little behind the last stone. It is peaked and has floral ornamentation on each side. “In loving memory of a devoted mother Hannah Anderson daughter of Thomas and Mary Brady Laracor died 28 Feb. 1939 aged 82. He giveth His beloved sleep”. At bottom Burnell Carrick.
67) BRADY… Domed stone. “Erected by Thomas Brady of Laracor in memory of his brother John Foster Brady who died 9th of April 1829 aged 23 years. His mother Frances who died 1851 aged 81 Yrs. His father Wllm died 1851 aged 81 years, and his children Frances died 1862 aged 9 yrs. Thos died 1865 aged 15 yrs. Anne died 1865 aged 19 yrs. Thomas Brady died 29 April 1897 aged 87 years”. At bottom ‘Resting’.
68) SINCLARE… Notched stone. “Here lieth the body of Catherine Sinclare wife to George Sinclare who departed this life Nov. the 17th 1747 aged 51 years. And also 3 of their children”.
Row 13
69) MC LAUGHLIN… Notched top with Cross and IHS. “Here lieth Ye body of John McLaughlin… 10 years. This stone is inscribed by Michael McLoughlin”.
70) HALPENY… A domed stone with full sunburst, Cross, IHS and heart with 3 Barbs . A concentric set of circles on each side. A lozenge border around inscription. “This stone was erectd in memory of Ann Halpeny otherwise McLaughlin whose remains lies interd here who died March the 13th 1775 aged 52 years”.
North Side of Graveyard
71) ROE… White marble headstone. “In loving memory of Jeannetta R. Roe, Breemount died 31st Jan.1966
72) WALKER … A Granite headstone. “In loving Memory of Freda Elizabeth Walker nee Higgins. Died – of June 1848 aged 63”.
73) POTTERTON… A large plot surrounded by a curb. A heavy rough granite stone with “In loving memory of William Potterman, Freffans, Laracor died 31st Jan. 1932 in his 72nd year”. At bottom “His wife Kathleen Potteron died 17th Dec. 1925”.
74) NEVITTE… Peaked stone with Ivy design. “In loving memory of a dearly loved husband and father Joseph Nevitte died 15. 1740 aged 67. Also his beloved wife Anne Jane died 13th Oct. 1964 aged 86”. At bottom ‘Thy will be done’ and Burnell.
71) MAMIN – Domed stone with no carving. “Erected by Mrs. Ann Mamin to the memory of her beloved husband Mr. Abrah Moses Mamin a native of Latour in Switzerland who departed this life much regretted – 1st May 1812 aged 62 years”.
72) MALTER – Table tomb. “Here lyeth the body of Mr Peter Malter a native of Banken in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland. He died much regretted by a numerous acquaintance at Dangan Castle the 29th day of June 1779 aged 55 years.
73) MURTAUGH – small notched stone with cross at top, frame around inscription. “Here lyeth the body of Michael Murtaugh who5 departed this life the 28th of November and in the 22nd year of his age in the year of our Lord God 1745”.
Row 15
74) BLAKE – Notched top. Full sunburst around cross and I.H.S. Gloria in excelsis Deo around top. “Erected by Mrs. Rose Blake of Dangan in memory of her beloved husband John Blake who died 5th July 1861 aged 57 years”.
75) KEEFE – peaked stone with a lamb on the cross in centre. “Erected by Marcus Keefe in memory of his beloved father Martin Keefe who died 20th May 1858 aged 74 years and of his mother Mrs.Rose Keefe who died 24th Octr. 1864 aged 41 years. Also his brother John who died in May 1866 aged 25 years”.